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HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific. Review in slides India. 1. Content. Basic socio-demographic indicators HIV prevalence and epidemiological status (2002-2008) Populations at higher risk Women and young people Estimated HIV prevalence and reported HIV/AIDS cases
HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific Review in slides India 1
Content • Basic socio-demographic indicators • HIV prevalence and epidemiological status (2002-2008) • Populations at higher risk • Women and young people • Estimated HIV prevalence and reported HIV/AIDS cases • Risk behaviors (2001-2006) • Populations at higher risk • Young people and general population • Vulnerability and HIV knowledge (2001-2006) • Economics of AIDS (2003) • National Response (2001-2009) • Archives
Basic socio-demographic indicators Source:1. UNFPA The State of World Population 2010 2. UN Statistics Division 2010: http://unstats.un.org/unsd/demographic/products/socind/population.htm 3. World Bank World Development Indicators & Global Development Finance ;http://databank.worldbank.org/ddp/home.do?Step=12&id=4&CNO=2 4. WHO World Health Statistics 2010 5. UNDP Human Development Report 2010 6. UN Population Division - Population Prospects: The 2008 Revision, Population Database
HIV prevalence among different population groups, 2007-2008 % Source: HIV sentinel surveillance and HIV estimation in India, 2007-2008
HIV prevalence among FSWs in selected states, 2007-2008 % Source: HIV sentinel surveillance and HIV estimation in India, 2007-2008
HIV prevalence among IDUs in selected states, 2007-2008 % Source: HIV sentinel surveillance and HIV estimation in India, 2007-2008
HIV prevalence among MSMs in selected states, 2007-2008 % Source: HIV sentinel surveillance and HIV estimation in India, 2007-2008
Districts with HIV prevalence higher than 15% among most at risk populations, 2007-2008 Source: HIV sentinel surveillance and HIV estimation in India, 2007-2008
State-wise estimated adult HIV prevalence, 2006 & 2007 Source: HIV sentinel surveillance and HIV estimation in India, 2007-2008
Trends of HIV prevalence among most at risk populations, 2003-2007* * 3 years moving average based on consistent sites: IDU-13, MSM- 7, FSW-22 Source: HIV sentinel surveillance and HIV estimation in India, 2007-2008
Trends of HIV prevalence among FSWs in groups of states, 2003-2007* * 3 yr moving average based on consistent sites : South 4 (AP, TN, Kar, Mah): 7 sites, NE 2 (Mani, Naga): 2 sites, North 4 (Guj, Rak, Ori, WB): 7 sites Source: HIV sentinel surveillance and HIV estimation in India, 2007-2008
Trends of HIV prevalence among IDUs, selected states, 2003-2007* * 3 years moving average based on consistent sites: Manipur: 3 sites, Meghalaya: 1site, Mizoram: 1 site, Mumbai : 1 site, Nagaland: 5 sites, West Bengal: 1 site Source: HIV sentinel surveillance and HIV estimation in India, 2007-2008
Trends of HIV prevalence among MSMs in selected states, 2003-2007* * 3 years moving average based on consistent sites: AP+TN : 3sites, Goa: 1 site, Bangalore: 1site, Delhi: 1site, Manipur: 1 site Source: HIV sentinel surveillance and HIV estimation in India, 2007-2008
Trends of HIV prevalence among STD clinic attendees, 2003-2007* * 3 years moving average based on consistent sites: All India: 157 sites, South 4 (AP, TN, Kar, Mah): 36 sites, NE 2 ( Mani, Naga) : 3 sites, Mizoram: 1site, Gujarat : 8 sites, Chhattisgarh: 3 sites. Source: HIV sentinel surveillance and HIV estimation in India, 2007-2008
HIV prevalence among different population groups, India, 2006 Source: National AIDS control Organization (NACO), HIV Sentinel Surveillance and HIV Estimation, 2006 20
(%) 60 54.3 50 41.7 40 29.2 30 23.6 22.9 20.4 19.6 18.8 20 15.6 12.8 11.2 10.4 10 0 IDUs MSM FSWs 2003 2004 2005 2006 HIV prevalence among most-at-risk populations in Maharashtra state, 2003-2006 Source: NACO, HIV Sentinel Surveillance and HIV Estimation, 2006. 21
70 (%) 63.8 60 50 39.9 40 30 24.2 18 20 8.8 6.8 10 6.2 5.6 5.5 4.6 4.2 4 0 IDUs MSM FSWs 2003 2004 2005 2006 HIV prevalence among most-at-risk populations in Tamil Nadu state, 2003-2006 Source: NACO, HIV Sentinel Surveillance and HIV Estimation, 2006. 22
