The Purpose of God Men were not ushered into being for the purpose of being saved or lost! God manifestation not human salvation was the great purpose of the Eternal Spirit. The salvation of a multitude is incidental to the manifestation, but was not the end proposed. The Eternal Spirit intended to enthrone Himself on the earth, and in so doing, to develop a Divine family from among men, every one of whom shall be Spirit, because born of the Spirit, and that this family shall be large enough to fill the earth, when perfected, to the entire exclusion of flesh and blood. Herald of the Kingdom, April 1858
Salvation Salvation will not come just from a few tired minutes of mechanical, absent minded reading of the Bible each day, but by an intense, earnest, overpowering, constant yearning to know more of God and his word; to do more in service of Him; to love Him more deeply and to conform more closely to his will. This must be the reigning passion of our lives. If it isn’t we are not few of the wise that God will select from the perishing billions to live eternally with Him. It is so fatally easy to delude ourselves into assuming we of ourselves are something special in God’s sight, arbitrarily chosen from the perishing billions, and that He will somehow overlook our disobedience, neglect and waste of time, just because we’re us. G. W. Growcott, The Berean, v65, p98
Questions • Explain what is meant by the “Servant Songs”. Give a description of one of them, and indicate what “servant” you consider it refers to. • Write notes on three of the following: • The proclamation of Cyrus • Zerubbabel the son of Shealteal • Sanballet the Horonite • Priests and Levites • The Image of Jealousy • Give three illustrations used by Ezekiel to enforce his teaching, and explain their meaning. • Show, with short quotations, what teaching is found in the Psalms on three of the following: • Disbelief in God • Sorrow for sin • Patriotism • The fate of the wicked • The omniscience of God • State the chief ways in which the Fourth Gospel differs from the other three Gospels in its presentation of the life of Christ. How do you account for the differences? • UK G.C.E Examination, mid 1960’s
Christadelphia Among the Christadelphians, who have neither a central headquarters for subsidiary concerns like that of the Witnesses, nor a ministerial order like that of the Seventh Day Adventists, original belief persists much as it was first enunciated. Yet although they remain adventists, some of the intensity has also gone from Christadelphian advocacy. As they have come, in large part, to recruit internally, and to sustain their segregation from the wider society, so they have also come to adopt a more introversionist position. There has been a shift from preoccupation with the kingdom to more emphasis on the cross: the movement has become somewhat more devotional, and there has been a loss of the angular and contentious characters who, in the early days, were so joyously convinced of the early overturn of this dispensation. Some Christadelphians have become increasingly concerned about social problems, refugees and famine relief. Bryan Wilson, Sects and Society, p239
Spectrum of Society Truth is determined by what best serves man. Right and wrong are determined situationally not absolutely. Post-Modernism Science can explain everything and allows us to rationalise everything by our knowledge of the natural world. Modernism Man is the highest creature in the universe, is intrinsically good and responsible to no one but himself. Humanism
Spectrum of Society Truth is determined by what best serves man. Right and wrong are determined situationally not absolutely. Post-Modernism Science can explain everything and allows us to rationalise everything by our knowledge of the natural world. Modernism Man is the highest creature in the universe, is intrinsically good and responsible to no one but himself. Humanism Humanism is wrong. Man should consider thee needs of others before himself. (just a different form of humanism) Communitarianism God manifestation is the only purpose of man’s existence. All activities must be submissive to this purpose. Theism
xx Shall he find the Faith? I am Yahweh, I change not. Mal 3:6 When the Son of man cometh, shall he find the faith on the earth? Lu 18:8 The Ecclesia Accepted Spirituality Rejected The World Revival of the Truth Time No Longer