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Chapter 6 Nationalism and Ultrnationalism

Chapter 6 Nationalism and Ultrnationalism. Chapter Issue: To what extent can nationalism lead to ultranationalism ?. How Does Ultranationalism Develop?. Text p. 141, FYI, fig., 6-6 Various factors and events Social economic conditions/crises

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Chapter 6 Nationalism and Ultrnationalism

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  1. Chapter 6Nationalism and Ultrnationalism Chapter Issue: To what extent can nationalism lead to ultranationalism?

  2. How Does Ultranationalism Develop? • Text p. 141, FYI, fig., 6-6 • Various factors and events • Social economic conditions/crises • Emergence of charismatic and authoritarian leaders • National traditions and feelings that promote feelings of superiority

  3. Countries in Crisis • World wide Great Depression of 1930’s • New York stock exchange crashed • Run on banks • Economic turmoil • People lost all savings • Unemployment skyrockets • No work … no money … no food … no place to live!!

  4. Germany after WW I • Germany becomes a republic • 1929 … still rebuilding after WWI • In BIG debt! • Lack of trade with neighbors • Rising cost of living • Economic conditions were desperate • People wanted a strong leader • After several failed attempts Hitler elected 1933

  5. Germany after WW I • Hitler’s first acts … • He dissolved parliament, • started Nazi Reich, • and made himself dictator • State ruled all matters … • Economic • Social • Political • Military • And cultural

  6. Germany after WW I • Freedom of press and assembly disappeared • Postal, telegraph and telephone no longer private … became state controlled • Young people were indoctrinated • FYI … read about value of German mark

  7. Japan after WW I • Also affected by Great Depression • Crop failure and famine among people • Other countries refusing Japanese immigrants • Invaded China’s Manchuria for raw materials for its industries • A way to create jobs and produce goods • 1937 military controlled government • At war with China

  8. Japan after WW I • Military leaders brought back … • Traditional warrior values • Obedience to emperor and state • Created a cult around the emperor • Hirohito became leader of the military • Fig. 6-7 Hirohito worshipped as arahitogami … a god who is human, a demigod!

  9. Charismatic Leaders • Text, p. 145, fig. 6-8,6-9 • Ultranationalistic leaders emerged in … • USSR – Stalin • Italy – Mussolini • Germany – Hitler • Japan – Hirohito • Each inspired enthusiasm and devotion in followers, and, • Fear in anyone who questioned their leadership

  10. Adolph Hitler in Germany • Restore people’s national pride • Make Germany the leading country on earth • Promised … • Refusing to recognize the Treaty of Versailles • Rebuild armed forces and reclaim lost territories • Restoring the superiority of the ‘Aryan Race’ … • ‘Pure race of people’ • Propaganda through … radio, posters, newspapers, organized mass meetings • “Today Germany, tomorrow the world” crowds chant

  11. Hirohito and Tojo in Japan • Hirohito, Son of Heaven … revered, but not in politics • Military decided on most of national interests • Military took Japan in WWII • Expanded into China and other territories • 1941, Tojo became PM • Military dictator • Aggressive ultranationalist • Promised to dominate Asia through military might

  12. Instilling Ultranationalist Values • Text, p. 147, fig 6-12, 6-13 • Dictatorships promote extreme values • Military and police strengthened to enforce values • Education for the young (indoctrination) • Culture, art and media promoted and competition was drowned out

  13. Ultranationalist Values in Germany • Focused and promoted past greatness • Rewrote German history books of past greatness • The Master Race and Third Reich • To achieve this meant getting rid of … • Socialists • Jews • Homosexuals • Disabled people • Nazi gangs destroyed Jewish synagogues, businesses and laws passed to take away rights

  14. Ultranationalist Values in Japan • Text p. 148, fig., 6-14, Voices • Similar to Germany – military took control • Emperor Hirohito was a demigod • Japanese people were a superior race • Foreign policy was to promote peace, meanwhile at home military was planning war

  15. Ultranationalist Values in Japan • Japan’s education system promoted … • Idealize the past • Take pride in race and culture • Practice obedience and duty as highest virtues • Fanatic militarists preached … • Contempt for death • Exaltation of victory • Blind obedience • Shinto, Japanese religion used to unite nation • Kami … warriors and soldiers remembered and worshipped • Their spirits have become gods

  16. Conclusions • Reflect and Respond • Text, p. 148 • Prepare a short essay in response to the “Reflect and Respond” • Read carefully and follow directions for three paragraphs • If necessary, complete the Venn Diagram • In-class

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