35 (%) 29.2 30 24.5 24.1 25 21 19.8 20 15.6 14 15 12.8 12.4 11.6 10.4 10 10 5 0 IDUs MSM FSWs 2003 2004 2005 2006 HIV prevalence among most-at-risk populations in Manipur state, 2003-2006 Source: NACO, HIV Sentinel Surveillance and HIV Estimation, 2006. 23
HIV prevalence among high-risk populations, Surat, Gujarat 2003-2006 Source: National Institute of Health and Family Welfare, NACO, Annual HIV Sentinel Surveillance Country Report, 2006 24
HIV prevalence among FSWs, by State, 2006* 0 Kerala Jammu & Kashmir 0 Arunachal Pradesh 0 Assam 0.4 Chandigarh 0.7 0.7 Himachal Pradesh Jharkhand 0.9 Delhi 1 1 Orissa Bihar 1.1 1.1 Madhya Pradesh Haryana 1.3 Pondicherry 1.4 1.4 Uttar Pradesh Punjab 1.4 Chattisgarh 2 Rajasthan 2.6 Tamil Nadu 4.6 6.1 West Bengal Gujarat 6.4 Andhra Pradesh 7.3 8.6 Karnataka Mizoram 10.4 11.6 Manipur Nagaland 16.4 Maharashtra 19.6 0.0 5.0 10.0 15.0 20.0 25.0 (%) *The required sample size for each high-risk group site was 250. Sites reporting data for less 75% of this sample were excluded from analysis. Source: National Institute of Health and Family Welfare, NACO, Annual HIV Sentinel Surveillance Country Report, 2006 25
HIV prevalence among FSWs in Southern states (combined) by age, 2003-2006* *Includes only those sites from which there was consistent data available for 2003 to 2006. Total number of sites 9. Source: National Institute of Health and Family Welfare, NACO, Annual HIV Sentinel Surveillance Country Report, 2006 26
HIV prevalence among FSWs in West Bengal, 2003-2006* *Includes only those sites from which there was consistent data available for 2003 to 2006. Source: National Institute of Health and Family Welfare, NACO, Annual HIV Sentinel Surveillance Country Report, 2006 27
Tripura 0 0 Haryana 0.2 Sikkim 0.2 Bihar 0.4 Jharkhand 2.4 Nagaland 3 Kerala 3.1 Mizoram 3.6 Karnataka 4 Assam 4.6 Uttar Pradesh 4.6 West Bengal 10 Delhi 10.4 Orissa 13.8 Punjab 17.6 Chandigarh 19.8 Manipur 20.4 Maharashtra 24.2 Tamil Nadu 0.0 5.0 10.0 15.0 20.0 25.0 (%) HIV prevalence among IDUs, by State, 2006* *The required sample size for each high-risk group site was 250. Sites reporting data for less 75% of this sample were excluded from analysis. Source: National Institute of Health and Family Welfare, NACO, Annual HIV Sentinel Surveillance Country Report, 2006 28
HIV prevalence among IDUs in selected Northern states, 2002-2006* *Includes only those sites from which there was consistent data available for 2002 to 2006 Number of consistent sites considered in Manipur=3, Nagaland=3 and Mizoram=1. Source: National Institute of Health and Family Welfare, NACO, Annual HIV Sentinel Surveillance Country Report, 2006 29
HIV prevalence among MSM and IDUs in Chandigarh, 2004-2006 Source: National Institute of Health and Family Welfare, NACO, Annual HIV Sentinel Surveillance Country Report, 2006 30
HIV prevalence among MSM, by State, 2006* *The required sample size for each high-risk group site was 250. Sites reporting data for less 75% of this sample were excluded from analysis. Source: National Institute of Health and Family Welfare, NACO, Annual HIV Sentinel Surveillance Country Report, 2006 31
HIV prevalence among MSM in selected sentinel sites, 2004-2006 (%) 14 11.8 12 10.9 9.5 10 8 6 4 2 0 2004 2005 2006 Year Source: National Institute of Health and Family Welfare and National AIDS Control Organization, Annual HIV Sentinel Surveillance Country Report, 2006 32
Percentage of reported STI symptoms among clients of female sex workers and female sex workers Clients of female sex workers Female sex workers Source: Behavioral Surveillance Survey among Clients of Female Sex Workers and Female Sex Workers, 2006
Percentage of MSM with self reported STI symptoms in the last 12 months Symptoms include Genital ulcer/sore, burning pain during urination Source: Behavioral Surveillance Survey among MSM and IDUs, 2006
Percentage of IDU with self reported STI symptoms in the last 12 months Symptoms include Genital ulcer/sore, burning pain during urination Source: Behavioral Surveillance Survey among MSM and IDUs, 2006
