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OmniPro is the only equestrian timer system with self-aligning optical gates, where all the user needs to do is to place the start and finish lines and the system does the rest. It is also the only system to feature dual optical beams for added robustness against snow, falling leaves, etc. Naturally, it works seamlessly with Equipe equestrian event software.
OmniPro Elite Equestrian Sports Timing System Om niPro E lite equestrian sports tim ing system Om niPro E lite equestrian sports tim ing system com plete w ith 3 optical gates, 6 tripods, U SB cable, therm al printer, 2 rolls of paper, and a m anual start/stop button. A ll the devices are delivered in a rugged case for storage and charging. The case is equipped w ith w heels for easy transport. Om niPro E lite
OmniPro Elite Equestrian Sports Timing System The Om niPro Om niPro system w as designed and built from the ground up using the latest cutting-edge technology w ithin optics, com m unications, and electronics. The technology behind our system is patented, and w on’t be found in any other tim ing system on the m arket. C ON TA CT C ON TA CT U S U S W ebsite M ail U s On: C ontact U s: https://om ni-pro.net/ om nipro@ sabia.no + 4793059346