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Fossilized Feces (coprolites) By: Miranda Smith and Sarah Putnam

Fossilized Feces (coprolites) By: Miranda Smith and Sarah Putnam . Coprolites are fossilized feces Coprolites can show when or where a human, animal, or even a plant has been

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Fossilized Feces (coprolites) By: Miranda Smith and Sarah Putnam

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  1. Fossilized Feces (coprolites)By: Miranda Smith and Sarah Putnam

  2. Coprolites are fossilized feces • Coprolites can show when or where a human, animal, or even a plant has been • Coprolites can show us about the diet, movement or immigration patterns, and food chain status • They can also show what the environment was like

  3. Coprolites come from both humans and animals • They give scientists a unique way study the past • Coprolites can show where or when an animal or plant has been

  4. A diet can show us what kind of food something ate by observing what's inside a coprolite • Scientists look to find seeds like: maize, wheat, squash, and melons; for agricultural activity within a coprolite • Human coprolites offer many clues about their diet through their movement or food chain status. This is an example of fossil feces and their behavior

  5. The environment can tell us where they lived, how often they had to move considering their conditions • Their conditions could have been lack of food, shelter, or extremely bad weather • Coprolites are rare because they dissolve

  6. Coprolites give scientists a unique way to study the past • Coprolites can show us when and where something has been • The animal and human diet shows us that during this time there were plants around • Fossil feces tell us their living conditions, such as weather, food, and shelter

  7. References: Smuskiewicz, Alfred (2011)”Fascinatingfactsaboutfossilfeces.”WorldBookAdvanced.Availableonline:www.worldbookonline.com.11/22/11 AskCalliope [lettertotheeditor]. (2010,April).Generalonefile.retrievedfrom:http://go.galegroup.com Chin,Karen.”WorldBookAdvanced.WorldBook,2011.http://www.worldbookonline.com/advanved/article? “Poopsleuthsrewritehistory.”CurrentScienceaweeklyreaderpublication.Nov.282008:14.GeneralOnefile.Dec.5.2011.http://go.galegroup.com

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