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Covenant of Mayors local and regional strategies in the context of climate change Tarxien , Malta 28.03-29.03.2011. Covenant of Mayors The European Initiative for Climate Protection Raciechowice Municipality experiences. www.pnec.org.pl. www.raciechowice.pl. Raciechowice Municipality
Covenant of Mayors local and regional strategies in the context of climate change Tarxien, Malta 28.03-29.03.2011 Covenant of Mayors The European Initiative for Climate Protection Raciechowice Municipalityexperiences www.pnec.org.pl www.raciechowice.pl Raciechowice Municipality 32-415 Raciechowice 277 phone: +48 12 37 25 203 e-mail:wojt@raciechowice.pl
Covenant of Mayors local and regional strategies in the context of climate change Tarxien, Malta 28.03-29.03.2011 The beginnings... www.pnec.org.pl www.raciechowice.pl
Covenant of Mayors local and regional strategies in the context of climate change Tarxien, Malta 28.03-29.03.2011 9th of March 2007 r. The European Union adopted the EU Energy Package Energy for a changing world www.pnec.org.pl • committing to the year 2020 : • CO2 emission -20% • energy consumption: - 20% • increase the share of energy from renewable sources by 20% • increased use of biofuels in transport to 10% www.raciechowice.pl
Covenant of Mayors local and regional strategies in the context of climate change Tarxien, Malta 28.03-29.03.2011 „It is unwiseto claim that the European Union objectives can be achieved without the involvement of local authorities” www.pnec.org.pl AndrisPiebalgs, EU Comissioner for Energy www.raciechowice.pl
Covenant of Mayors local and regional strategies in the context of climate change Tarxien, Malta 28.03-29.03.2011 Covenant of Mayors This is the most ambitious European initiative, bringing together the mayors of pioneering cities and municipalities in Europe that have committed themselves to cross the EU energy objectives 3x20% by increasing energy efficiency and increased use of renewable energy sources. www.pnec.org.pl www.raciechowice.pl
Covenant of Mayors local and regional strategies in the context of climate change Tarxien, Malta 28.03-29.03.2011 Covenant of Mayors The first ceremony of signing the Covenant of Mayors took place on 10 February 2009 in the plenary chamber of the European Parliament. Mayors of European cities took part in the ceremony which was chaired by, among others European Commission President José Manuel Barroso, EU Commissioner for Energy Andris Piebalgs www.pnec.org.pl www.raciechowice.pl
Covenant of Mayors local and regional strategies in the context of climate change Tarxien, Malta 28.03-29.03.2011 Among the cities that have signed the Covenant of Mayors were just 4 Polish cities: Warsaw, Bielsko-Biala, Niepołomice and Łubianka www.pnec.org.pl www.raciechowice.pl
Covenant of Mayors local and regional strategies in the context of climate change Tarxien, Malta 28.03-29.03.2011 Raciechowice joinedCovenant of mayorsin May 2010 www.pnec.org.pl www.raciechowice.pl
Covenant of Mayors local and regional strategies in the context of climate change Tarxien, Malta 28.03-29.03.2011 www.pnec.org.pl www.raciechowice.pl
Covenant of Mayors local and regional strategies in the context of climate change Tarxien, Malta 28.03-29.03.2011 Commitment of Raciechowice Commune? • - Exceeding the objectives of the EU energy and climate policy: to reduce CO2 emissions by 20% by 2020 • Preparation of Action Plan for Sustainable Energy (SEAP - Sustainable Energy Action Plan) • Implementation Action Plan (SEAP) and periodic reporting on the progress – • involvement of citizens and other stakeholders (Energy Days ) encourage other municipalities to join this initiative www.pnec.org.pl www.raciechowice.pl
Covenant of Mayors local and regional strategies in the context of climate change Tarxien, Malta 28.03-29.03.2011 Third year step 5 step 4 Monitoring and Reporting www.pnec.org.pl First year step 3 Implemenation of SEAP step 2 Development of SEAP in cooperation with stakeholders www.raciechowice.pl step 1 CO2 emissions inventory as a reference point Creation of appropriate administrative structures
Covenant of Mayors local and regional strategies in the context of climate change Tarxien, Malta 28.03-29.03.2011 • STEP 2: CO2 EMISSION INVENTORY • Establishment of emission base year, which will provide a benchmark for the reduction target of reducing CO2 emissions by at least 20% by 2020 • Approaches to emissioninventories: • Territorial - includes the total CO2 emissions resulting from the final energy consumption in the municipality • life cycle assessment - includes the total CO2 emissions arising at all stages of energy production from acquisition of raw materials to energy use by end users www.pnec.org.pl www.raciechowice.pl
Covenant of Mayors local and regional strategies in the context of climate change Tarxien, Malta 28.03-29.03.2011 Themainbenefits for Raciechowice Municipality? • Improvement of: • quality of life and health status of residents • image of the city • - long-term energy independence of the city • energy efficiency and lower energy charges • better access to domestic and European funding sources • - networking with other signatories to the Covenant of Mayors www.pnec.org.pl www.raciechowice.pl
Covenant of Mayors local and regional strategies in the context of climate change Tarxien, Malta 28.03-29.03.2011 Developing the SEAP for Raciechowice Municipality Cooperation with: Association „Energie Cités” - Network of Polish Municipalities www.pnec.org.pl + = www.raciechowice.pl Development of SEAP
Covenant of Mayors local and regional strategies in the context of climate change Tarxien, Malta 28.03-29.03.2011 How The Association becamesupporting structure? Association „Energie Cités” was the first in Poland structure for the Covenant of Mayors. Zbigniew Michniowski, president of the Association on April 24, 2009, during the international conference „Play The Game” organized by Energie-Cités and Climate Alliance, has signed a partnership agreement between the General Directorate for Energy and Transport EC and the Association of Polish Municipalities „Energie Cités”. www.pnec.org.pl www.raciechowice.pl
