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Finding the Optimal Visual Interface for Assisting Navigation In Multilevel Indoor Spaces

Finding the Optimal Visual Interface for Assisting Navigation In Multilevel Indoor Spaces. Based to the early stage work of the NSF Project NSF grant No. IIS-0916219 : Information integration and human interaction for indoor and outdoor spaces Hengshan Li Advisor: Nicholas A. Giudice

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Finding the Optimal Visual Interface for Assisting Navigation In Multilevel Indoor Spaces

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  1. Finding the Optimal Visual Interface for Assisting Navigation In Multilevel Indoor Spaces Based to the early stage work of the NSF Project NSF grant No. IIS-0916219 : Information integration and human interaction for indoor and outdoor spaces Hengshan Li Advisor: Nicholas A. Giudice Department of Spatial Information Science and Engineering University of Maine

  2. 1 Goal of the grant project • The primary goal of grant project is to provide a unified informatic framework for static and dynamic indoor and outdoor spaces that supports seamless human navigation tasks in built indoor and outdoor environments. Indoor Space Outdoor Space Unified Informatic Framework

  3. 2 Motivation of my research • What is the optimal visual interface for assisting navigation in multilevel indoor spaces?

  4. 3 Available navigation maps Outdoor 2D map Indoor 2D map Indoor 3D map Outdoor 3D map

  5. 4 My research questions • Does a high fidelity simulation model make sense? • high fidelity simulation model (HM), low fidelity simulation model (LM), wireframe model (WM) and sparse model (SM). The four types of models represent a clear progression of decreasing visual granularity, what we call “simulation fidelity”. LM HM SM WM

  6. 4 My research questions • Which viewing perspective should be used to best support your navigation? • First Person • Third Person (bird’s-eye view) Third Person First Person

  7. 4 My research questions • Should we choose a heading-up (track up) viewing perspective or a north-up viewing perspective? • Heading-up: which means that the information displayed on the PDAs will synchronize with your orientation. • North-up, which means that the information on the PDA always remains in a north-up orientation. Heading up North up

  8. 5 Demo

  9. 6 References • R. G. Barbosa and M. A. F. Rodrigues. Supporting guided navigation in mobile virtual environments. In VRST ’06: Proceedings of the ACM symposium on Virtual reality software and technology (2006), 220–226. • A. Butz, J. Baus, A. Kruger, and M. Lohse, A Hybrid Indoor Navigation System, In IUI2001: International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces (2001), 25–33. • L. Chittaro and D. Nadalutti. Presenting evacuation instructions on mobile devices by means of location-aware 3D virtual environments, In Proceedings of the 10th international Conference on Human Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services, (2008). • L. Chittaro and S. Venkataraman, Navigation aids for multi-floor virtual buildings: a comparative evaluation of two approaches, In ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology (VRST), ACM Press (2006), 227–235. • S. Gillner, and H. Mallot, Navigation and acquisition of spatial knowledge in a virtual maze, Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience10 (1998), 445–463. • R. G. Golledge, V. Dougherty and S. Bell, Acquiring spatial knowledge: survey versus route based knowledge in unfamiliar environments, Annals of the Association of American Geographers 85 (1995), 134–158. • C. Holscher, T. Meilinger, G. Vrachliotis, M. Brosamle, and M. Knauff, Up the down staircase: Wayfinding strategies in multi-level buildings, Journal of Environmental Psychology26(2006), 284–299.

  10. 6 References • J. Huang et al., Interactive Illustrative Rendering on Mobile Devices, IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications27(2007), 48–56. • R. L. Klatzky, J. M. Loomis, A. C. Beall, S. S. Chance and R. G. Golledge, Spatial updating of selfposition and orientation during real, imagined and virtual locomotion. Psychological Science 9 (1998), 93–98. • K. Laakso, O. Gjesdal, and J. Sulebak, Tourist information and navigation support by using 3D maps displayed on mobile devices, In Proceedings of Mobile HCI Workshop on HCI in Mobile Guides (2003), 34–39. • M. Levine, I. Marchon, and G. Hanley, The Placement and Misplacement of You-Are-Here Maps. Environment and Behavior16 (1984), 139-157. • R. R. Lipman, Mobile 3D Visualization for Steel Structures, Journal of Automation in Construction, 13(2004), 119-125. • A. Mulloni, D. Nadalutti and L. Chittaro, Interactive walkthrough of large 3d models of buildings on mobile devices, In: Web3D '07: Proceedings of the twelfth international conference on 3D web technology (2007), 17-25. • A. Oulasvirta, S. Estlander, and A. Nurminen, Embodied interaction with a 3D versus 2D mobile map, Personal and Ubiquitous Computing13 (2008), 303-320.

  11. 6 References • S. Pu and S. Zlatanova, Evacuation route calculation of inner buildings, in: PJM van Oosterom, S Zlatanova & EM Fendel (Eds.), Geo-information for disaster management (2005), 1143-1161 • M. A. F. Rodrigues, R. G. Barbosa, and N. C. Mendon¸ca, Interactive mobile 3d graphics for on-the-go visualization and walkthroughs. In SAC ’06: Proceedings of the 2006 ACM symposium on Applied computing (2006), 1002–1007. • R. A. Ruddle, S. A. Payne and D. M. Jones, Navigating buildings in “desk-top” virtual environments: Experimental investigations using extended navigational experience. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied3(1997), 143–159. • N.J.J.M. Smets, G.M.te Brake, M.A. Neerincx and J. Lindenberg, Effectof mobile map orientation and tactile feedback on navigation speed and situation awareness. In MobileHCI '08: Human-computer interaction with mobile devices and services (2008). • B. J. Stankiewicz, and A. Kalia, Acquisition of structural versus object landmark knowledge. Journal of experimental psychology. Human perception and performance33 (2007), 378-390. • J. Wiener, S. Büchner, and C. Hölscher, Taxonomy of Human Wayfinding Tasks: A Knowledge-Based Approach, Spatial Cognition & Computation9 (2009), 1–14.

  12. Hengshan.li@umit.maine.edu

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