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Prototype Performance of Novel Muon Telescope Detector at STAR. L ijuan Ruan (for the STAR Collaboration) ( Brookhaven National Laboratory ). Outline: Motivation Simulation Intrinsic timing and spatial resolution: Cosmic ray results Beam test results at Fermi-lab
Prototype Performance of Novel Muon TelescopeDetector at STAR LijuanRuan (for the STAR Collaboration) (Brookhaven National Laboratory) Outline: • Motivation • Simulation • Intrinsic timing and spatial resolution: • Cosmic ray results • Beam test results at Fermi-lab • Detector performance at STAR • Summary Lijuan Ruan (WWND2008)
The STAR Detector Large acceptance: 2 coverage at mid-rapidity Magnet Coils Central Trigger Barrel (CTB) ZCal Time Projection Chamber (TPC) Year 2000 Barrel EM Cal (BEMC) Silicon Vertex Tracker (SVT)Silicon Strip Detector (SSD) FTPCEndcap EM CalFPD TOFp, TOFr FPD Year 2001+ PMD Future upgrade: Time of Flight, DAQ1000, Heavy Flavor Tracker, Muon Telescope Detector Lijuan Ruan (WWND2008)
Physics Goals at RHIC S. Bass • Identify and study the properties of matter with partonic degrees of freedom(flavor, color, sound, temperature …) • Penetrating probesBulk probes • - “jets” and heavy flavor- v2 partonic collectivity • - spectra at low pT, particle ratios. • Electromagnetic probes: • - vector meson properties (,e+e-) chiral symmetry restoration • - thermal dileptons and photons TQGP • - quarkonia (J/e+e-) color screening Lijuan Ruan (WWND2008)
Muons: Penetrating Probes +- A large area of muon telescope detector (MTD) at mid-rapidity, allows forthe detection of • di-muon pairs from QGP thermal radiation,quarkonia, light vector mesons, possible correlations of quarksand gluons as resonances in QGP, and Drell-Yan production • single muons from theirsemi- leptonic decays of heavy flavor hadrons • advantages over electrons: no conversion, much less Dalitz decay contribution, less affected by radiative losses in the detector materials Quarkonium dissociation temperatures – Digal, Karsch, Satz Lijuan Ruan (WWND2008)
Concept of Design Detection efficiency muon pion pT (GeV) • A pseudodetectorwith scintillator covering the whole iron bars and left the gaps in-between uncovered. • muon efficiency: 35-45%, pion efficiency: 0.5-1% • muon-to-pion enhancement factor: 50-100 • muon-to-hadron enhancement factor: 100-1000 including track matching, tof and dE/dx • dimuon trigger enhancement factor from online trigger: 10-50 (Guoji Lin, DNP06) This together with DAQ1000 will greatly enhance our capability of J/and other dilepton program in RHIC II and future QCD Lab Lijuan Ruan (WWND2008)
Hadron Rejection at Intermediate pT Detection efficiency ● all hits ○ hits from π π+ π- pT (GeV) pT (GeV) • Part of the hits come from the secondary muons from hadron decay. Some can be removed by using distance of closest approach (DCA) to the vertex on the corresponding track. Guoji Lin, DNP06 • Pion efficiency is ~0.5%, pion rejection is about 100 at intermediate pT; Kaons and protons can be rejected by TOF and dE/dx in TPC, hadron rejection is ~300. Lijuan Ruan (WWND2008)
Novel & Compact Muon Detector for QCDLab • Novel and compact -------- Conventiontiming, position track segments + fastHits • Muon is penetrating probeJ/ trigger, separate +- states • QCDLab (RHIC II, eRHIC) • Works with accelerator high luminosity upgrades • R & D to address: spatial and time resolution, muon identification capability, trigger capability and hadron rejection power Lijuan Ruan (WWND2008)
Cosmic Ray Results: Long-Strip Multi-gap Resistive Plate Chamber Technology Long MRPC Technology with double-end readout HV: 6.3 KV gas mixture: 95% Freon + 5% isobutane time resolution: ~60 ps spatial resolution: ~1cm efficiency: >95% 950 mm 25 mm 256 mm Lijuan Ruan (WWND2008)
