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Principals’ Forum

Principals’ Forum. Secondary Support September 2011. Introduction Martin Clery. Meeting focus: Senior Secondary Pathways Russell Dyer. 2010 Enrolment Data. Approximately 4500 Year 12 public school students left school without attaining either an ATAR or completing a VET qualification.

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Principals’ Forum

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  1. Principals’ Forum Secondary SupportSeptember 2011

  2. Introduction Martin Clery

  3. Meeting focus:Senior Secondary PathwaysRussell Dyer

  4. 2010 Enrolment Data • Approximately 4500 Year 12 public school students left school without attaining either an ATAR or completing a VET qualification.

  5. 2010 Enrolment Data • Approximately 4500 Year 12 public school students left school without attaining either an ATAR or completing a VET qualification. • Stage 1 WACE unit participation across sectors

  6. 2010 Enrolment Data • Approximately 4500 Year 12 public school students left school without attaining either an ATAR or completing a VET qualification. • Stage 1 WACE unit participation across sectors • 60% of schools had Stage 1 participation rates above 50%

  7. VET Achievement Data

  8. Stage Participation Data

  9. VET Achievement Data

  10. 2010 Enrolment Data • The mean attainment rate for public schools was 58.6% • Note: attainment rate does not currently capture student participation in School Based Traineeships, the School Apprenticeship Link program or students working towards portfolio entry.

  11. 2010 Enrolment Data • Approximately one third of schools had a greater proportional enrolment in Stage 1 units in 2010 than they had in Wholly School Assessed subjects in 2007.

  12. 2010 Enrolment Data • Approximately one third of schools had a greater proportional enrolment in Stage 1 units in 2010 than they had in Wholly School Assessed subjects in 2007. • Approximately one quarter of schools had a greater proportional enrolment in Stage 1 units in 2010 than the proportion of the same cohort that achieved either a satisfactory or limited in the WALNA testing in 2007.

  13. 2010 Enrolment Data Enrolment patterns in English 91% obtained A, B or C grades Compulsory exams and 15 mark bonus introduced 93% obtained A, B or C grades 96% obtained A, B or C grades

  14. 2010 Enrolment Data Enrolment patterns in English 92% obtained A, B or C grades 74% of the students obtained an A, B or C at Stage 2 or 3. 87% obtained A, B or C grades 96% obtained A, B or C grades

  15. 2010 Enrolment Data Enrolment patterns in English 52% of the students obtained an A, B or C at Stage 2 or 3. 74% of the students obtained an A, B or C at Stage 2 or 3.

  16. 2010 Enrolment Data Enrolment patterns in Media Production and Analysis 84% obtained A, B or C grades Compulsory exams and 15 mark bonus introduced 87% obtained A, B or C grades 83% obtained A, B or C grades

  17. Expected StandardsMichelle Ostberg

  18. English work samples Stage 1 C grade < Year 9 C grade 2007 Year 9: D/E = 2 442 students 2010 Year 12: Stage 1 = 4 923 students The data suggests that ~2 500 students demonstrated a higher standard 3 years earlier

  19. Expected Standards Mathematics content Unit 1E content ≈ Years 7-9, Aust Curric ≈ Years 8-9, K-10 Syllabus (NB No networks, number patterns and minimal chance and data in AC) 2007 Year 9: D/E = 3 375 students 2010 Year 12: Stage 1 = 5 275 students At least 1 900 students were successful with much of this content 3 years earlier

  20. Curriculum Council Update Allan Blagaich

  21. National Curriculum & Curriculum Council Update Pathways for Senior Secondary Students

  22. Current Status of National Curriculum • 8 December 2010 MCEEDYA Min - ACARA • Establish a national common approach to the achievement standards, trial and validate the approach • Finalise a clear and overarching framework for the AC that assures the place and integrity of all learning areas • Develop the curriculum content and achievement standards as required to meet the needs of special education students

  23. WA Position • Minister has stated until fully developed and with content, validated achievement standards, annotated work samples linking achievement standards to grading, assessment and reporting, WA will not commence implementation. • From announcement WA has said 3 years for implementation • ACARA has flagged 2014 NAPLAN to be based on Australian Curriculum

  24. F (pre-primary) – Year 10 • Achievement Standards validation has commenced • Initial phase engaged teachers to confirm – coherence, developmental progression, consistency of expectation and usability. • 80 teachers cross sectoral • All states • October MCEEDYA

  25. Nationally consistent assessment and reporting • Because of variation in assessment and reporting, ACARA has proposed that there be a transition period as states move to more consistent assessment and reporting arrangements • This means that over the next two years as states implement English, mathematics, science and history, teachers will be expected to use current state approaches to assessment and reporting • Steering committee (DG, CEO, AISWA, CC) has stated that this is unacceptable and advised the minister accordingly

  26. Framework for F-10 Curriculum • Rationale, role in overall curriculum, treatment of the LAs, general capabilities, cross curriculum priorities and fit to Melbourne Declaration • Assumes that for any year of schooling AC is written for up to 80% of total teaching time – peaking at 7&8 and reducing at 9&10 as core expectations are reduced • Time allocations, organisation and delivery rest with education authorities and schools

  27. Provision of curriculum for students with disability • Provides a position on how published curriculum is designed to help the learning • Content descriptions and achievement standards for school age students with intellectual and developmental disability • Initial work is focused on literacy and numeracy personal and social competence • Particular focus will also be paid to Health and Physical Education area

  28. Advice provided on first 14 through CACs ACARA presented a model and development process for levels of achievement ACARA is consulting with jurisdictions on the model and proposed changes for developing, checking and refining levels of achievement Development of levels of achievement is planned to occur during the remainder of 2011 and early 2012 Senior Secondary Curriculum

  29. Senior Secondary Curriculum • English, mathematics, science and history should be ready for endorsement last quarter 2012 • Implementation timeline has yet to be completed • Baccalaureate –ACARAS initial paper proposes it sits alongside existing senior school qualifications as voluntary credential that will build on AC

  30. Senior Secondary Curriculum • ARTS – paper released F-12 • Paper has been prepared cross sectorally • CC providing feedback

  31. Languages • Consultation has occurred • ACARA is reviewing the feedback received from teachers and students and will inform him our practice. • CC coordinated a WA response

  32. Technologies and Physical Education • Position paper for Technologies and draft position paper for H&PE have been presented for discussion • Papers raise issues in relation to subject composition, relationship to other learning areas

  33. What needs to be considered • Location of 7’s and NAPLAN 2014 • Amendments to CC Act - Curriculum Framework – data – standards review • National Curriculum Senior Secondary = four units 1&2 not linked, 3&4 scoped to follow and exit with examination. • Units1&2 map to stage 2 and • Units 3&4 map to stage 3 • Australian Baccalaureate – possible impact of • Stage 3, Stage 2, Stage 1, VET stand alone, VET embedded, endorsed units

  34. What needs to be considered • Disproportionate enrolments in • Stage 1 50.1% compared to • Stage 2 13.2% & • Stage 3 36.2% • Only state not to accredit VET for ATAR • Loading of stage 3 units as a disincentive • University – enrolment caps off, stage 1 insufficient for alternative pathway entry

  35. Where to from here? • School Curriculum and Standards Authority New Board (7 members) • New Statutory Committees • Standards (5 members) • Curriculum and Assessment (13 members) • National Curriculum – October and implementation • Current enrolments and decisions re viability and cost • Exams and Blog. Facebook and Twitter

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