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Attendance Mode Changes Child Care Provider Information Web

Attendance Mode Changes Child Care Provider Information Web. Wisconsin Shares Child Care Subsidy Program Department of Children and Families. Past Notification of Mode Changes. March 2010 Check Stuffer Describes the Modes Weekly Daily Mode In-out Mode

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Attendance Mode Changes Child Care Provider Information Web

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  1. Attendance Mode ChangesChild Care Provider Information Web Wisconsin Shares Child Care Subsidy Program Department of Children and Families

  2. Past Notification of Mode Changes • March 2010 Check Stuffer • Describes the Modes • Weekly • Daily Mode • In-out Mode • Link to copy of check stuffer from the last page of this presentation

  3. Why new changes? • Requests from providers • Attendance tracking system should more closely mirror sign in sign out sheets • Needs of the Department • Capture and analyze more detailed information about authorization hours • First step to automated attendance

  4. Notice of Mode Change • A notice is sent at least two weeks prior to the mode switch. • To assure receipt of subsidy mailings: be sure your licensor/certifier has an up to date address.

  5. Mode Descriptions • Weekly Mode • Standard Mode. Provider or worker enters the total number of rounded hours a subsidized child attends during a week. • Daily Mode • NEW! Daily mode requires the provider or worker to enter actualdaily hours for each subsidized child in care. • In-Out Mode • NEW! In-Out mode requires the provider or worker to enter the actualarrival and departure times for each subsidized child in care.

  6. Attendance Mode 1 WEEKLY MODE

  7. Weekly Mode • CCPI Display: the most recent two week attendance period is shown • In this mode, provider or worker enters a weekly rounded total at the end of the two week attendance period.

  8. Weekly Mode • IMPORTANT to REMEMBER • Subsidy rules require providers to maintain record of actual arrival and departure times on the sign in – sign out sheets. • Parents should always enter time in exact hours and minutes • When reporting attendance to the Wisconsin Shares program, rounding policies must be followed. • See CCPI Manual User Guide

  9. Weekly Mode Rounding Hours • Providers must round to nearest full or half hour for daily totals. • Rounding daily hours example: • Child attends 8 hours and 10 minutes. Round down to 8 hours. • Child attends 8 hours and 15 minutes. Round up to 8.5 hours. • Child attends 8 hours and 45 minutes. Round up to 9 hours. • Providers must round to nearest full hour for the weekly totals that are entered to CCPI • Rounding weekly hours example: • 8 hours + 8.5 hours + 9 hours = 25.5 hours • Rounds 26 hours. Enter 26 into CCPI.

  10. Attendance Mode 2 DAILY MODE

  11. Daily Mode View • CCPI Display: the current week of attendance is shown • In this mode, the actual daily total is entered. • Providers reporting in daily mode can enter attendance to current week.

  12. Daily Mode • IMPORTANT to REMEMBER • There is no need for rounding the daily attendance. • The system will do the rounding for you after the attendance is submitted. • Avoid using decimals when entering daily hours. • Example: child attended 7 hours 32 minutes. Enter ‘732’ • If child attended less than an hour, enter a ‘0’ before the minutes. • Example: child attended 45 minutes. Enter ‘045’

  13. Attendance Mode 3 IN-OUT MODE

  14. In-Out Mode • CCPI Display: current attendance week is shown. A calendar feature at the top allows you to click on a specific date or an entire week to enter attendance. • In this mode, the actual in-out times for each day is entered.

  15. In-Out Mode • IMPORTANT to REMEMBER • There is no need to round times with the in-out mode. • The system will do the rounding for you after the attendance is submitted. • The system will not accept an IN time only. An IN and OUT time must be entered at the same time for the system to accept the hours.

  16. Helpful Hints for New Modes • Avoid using decimals when entering hours • Enter hours and minutes. • Example: child attended 7 hours 32 minutes. Enter ‘732’ • Using a decimal causes the system to REDUCE the total amount of minutes. • The system will divide the total minutes by 100. • Example: 8 hours 20 minutes entered as 8.2 • The system will automatically change the time to 8 hours 2 minutes. • This is will cause the system to round down to 8 hours instead of rounding up to 8 hours 30 minutes for the given day.

  17. Helpful Hints for New Modes • No need to use colon. • Example: ‘6:06’ can be entered ‘606a’ • If child attended less than an hour, enter a ‘0’ before the minutes. • Example: child attended 45 minutes. Enter ‘045’ • Enter ‘a’ or ‘p’ with the time for AM or PM. • Example: Check in time is 6:06 AM. Enter ‘606a’ • Military time may also be used to denote PM. • Example: Check out time is 1:27 PM. Enter ‘127p’ or ‘1327’ • Go back to “To Do” page to make sure all attendance has been completed and verified.

  18. Links • Mail Insert • http://dcf.wisconsin.gov/childcare/ccpi/pdf/dailyattendcheckstuffer.pdf • This link takes you to the check stuffer sent in March 2010 regarding mode changes. • CCPI • http://dcf.wisconsin.gov/childcare/ccpi/default.htm • This link includes sub-links to CCPI manual, CCPI online availability calendar and registration for new CCPI users. • CCPI User Manual • CCPI Guide to New Modes (Pages 25-66 • 2010 Attendance Periods • http://dcf.wisconsin.gov/childcare/wishares/pdf/2010attndperiods.pdf • This link includes the lists of all 2 week attendance periods and issuance dates for the 2010 calendar year.

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