2: Objectives
3: Learning Objectives At the end of this presentation, participants will be able to-
1) appreciate the goals of anti-htn therapy
2) understand anti-htn choices
5: HTN: management 52 yo male with no significant PMH comes for a physical check up and his BP was 160/90. What it is the target BP? What is the choice of therapy? Two months later 180/100?
54 yo male with PMH of HTN, DM, CKD(stage III) , goal BP? choice for the drug therapy?
70 you male with PMH of HTN, CAD, DM, LVSD(EF 30%)? Goal BP? Drug therapy?
6: JNC 7
8: BP Measurement
9: Office BP Measurement
10: Ambulatory BP Monitoring
11: Self-Measurement of BP
12: Blood Pressure Grades
13: Benefits of Lowering BP
14: Benefits of Lowering BP
15: CVD Risk Factors
16: CVD Risk
17: Target Organ Damage
18: Identifiable Causes of Hypertension
19: TreatmentOverview
20: Goals of Therapy
21: Lifestyle Modification:effect on BP
22: Choice of drug therapy
23: Algorithm for Treatment of Hypertension
24: Followup and Monitoring
25: Special Indications for Individual Drug Classes
26: Special Indications for Individual Drug Classes
27: Special indication: Left Ventricular Dysfucntion
28: Hypertension in OlderPersons
29: Considerations in Antihypertensive Drug Choices
30: Special consideration in Antihypertensive Drug Choices
31: Summary