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New reproductive technologies

New reproductive technologies. By: Juan Pablo Posada and Daniel Restrepo 10º O. Introduction : .

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New reproductive technologies

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  1. New reproductive technologies By: Juan Pablo Posada and Daniel Restrepo 10º O

  2. Introduction: • The reproductive technology is the uses of the technology in the reproduction in human and animal, by assited reproductive, contaception,artificial womb, germinal choice technology and others.

  3. Synthetic cells “It is my belief that the basic knowledge that we're providing to the world will have a profound impact on the human condition and the treatments for disease and our view of our place on the biological continuum,” Venter is a scientist that announced the first self-replicating, synthetic bacterial cell.

  4. My Video:

  5. Other quotes of Venter: “It is my belief that the basic knowledge that we're providing to the world will have a profound impact on the human condition and the treatments for disease and our view of our place on the biological continuum,” “the most important scientific effort that humankind has ever mounted.” “This has been in the works for a long time. This was something that was always obvious to do as a next step.”

  6. Embryo transfer July 1983 was the year of the first embryo transfer

  7. Embryo transfer • -

  8. Cloning

  9. What is cloning? • Is a biological process to duplicate or create a biological matter, organism or cells with exact genetic copy of another, these means that in these processes they used to create copies of DNA fragments, these is asexual reproduction. • Humans start to use these technologies by the a Scottish scientist how create the sheep “dolly” the first mammal how died at 6 years old she was create in 1997, cloned from an adult somatic cell, using the process of nuclear transfer. These arouse interest around the world but there was great controversy in scientific and ethical.

  10. Cloning for humans • The scientific are strongly oppose to a suggestion to clone a baby, John Kilner president of the center of bioethics and human dignity said that most of investigation show the high possibilities in a mammal cloning the possibility to die, his words are “Subjected to cloning by humans does not mean taking an unknown risk, but deliberately hurt people,"

  11. Reproductive cloning • The birth of individuals who are genetically identical copy of a current or former human or animal. which we implant the cloned embryo into the womb of a mother. This is achieved without having sex. This bring some epigenetic problems syndrome when the clone grows much more that the original animal.

  12. Therapeutic cloning • Aims to obtaining stem cells which are cells that are able to reproduce indefinitely and properly stimulated, can evolve and differentiate into any tissue, whether skin, nerve or muscle tissue. Therapeutic cloning is able to create stem cells which may be used to have treat meant against some diseases like Alzheimer's disease, and Parkinson's disease.

  13. Artificial insemination

  14. Artificial insemination • Is the process to help to infertility in both men and woman, where sperm are inserted direct into a woman cervix, fallopian tube, uterus. This artificial insemination helps is make the trip if the sperm shorter and with out possibilities of obstructions, making pregnancy possible.

  15. Techniques of artificial insemination • Intracervial insemination: is one of the oldest and most common, its to place the sperm directly into the woman reproductive tract to have a high possibilities to get pregnant. • intrauterine insemination: placing the sperm into the uterus of the woman to facilitate the fertilization. • Intrauterine tub peritoneal insemination: use 10 ml of inseminate to fill the uterine cavity, making a significant increase of pregnancy rates. • Intratubal insemination: where sperm and the egg is outside mixed and then inserted to the woman fallopian tube where fertilization occur.

  16. Bibliography: • http://www.pbs.org/wnet/need-to-know/environment/turning-sugar-into-fuel/966/visit in 19, february of 2012) • http://www.iets.org/index.asp?autotry=true&ULnotkn=truevisit in 19, february of 2012) • http://www.tupbebegim.org/2010/08/19/asilama-nasil-yapilir/visit in 19, february of 2012) • http://www.ornl.gov/sci/techresources/Human_Genome/elsi/cloning.shtmlvisit in 13, february of 2012) • http://www.buzzle.com/articles/animal-cloning/visit in 13, february of 2012) • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_animals_that_have_been_clonedvisit in 16, february of 2012) • http://web.mit.edu/hst.160/www/quiz/RecombinantDNAAndCloning.htm visit in 16, february of 2012)

  17. Ian Murnaghan, http://www.explorestemcells.co.uk/therapeuticcloning.html visit in 16, february of 2012) • http://www.medterms.com/script/main/art.asp?articlekey=18428visit in 19, february of 2012) • http://www.geneticsandsociety.org/section.php?id=16 visit in 19, february of 2012) • Mikio A. Nihira. http://www.webmd.com/infertility-and-reproduction/guide/artificial-insemination (visit in 16, february of 2012) • http://www.docshop.com/education/fertility/treatments/ici visit in 19, february of 2012) • http://www.americanpregnancy.org/infertility/iui.html visit in 19, february of 2012 • http://www.iutpi.eu/en/the-method.html visit in 19, february of 2012 • http://www.timeidol.com/cloning-animals-humans/ visit in 19, february of 2012 • guardian.co.u k visit in 19, february of 2012

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