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BOI-hjulet. Syfte. Kartlägga hur några av konstnärliga fakultetens viktigaste konkurrenter arbetar med sin varumärkesarkitektur. . Konkurrentanalys. SWOT. Målgruppsanalys. Konkurrentanalys. Nulägesanalys. Hög kostnadseffektivitet. Låg kostnadseffektivitet. Lå g k apitalisering.
Syfte Kartlägga hur några av konstnärliga fakultetens viktigaste konkurrenter arbetar med sin varumärkesarkitektur.
Konkurrentanalys SWOT Målgruppsanalys Konkurrentanalys Nulägesanalys
Hög kostnadseffektivitet Låg kostnadseffektivitet Låg kapitalisering Hög kapitalisering Låg risk Hög risk Låg flexiblitet Hög flexiblitet Strategiska alternativ Individuella varumärken Moder-varumärke Hybridstrategier Dotter/Moder Moder/Dotter
Mission, Vision och Värderingar To world class in ten years Mission The Aalto University strives to change the world through top-quality interdisciplinary research, pioneering education, surpassing traditional boundaries, and renewal. The Aalto University educates responsible, broadminded experts with a comprehensive understanding of complex subjects to act as society's visionaries. Vision The best connect and succeed at Aalto University, an institution internationally recognized for the impact of its science, art, and learning.
Mission, Vision och Värderingar (forts.) Values A passion for exploring boundaries. The freedom to be creative and critical. The courage to influence and excel. The responsibility to care, accept and inspire. Founded on high ethics, openness, and equality. The increasing societal impact of universities creates both challenges and opportunities, which can be summarized as follows: Focusing of operations based on quality Making use of multidisciplinary expertise and partnerships to develop innovation know-how Internationalization Autonomy Professionalizing university services and exploitation of information technolog
Varumärkesarkitektur – modervarumärkesstrategi Aalto University Modervarumärke Aalto University School of Art and Design Dottervarumärke Svenskt namn Finskt namn
Mission, Vision och Värderingar «Kunsthøgskolen i Oslo samler utdanning og utviklingsarbeid innen visuell kunst, scenekunst og design i et praksisnært samspill med internasjonale og nasjonale fagmiljøer. Vi er et sted for de helt nødvendige vanskeligheter, konflikter og selvmotsigelser som må til for at fag, mennesker og samfunn ikke stivner».
Varumärkesarkitektur – Moder/dottervarumärkesstrategi Kunsthøgskolen i Oslo Oslo National Academy of the Arts Modervarumärke Dottervarumärken Operahøgskolen Academy of opera Kunstfag Visual art Kunstakademiet Academy of fine art Balletthøgskolen Academy of dance Design Teaterhøgskolen Academy of theatre Akronym: KHIO
Universität der Künste Berlin - Berlin University of the Arts
Universität der Künste Berlin - Berlin University of the Arts
Mission, Vision och Värderingar Berlin University of the Arts Berlin University of the Arts is one of the biggest, most diversified and traditional universities of the arts world-wide. The teaching offered at the four colleges of Fine Art, Design, Music and Performing Arts as well as at the Central Institute of Further Education encompasses the full spectrum of the arts and related academic studies in more than 40 courses. Having the right to confer doctorates and post-doctoral qualifications, Berlin University of the Arts is also one of Germany’s few art colleges with full university status
Mission, Vision och Värderingar (forts.) Creative Excellence The quintessence of Berlin University of the Arts is training in the arts. Outstanding chairs at all its colleges, as well as the steady development of teaching concepts, help to secure and consistently improve the high standard of artistic and art-theoretical education at Berlin University of the Arts. Almost all the study courses at Berlin University of the Arts are part of a centuries-old tradition. Combining separate academies to create what was then, in 1975, the Hochschule der Künste (HdK), the university has since developed into a network of colleges. Spurning compromise in artistic and creative disciplines, these colleges facilitate an integrated view of the arts by means of interdisciplinary projects, shared theoretical starting points, and the consolidation of related academic fields. Thus Berlin University of the Arts gives its students - at an early stage and within the protected sphere of a study course - the opportunity to investigate and experiment with other art forms in order to recognise and extend the boundaries of their own discipline.
Varumärkesarkitektur – modervarumärkesstrategi Universität der Künste Berlin Berlin University of the Arts Modervarumärke Dottervarumärken Bildende Kunst The College of Fine Arts Gestaltung The College of Architecture, Media and Design Musik The College of Music Darstellende Kunst The College of Performing Arts Akronym: UdK
University of the Arts London Six distinctive and distinguished Colleges make up University of the Arts London: Camberwell College of Arts Central Saint Martins College of Art and Design Chelsea College of Art and Design London College of Communication London College of Fashion Wimbledon College of Art. Located within London, the Colleges are at the heart of their respective communities. Drawing on and contributing to the local culture, they foster closely-knit and welcoming environments in which to study, supported by all the resources of the larger University and the wider arts community.
Mission, Vision och Värderingar ‘University of the Arts London is recognised as one of the foundations on which London has built its reputation as the creative capital of the world.’
