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What is cognitive RPA and why do you need it

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What is cognitive RPA and why do you need it

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  1. What is cognitive RPA and why do you need it

  2. Introduction: Having reaped the benefits of accuracy, speed, and precision, the digitally-driven world is moving beyond simple automation processes. The expectations for an automation tool are increasing from being an avid follower to an optimizer that will not only complete the given task at accelerated pace but also with improved efficiency and productivity. The traditional RPA tools complement the two areas where humans lag – precision and agility. These features of robotic software make them a perfect fit for repetitive activities and back-end processes. They prove to be an incredible support in delivering significant output in a shorter turnaround time. As the complexity of processes is growing, the human workforce is developing the need for a sharper assistant who can also bring intelligence on the table. The conventional RPA tool is more or less a brainless fool that can carry out actions with remarkable accuracy and speed. This tool can perfectly do what it is told to do. It is a fine mimic that can duplicate manual actions with 100% precision. With advancements in AI and ML, RPA tools are getting smarter and paving way for hybrid, cognitive RPA platforms.

  3. Cognitive Robotic Process Automation (CRPA) is a business-driven marriage between Artificial Intelligence and robotic software. The offspring of this marriage is a hybrid tool that can perform more intelligent and complex tasks than simple data entries. The amalgamation of AI and RPA, a cognitive RPA or hybrid RPA, fits the bill of these expectations. Having found the appropriate candidate in CRPA their rising demands, business organizations are swiftly putting things in motion for its adoption. This will be the first step in realizing true hyperautomation. Gartner has placed Hyperautomation as the top technology trend for 2020. Hyperautomation leverages advanced technologies of AI and ML and is a well-thought combination of tools such as RPA, Intelligent business process management suite (iBPMS). As predicted in a recent report, there will be a staggering 40% Compound Annual Growth Rate for the Cognitive RPA market from 2019 to 2027. This growth is expected to make the CRPA market worth $150 billion globally by the end of 2027.

  4. What is Cognitive RPA? Cognitive RPA is an automation tool that can understand deep complexities of a process and adapt to the varying requirements as and when required. With the ability to sift through structured and unstructured data bases, a CRPA tool limits the need for human intervention in carrying out labor-intensive activities. The legacy RPA tools are great at execution, but terrible at making judgements. This shortcoming of RPA is overcome by injecting cognition into it. In addition to undertaking the three key responsibilities of automation, accuracy, and speed, a cognitive robotic process automation tool drives analytic-based decisions. Cognitive RPA derives its intelligence from the core features of Natural Language Processing (NLP), Optical Character Recognition (OCR), and Machine Learning (ML). These characteristics help this evolved version of RPA to make sense out of volumes of data to extract actionable information. While the simple RPA tool is unable to perform actions that are beyond the scope of its programmed regulations, cognitive RPA employs machine learning to adapt and improve with the changing needs. Read the complete blog on: https://www.cigniti.com/blog/cognitive-robotic-process-automation-crpa/

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