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The German BACKUP Initiative Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH (GIZ). BMZ, GIZ and BACKUP. is the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development. is an international cooperation enterprise for sustainable development
The German BACKUP Initiative Deutsche GesellschaftfürInternationaleZusammenarbeit GmbH (GIZ)
BMZ, GIZ and BACKUP istheGerman Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development is an international cooperationenterpriseforsustainabledevelopment operatesworldwidewithsome 17,000 staff in morethan 130 countries isfederallyownedby the German Governmentandimplements on behalf ofBMZ andother Federal Ministries German BACKUP Initiative is a programmemanagedby GIZ andcommissionedby BMZ (setup in 2002)
The German BACKUP Initiative • Goal: supporting capacity development of civil society and governmental organizations to access and effectively implement Global Fund grants in response to AIDS, TB and malaria. • Bilateral Partners: organizations applying for or receiving Global Fund Grants (e.g. PR, SR, SSR, CCM) • Intern. Partners: IPPF, IHAA, Aidspan, WHO (a.o. Knowledge Hubs), UNAIDS, ICASO/CSAT • Project duration: 09/2002 – 09/2015 • Financial volume: 75,550,000 EUR • Operating worldwide: 458 measures in 74 countries* • * Countries in red are on the official BMZ partner country list and countries in blue are outside that list. Provision of technical support to countries: upon demand, goal-oriented, flexible, timely
Our core principles and BACKUP eligibility criteria • Needs-based • Evidence-informed • Rights-based • Results-oriented • Country ownership • Aligned with national health strategies • Linked to Global Fund processes • Equity and solidarity (e.g. gender inequalities are addressed) • Positive effects on strengthening health systems and civil society Capacity Development Health System Strengthening StrengtheningCivil Society Keypopulations Gender equality Cross-cutting areas considered in BACKUP support:
Areas of technical support for bilateral partners10.4 million € (09/2006 – 11/2012 total budget €44,550,000)
Key strategicpartnerships (1) Policydialoguewiththe GF Secretariat reprovisionof TA forproposaldevelopmentandgrantimplementation; Informal exchange on focusareas (e.g. gender, HSS, CS, keypopulations); Coordinationwith FPMs • Capacitydevelopmentofcivilsociety PRs and SRs • Riskmanagementcapacities • Quality assuranceof TA, • Training ofconsultants (TBC) • Increasedtransparencyof GF grantimplementationthrough ‚watchdogproject‘ • Development andadapationofguidestosupport in-country partners & Global Fund implementers Capacitydevelopmentaddressing SRH – HIV needsofneglegtedkeypopulations (focus countries andgroups: Cameroon – MSM, India – transgender, Kenya – IDU, Uganda – SW)
Key strategicpartnerships (2) Exchange andcoordinationoftechnicalassistancewith USAID/GMS, Initiative 5% and TSFs Prevention, HIV Capacity Development, Knowledge Hubs, MARPs, Gender and HSS Hubs Integration andadvocacyof CS issuesatpolicylevel. Brokering TA betweentheprovidersandusers Providing CSOs withstrategicinformationfrom GFATM Providing GFATM withfeedback on bottlenecksandchallengesfrom CSOs
http://www.giz.de/backup email: backup@giz.de