Fermi Lab Beam Test Setup (T963 May 2-15 2007) 449” 252” 73” 72” 191” 164” 81 33 45 TOF2 MWPC2 MRPC1&2 C1, C2 MWPC5 70” MWPC1 MWPC3 TOF1 TOF3 GEMs 11” MWPC4 Upper stream Down stream TOF1 AND Trigger, common start TOF2 Test the performance of two long MRPC modules under different working conditions. Comprehensive scans on HV, gas mixture, position, beam energy, etc … (T963 spokesman: Zhangbu Xu) Lijuan Ruan (WWND2008)
Beam Test Results USTC Tsinghua module as trigger Scintillator as trigger HV: 6.3 KV gas mixture: 95% Freon + 5% isobutane time resolution: ~60-70 ps spatial resolution: ~0.6-1cm efficiency: >95% consistent with cosmic test results Lijuan Ruan (WWND2008)
STAR-MTD in Year 2007 • iron bars as hadron absorber • two scintillator trays as our trigger • 403 cm away from TPC center, ||<0.25 • gas: 95% Freon and 5% iso-butane; HV: 6.3 KV • MTD Triggered events: 380 K Au+Au events were taken Lijuan Ruan (WWND2008)
Performance at STAR STAR Preliminary STAR Preliminary pT>2 GeV/c • MTD hits: matched with real high pT tracks • z distribution has two components: narrow (muon) and broad (hadron) ones • spatial resolution (narrow Gaussian) is ~10 cm at pT>2 GeV; hadron rejection: 200-300 • time resolution: 300 ps Improve our electronics with full scale detector Lijuan Ruan (WWND2008)
Compared to Simulation pT (GeV/c) z (cm) muons muons pions from data: pT>2 GeV/c, (z) of muon: ~10 cm from simulation: pT=2.5 GeV/c, (z) of muon: ~9 cm Data and simulation show consistent results Lijuan Ruan (WWND2008)
Muon Identification: dE/dx Effect STAR Preliminary STAR Preliminary STAR Preliminary STAR Preliminary n<-1 n>0 |z|<20 • the narrow Gaussian distribution: dominated by muons Lijuan Ruan (WWND2008)
STAR Preliminary STAR Preliminary n>0 STAR Preliminary STAR Preliminary STAR Preliminary Muon Identification: Cut on High Velocity 1/trackhits- 1/rawhits >0 • the narrow Gaussian distribution: dominated by muons Lijuan Ruan (WWND2008)
Simulation: Are Muons Primary? distance between mc hits and projected hits (cm) + detection efficiency ● all hits ○ hits from π pT (GeV) From simulation: the hits from pion decay seem not to have a narrow Gaussian distribution in z further investigation by studying the DCA distribution in data and simulation Lijuan Ruan (WWND2008)
Summary and Future Plan • Cosmic and beam tests: intrinsic timing resolution of long MRPC: ~60-70 ps spatial resolution: ~1 cm • The prototype of MTD works at STAR in year 2007. We observed: ---- clear narrow muon peak ---- hadron rejection: 200-300 (requiring track matching) ---- spatial resolution: ~10 cm, consistent with simulation ---- time resolution: ~300 ps • The possible physics topics to do: electron muon correlation, muon spectra and v2 in run7 (2007) Au+Au collisions at 200 GeV • The plan: analyze the data in run8 (2008) d+Au and p+p collisions Lijuan Ruan (WWND2008)
Towards the Future at STAR Current hardware supports at STAR: • HV supply for Long-MRPC: 2 channels from TOF • Low voltage supply for read-out electronic boards: old TOF • Gas system: share with TOF • Gas control computer: share with TOF • DAQ system: trigger, including DSM and 2 CDB • VPD (start time detector): DSM This set up: run 9 at STAR as well; have a plan to install another tray with TOF electronics Towards the future: • Collaborators for a proposal of full scale detector Gas, VPD: share with TOF Electronics: similar to TOF HV, LV: similar to TOF Trigger: DSM and QT Boards Lijuan Ruan (WWND2008)
Novel & Compact Muon Detector for QCDLab n>0 STAR Preliminary STAR Preliminary • Novel and compact -------- Conventiontiming, position track segments + fastHits • QCDLab (RHIC II, eRHIC) • Works with accelerator high luminosity upgrades • Muon is penetrating probeJ/ trigger, separate +- states; vector meson; thermal dileptons … Lijuan Ruan (WWND2008)