Percentage of adult (15-49) yr with reported STI symptoms in the last 12 months, 2006 Source: Behavioral Surveillance Survey among General Population, 2006
Selected districts with HIV prevalence higher than 3% among ANC attendees, 2007-2008 Source: HIV sentinel surveillance and HIV estimation in India, 2007-2008
Newly identified districts with HIV prevalence ≥ 1% among ANC attendees, 2007-2008 Source: HIV sentinel surveillance and HIV estimation in India, 2007-2008
Trends of HIV prevalence among ANC attendees in selected high prevalence states, 2003-2007* * 3 years moving average based on consistent sites: India- 360 sites, South 4 ( AP, TN, Kar, Mah) -219 sites, NE 3 (Mani, Naga, Mizo) – 28 sites Source: HIV sentinel surveillance and HIV estimation in India, 2007-2008
HIV prevalence among pregnant women in selected districts of Tamil Nadu compared with state average, 2003-2006* *Includes only those sites from which there was consistent data available for 2003 to 2006 Number of consistent sites considered in Tamil Nadu 56. District prevalence reflects both rural and urban areas. Source: National Institute of Health and Family Welfare, NACO, Annual HIV Sentinel Surveillance Country Report, 2006 41
HIV prevalence among pregnant women in selected districts of Maharashtra compared with state average, 2003-2006* *Includes only those sites from which there was consistent data available for 2003 to 2006 Number of consistent sites considered in Tamil Nadu 70. District prevalence reflects both rural and urban areas. Source: National Institute of Health and Family Welfare, NACO, Annual HIV Sentinel Surveillance Country Report, 2006 42
HIV prevalence among pregnant women in selected districts of Andhra Pradesh compared with state average, 2003-2006* *Includes only those sites from which there was consistent data available for 2003 to 2006 Number of consistent sites considered in Andhra Pradesh 43. District prevalence reflects both rural and urban areas. Source: National Institute of Health and Family Welfare, NACO, Annual HIV Sentinel Surveillance Country Report, 2006 43
HIV prevalence among pregnant women in selected districts of Karnataka compared with state average, 2003-2006* *Includes only those sites from which there was consistent data available for 2003 to 2006 Number of consistent sites considered in Karnataka 53. District prevalence reflects both rural and urban areas. Source: National Institute of Health and Family Welfare, NACO, Annual HIV Sentinel Surveillance Country Report, 2006 44
HIV prevalence among pregnant women in Orissa and Rajasthan (combined) by age, 2003-2006* *Includes only those sites from which there was consistent data available for 2003 to 2006 Number of consistent sites considered in Orissa=5, Rajasthan=6. District prevalence reflects both rural and urban areas. Source: National Institute of Health and Family Welfare, NACO, Annual HIV Sentinel Surveillance Country Report, 2006 45
HIV prevalence among pregnant women by age group, 2006 Source: National Institute of Health and Family Welfare, NACO, Annual HIV Sentinel Surveillance Country Report, 2006 46
HIV prevalence among pregnant women in Southern states, 2003-2006* *Includes only those sites from which there was consistent data available for 2003 to 2006 Number of sites 222 (Andhra Pradesh=43; Karnataka=53; Maharashtra=70; Tamil Nadu=56) Source: National Institute of Health and Family Welfare, NACO, Annual HIV Sentinel Surveillance Country Report, 2006 47
HIV prevalence among pregnant women in Southern states (combined) by age, 2003-2006* *Includes only those sites from which there was consistent data available for 2003 to 2006 Number of sites 222 (Andhra Pradesh=43; Karnataka=53; Maharashtra=70; Tamil Nadu=56) Source: National Institute of Health and Family Welfare, NACO, Annual HIV Sentinel Surveillance Country Report, 2006 48
HIV prevalence among young people aged 15-24, by age and residence, 2005-2006 Source: IIPS, National Family Health Survey round III, 2005-2006 49
HIV prevalence among young people aged 15-24 in selected states, 2005-2006 Source: IIPS, National Family Health Survey round III, 2005-2006 50