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COMPUTER ETHICS AND ISSUES. OBJEKTIF. At the end of this lesson: Students will better understand with all the definitions relating to computer and will be adopted when using the computer . Pada akhir pelajaran ini:
OBJEKTIF At the end of this lesson: • Students will better understand with all the definitions relating to computer and will be adopted when using the computer. Pada akhir pelajaran ini: • Para pelajarakanlebihmemahamidengansegalapentakrifanberkaitandengankomputerdanakanmengamalkanketikamenggunakankomputer.
DEFINATION • Definition of computer ethics. • Definition of code of ethics. • Definition of intellectual property. • Definition of privacy. • Definition of computer crime. • Definition of cyber law.
Definition of computer ethicspentakrifanetikakomputer • Computer ethics means a moral of standard or value guidelines to refer to when using the computer and computer network. Pentakrifanetikakomputerbermaksud moral ataunilai yang menjadipanduankepadapengguna.
Definition of code of ethicspentakrifankodetika • Code of ethics is guidelines of ICT that help determine a specific computer action is ethical or unethical. Pentakrifankodetikaialahpanduandalam ICT untukmembantupeggunamemahamilebihmendalammengenaikodetika.
definition of intellectual property • Intellectual propety refers to works created by inventors, authors and artists. Merujukkepadakerja yang telahdibuatolehpelabur, karyawan, danartis. • Intellectual property (IP) refers to creations of the mind: inventions, literary and artistic works, and symbols, names, images, and designs used in commerce. Hartaintelek (IP) merujukkepadaciptaanminda: ciptaan, karyasasteradanseni, dansimbol, nama, imej, danrekabentuk yang digunakandalamperdagangan.
Defination of privacypentakrifanperibadidiri • Privacy refers to the right of individuals and companies to deny the collection and use of data and information about them. Pentakrifanmengenaiperibadidirimerujukkepadaseseorangatausesebuahsyarikatuntukmenafikanperkara yang dikumpuldanmenggunakan data daninformasitentangmereka.
Denfinition of computer crimepentakrifanjenayahkomputer • A computer crime is defined as any criminal activity that is related to the use of computer Pentakrifanjenayahkomputeradalahsepertiaktivitijenayah yang berkaitandengankomputer. • Example, hacker and pirate. Contohnya, pencerobohkomputerdancetakrompak.
Denfinition of cyber lawpentakrifanundang-undangsiber • Cyber law refers to any laws relating to protecting the internet and other online communication technologies. Undang-undangsibermerujukkepadaundang-undang yang berkaitandengankawalanmelalui internet atauteknologikomunikasi yang lain.