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Research at the University of Iowa

Research at the University of Iowa. Richard Hichwa, PhD Senior Associate Vice President for Research Office of the VP for Research & Economic Development. What do we do?.

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Research at the University of Iowa

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  1. Research at the University of Iowa Richard Hichwa, PhD Senior Associate Vice President for Research Office of the VP for Research & Economic Development

  2. What do we do? Build, expand and sustain the University of Iowa research enterprise by assisting and supporting the faculty, students and staff with their research and scholarly activities.

  3. Some Key People in OVPR http://research.uiowa.edu/contact-us Daniel Reed, PhD – Oversight of all activities Richard Hichwa, PhD – Basic science, medicine health sciences, engineering, and economic development, Internal Funding Initiatives (IFI) Ann Ricketts, MA – Arts, humanities, social sciences, and OVPR communications Jim Walker, PhD – Regulatory affairs and compliance David Hensley, MBA – Economic Development, entrepreneurship David Conrad, PhD – Economic Development, ProtoLab, Engagement Centers Cheryl Reardon, MBA – Research cores, UHL, RIS, budgets and HR Jennifer Lassner, MBA – Sponsored programs and contracts

  4. Online Resources • Where to start? The UI Researcher Handbook http://researcherhandbook.research.uiowa.edu/ • My Research Portal Access to administrative systems to manage research projects http://myportal.research.uiowa.edu (Requires HawkID)

  5. Internal Funding Initiatives (IFI) Programs Arts and Humanities Major Projects Grants Major Conferences/Ideation Meetings Core Facilities/Shared Equipment Process Peer review Review based on innovation, collaboration, feasibility and impact Follow-on federal grant submission required http://research.uiowa.edu/internal-funding-initiatives-ifi

  6. Winning Institutional Nomination System (WINS) Competitions http://research.uiowa.edu/limited-submissions Searle Scholars Program (chem, bio) PEW Scholars Program (biomed) NEA American Masterpieces (chamber music and dance) Numerous NIH and NSF Awards Camille Dreyfus Teacher-Scholar Awards Program (chemical sciences) NEH Summer Stipends

  7. The Who, What, and How of Economic Development (ED) www.enterprise.uiowa.edu Have an idea or a possible invention- UIRF and OVPR can help develop it Patent protection SBIR and STTR grants Patent value assessment Gap or concept funding Business plan assistance BioVentures or research park space

  8. Compliance and Your Research http://research.uiowa.edu/policies-and-compliance Human Subjects Office –IRB assistance and HawkIRB training Office of Animal Research (OAR) – IACUC evaluation OVPR – Conflict of Interest (COI) evaluation and management plan Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) – Assist with radioactivity, chemical, BSL3, select agent, and stem cell use/evaluation See UI Researcher Handbook for details

  9. Coming Events… Research@Iowa Orientation Wednesday, September 10, 8:30-10:30 am 2520D University Capitol Centre (UCC) http://research.uiowa.edu/professional-development-and-workshops Morrison Grant Writing Workshop (Phase I) Tuesday, October 7, 8:30 am-4:30 pm Iowa Memorial Union (IMU) Main Lounge Register by Monday, Sept 15, 2014 http://research.uiowa.edu/professional-development-and-workshops

  10. Contact Information • Richard Hichwa Senior Associate VP for Research richard-hichwa@uiowa.edu, 319-335-2106

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