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Agenda item 1.16 – Meteorological aids – below 20 kHz. Presenter: Paul Hettrick. WRC-12: Agenda Item 1.16.
Agenda item 1.16 – Meteorological aids – below 20 kHz Presenter: Paul Hettrick
WRC-12: Agenda Item 1.16 to consider the needs of passive systems for lightning detection in the meteorological aids service, including the possibility of an allocation in the frequency range below 20 kHz, and to take appropriate action, in accordance with Resolution 671 (WRC‑07) Global lightning detection is most effective at frequencies between 9 and 20 kHz. Long established passive detection systems used by meteorological agencies to provide operational and safety-of-life warnings of extreme weather events to the public and a range of organisations including emergency services, aviation, the utilities, and defence.
WRC-12: Agenda Item 1.16 Single method in the CPM report to satisfy this AI was supported by all regional groups going into WRC-12. Country footnotes to recognise existing services in the previously unallocated 8.3 - 9kHz range.
WRC-12: Agenda Item 1.16 Outcome Primary allocation in the range 8.3-11.3 kHz for passive use by the Meteorological Aids service. Result is fully in line with Australia’s position and the APT Common Proposal to WRC-12. Australia should note the associated changes to the Radio Regulations. No immediate specific impact. No actions required.