Covenant of Mayors local and regional strategies in the context of climate change Tarxien, Malta 28.03-29.03.2011 WHY The Association becamesupporting structure? • Covenant of Mayors is an initiative designed for cities and municipalities and the PNEC is an association of municipalities, which for fifteen years working with local authorities from Poland • PNEC statutory objectives are consistent with the objectives of the Covenant of Mayors : • - Covenant of Mayors: reduction of greenhouse gas emissions in cities - PNEC: promoting energy efficiency and renewable energy sources • PNEC is a member of the European Network of Energie-Cités, which is an organization responsible for Covenant of Mayors Office www.pnec.org.pl www.raciechowice.pl
Covenant of Mayors local and regional strategies in the context of climate change Tarxien, Malta 28.03-29.03.2011 Commitments of PNEC Associationas a Supporting Structure for Raciechowice Municipality Promotion of Covenant of Mayors signatories to the national and European level Mediate in contacts between candidates and parties to the Agreement and the Office of the signatories to the Covenant of Mayors Help for signatories in efforts to enable them to achieve the objectives of the agreement (SEAP development, organization and Energy Days) Assistance in finding sources of projects funding in connection with the signing of the Agreement Information of any new issues related to the Agreement www.pnec.org.pl www.raciechowice.pl
Covenant of Mayors local and regional strategies in the context of climate change Tarxien, Malta 28.03-29.03.2011 Which sectorswere taken into consideration while implemantingthe SEAP? • buildings and objects: • - public and private buildings (residential, service, etc.) • - rural infrastructure • - public lighting • small and medium-sized enterprises • public transport • local production of energy (electricity, heat, cold, energy from conventional and renewable sources) www.pnec.org.pl www.raciechowice.pl
Covenant of Mayors local and regional strategies in the context of climate change Tarxien, Malta 28.03-29.03.2011 • spatial planning • public procurement (procurement of goods and services) • cooperation with residents and local stakeholders (advisory services, financial support, awareness raising and local networking, training and education) • other sectors www.pnec.org.pl www.raciechowice.pl
Covenant of Mayors local and regional strategies in the context of climate change Tarxien, Malta 28.03-29.03.2011 „How Raciechowice Municipality want to implement energy management plan? • 5 main goals: • employment of rural Energy Manager • creation of department of „Energy management” in local administration structures • implementation of the Municipal Energy Efficiency Plan in order to improve energy management • search for sources of financing of specific investment • communication with the local community during the Municipal Intelligent Energy Days www.pnec.org.pl www.raciechowice.pl
Covenant of Mayors local and regional strategies in the context of climate change Tarxien, Malta 28.03-29.03.2011 MODEL initiative www.pnec.org.pl www.raciechowice.pl
Covenant of Mayors local and regional strategies in the context of climate change Tarxien, Malta 28.03-29.03.2011 Energy management by local authorities september 2007 - february 2010 r. MODEL project: a major challenge How to help municipalities that each of them could become a model / model for residents, local organizations and other local authorities www.pnec.org.pl www.raciechowice.pl
Covenant of Mayors local and regional strategies in the context of climate change Tarxien, Malta 28.03-29.03.2011 Support for pilot municipalities Partners of MODEL project: • developed a common methodology to the action on a similar basis, and together created the basic tools • organized exchange of experiences and information on how best to implement the project idea • communication tools were developed to support the pilot municipalities in raising awareness and involvement of citizens • organized international meetings to ensure wide publicity of the MODEL project www.pnec.org.pl www.raciechowice.pl
Covenant of Mayors local and regional strategies in the context of climate change Tarxien, Malta 28.03-29.03.2011 Intelligent Energy Days www.pnec.org.pl www.raciechowice.pl
Covenant of Mayors local and regional strategies in the context of climate change Tarxien, Malta 28.03-29.03.2011 www.pnec.org.pl www.raciechowice.pl
Covenant of Mayors local and regional strategies in the context of climate change Tarxien, Malta 28.03-29.03.2011 Energy management by local authorities september 2007 - february 2010 r. Polish MODEL municipalities • Ełk 54000inhabitants • Dzierżoniów 37 000inhabitants • Bielawa 33 000inhabitants • Gorlice 30000 inhabitants • Nowa Dęba 11000inhabitants • Poddębice 8000inhabitants • Niepołomice 8000inhabitants • Raciechowice 6000inhabitants www.pnec.org.pl www.raciechowice.pl
Covenant of Mayors local and regional strategies in the context of climate change Tarxien, Malta 28.03-29.03.2011 What initiatives havebeentaken by the municipality in order to Covenant of Mayors „goals”? • Raciechowice trying to reduce carbon emissions by investing in modern and ecological equipment - municipality modernized street lighting system, invested in building thermo-modernization • The municipal authorities also plan to install solar panels - in addition to those on government buildings, solars would be mounted also on private homes. There are also plans to introduce heat pumps for buildings; as for solar panels on houses, it is possible to obtain up to 45 % of funding. • Ecological units on municipal buildings will be financed under the Malopolska Regional Operational Programme. Raciechowice have already submitted a joint proposal with the neighboring communities. www.pnec.org.pl www.raciechowice.pl
Thankyou for yourattention! Raciechowice Municipality www.pnec.org.pl 32-415 Raciechowice 277 Phone:: +48 12 37 25 203 Fax: +48 12 37 25 200 e-mail: wojt@raciechowice.pl www.raciechowice.pl www. raciechowice.pl