Mission, Vision och Värderingar • We are a world-leading university for teaching and research in the fields of arts, design and communication, offering a unique range of courses which nurture creative ability from across the world. • We are a specialist collegiate university: each College has a particular academic ethos within a practice-led tradition, informed by its own distinctive history and relationships. • Our Colleges work together to enrich the experience of our student and staff communities across the University, and to increase our impact on the creative and cultural sectors, not only in London and the UK, but also globally
Mission, Vision och Värderingar Our Vision • To provide a distinctive high quality practice- led learning experience in arts, design and communication, distinguished by teaching and research which results not only from our unique range of specialist courses but also from the diverse global mix of our students and staff. • To be deeply engaged with the creative and cultural sectors, embedded in networks and alliances which expand our academic horizons and the influence of our disciplines. • To produce enterprising graduates who have the skills and attributes to develop their creativity throughout their working lives and to use that creativity to influence and improve the lives of others.
Mission, Vision och Värderingar Our principal values • excellence and originality • critical enquiry, creative risk-taking and challenging convention • knowledge developed through practice-led learning and research • entrepreneurship • engagement with the creative industries and the cultural sector • diversity, individuality and equality of opportunity • the sustainability of our environment
Varumärkesarkitektur – Dotter/modervarumärkesstrategi University of the Arts Lodon Modervarumärke Dottervarumärken Camberwell College of Arts Chelsea College of Art and Design Wimbledon College of Art Central Saint Martins College of Art and Design London College of Communication London College of Fashion Akronym: UAL
Our history ZHdK and its Predecessors The Zurich University of the Arts (ZHdK) originates from a range of acclaimed institutions, including the Zurich Museum of Arts and Crafts (established in 1875) and the Zurich School of Arts and Crafts (established in 1878). This subsequently became the Zurich School of Design, the Zurich Higher School of Design, and finally the School of Art and Design Zurich (HGKZ) at the turn of the millenium. Established in 1999, the Zurich School of Music, Drama and Dance (HMT) originated from a range of institutions, among others the former Zurich and Winterthur academies of music (established in 1873 and 1875 respectively), which later evolved into a joint higher academy of music. Other original institutions include the Zurich Jazz School (established in 1977), the Swiss Computer Music Studio (established in 1985), the Bühnenstudio (established in 1937), which later became the Zurich Acting Academy and subsequently the Zurich Drama School, as well as the Swiss Ballet Academy (established in 1986).
Zürcher Hochschule der Künste Zurich University of the Arts (ZHdK) is a vibrant centre for teaching, research, and production excellence. While firmly anchored in Greater Zurich, our influence extends well beyond Switzerland to the wider international stage. We offer a broad range of degree programmes and further education courses in education, design, film, art & media, dance, theatre, and music. Closely interrelating teaching and research, we provide an ideal setting for transdisciplinary projects. Committed to bridging higher education, professional practice, and the interests of the wider public, we showcase the work and achievements of our staff and students in our own exhibition spaces, theatres, and various dance and concert halls. Our Theatre of the Arts presents cutting edge student productions, our music conservatories in Zurich and Winterthur are home to concerts almost every day, and the Mehrspur Music Club offers a wide variety of pop and jazz concerts. Our affiliated museums, the Museum of Design and the Bellerive Museum, feature various acclaimed thematic art and design exhibitions every year. Hosting over 600 events a year, we make a significant contribution to cultural life in the city and region of Zurich.
Mission, Vision och Värderingar — We interrelate the disciplines represented at Zurich University of the Arts (ZHdK), and thereby create added value for teaching and research. We are committed to systematically extending cross-disciplinary cooperation with other universities and higher education institutions. — Our self-conception rests on our status as an autonomous arts university.
Varumärkesarkitektur – modervarumärkesstrategi Zurich University of the Arts Modervarumärke Dottervarumärken Department of Performing Arts and Film Department of Design Department of Art & Media Department of Cultural Analysis Department of Music Akronym: ZHdK
Our history Concordia is a comprehensive university located in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. Although the roots of its founding institutions go back over 150 years, Concordia University came into legal existence only on August 24, 1974 with the merger of Loyola College and Sir George Williams University.
Who we are Concordia University, located in the vibrant and cosmopolitan city of Montreal, Quebec, is one of Canada’s most innovative and diverse, comprehensive universities Concordia’s highly accomplished faculty members adopt inter-disciplinary approaches to learning and focus on offering the best possible scholarship, research and training. The university boasts a unique legacy for supporting and developing individuals and their aspirations to help contribute to the world’s wealth of knowledge, bridge communities and make it possible for individuals to grow academically, professionally and personally.
Varumärkesarkitektur – Modervarumärkesstrategi + hybrid Concordia University Modervarumärke Dottervarumärken Faculty of Arts and Science Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science Faculty of Fine Arts John Molson School of Business School of Graduate Studies Dotterdottervarumärken Faculty of Arts and Science Art History Cinema - The Mel Hoppenheim School of Cinema Contemporary Dance Design and Computation Arts Design and Computation Arts Music Studio Arts Theatre
Strategiska alternativ Individuella varumärken Moder-varumärke Hybridstrategier Dotter/Moder Moder/Dotter
Hög kostnadseffektivitet Låg kostnadseffektivitet Låg kapitalisering Hög kapitalisering Låg risk Hög risk Låg flexiblitet Hög flexiblitet Strategiska alternativ Individuella varumärken Moder-varumärke Hybridstrategier Dotter/Moder Moder/Dotter
Reflektioner efter konkurrentanalysem • Samtliga kommunicerar ”fakultetsnivån” på ett eller annat sätt • Flera av konkurrenternas varumärken är resultat av sammanslagningar • Flera av konkurrenter lyfter mycket tydligt fram begrepp som multi-,cross-, trans- eller interdisciplinary i sin kommunikation. • Vår kartläggning stödjer de resultat och slutsatser Ulf Dalnäs gjorde i sin utredning