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Redox of Natural Waters. Redox largely controlled by quantity and quality (e.g. reactivity) of organic matter Organic matter generated with photosynthesis Organic matter decomposes ( remineralized ) during respiration. Photosynthesis.
Redox of Natural Waters • Redox largely controlled by quantity and quality (e.g. reactivity) of organic matter • Organic matter generated with photosynthesis • Organic matter decomposes (remineralized) during respiration
Photosynthesis • CO2 plus nutrients (N, P, other micronutrients) to organic matter and oxygen • This equation controls atmospheric oxygen • If not driven to right by primary production, all O2 would be consumed CO2 + N + P + other = Corganic + O2
Redfield Ratio • Organic matter is approximately constant composition • Redfield ratio is thus 106C:16N:1P (molar ratio) C106H263O110N16P1
More complex reaction better reflection of photosynthesis 106CO2 + 16NO3- + HPO42- + 122H20 + 18H+ + trace elements = C106H263O110N16P1 + 138O2
This reaction reflects the importance of P in the reaction: • 106 moles C consumed/ mole of P • 16 moles of N consumed / mole of P • 138 moles of O2 consumed / mole of P
Reverse reaction (remineralization: respiration/decay) equally important • Products include • Nitrate • Phosphate • CO2 – decrease pH • Much respiration results from microbes (bacteria, archea etc).
Oxidation of organic carbon also generates electrons: • Because free electrons are prohibited, there must be a corresponding half reaction to consume them Corg + 2H2O = CO2 + 4H+ + 4e-
For example – reduction of oxygen to water: • Here oxygen is the terminal electron acceptor. O2 + 4H+ + 4e- = 2H2O
There are multiple terminal electron acceptors: 2NO3- + 12H+ + 10e- = N2 + 6H2O FeOOH + 3H+ + e- = Fe2+ + 2H2O SO42- + 10H+ + 8e- = H2S + 4H2O
Terminal electron acceptor controlled by microbes and by concentration of acceptor Decreasing amount of energy derived per mole of electrons transferred MnO2/Mn2+ Rare FeOOH/Fe2+
Nitrate Reduction • Denitrification (dissimilatory nitrate reduction) • Final product is molecular nitrogen • Conversion of nutrient to inert gas 7e- 5Corganic + 4NO3- + 4H+ = 2N2 + 5CO2 + 2H20
Other nitrate reduction pathways • Reduction to nitrite: • Reduction to ammonia 2e- Corg + 2NO3- = CO2 + 2NO2- 2Corg + NO3- + H2O + H+ = 2CO2 + NH3 10e-
Ammonia also derived from decomposition of amino acids in proteins • Ammonia raises pH by formation of ammonium ion NH3 + H2O = NH4+ + OH- (now an acid-base reaction)
Why concern with NO3? • Haber Process (early 20th century) • N2 fixation to NH3 with Fe catalyst • NH3 oxidized to NO3 and NO2 • Prior to this fertilizers required • mining fixed N (guano) • N fixing plants (legumes)
Ferric iron (and Mn) reduction • Common in groundwater where metal oxides concentrated. Rare in surface water • Fe2+ commonly precipitates as carbonate or sulfide depending on solution chemistry Corg + 4Fe(OH)3 + 8H+ = CO2 + 4Fe2+ + 10H2O e-
Sulfate reduction Corg + SO42- + 2H2O = H2S + 2HCO3- • Commonly driven by microbes • Products are H2S or HS- and H2CO3 or HCO3- depending on pH • Microbes require simple carbon (e.g. < 20 C chains • Formate HCOO- • Acetate CH3COO- • Lactate C3H5O3 8e-
Sulfate common seawater ion • Sulfide and bisulfide highly toxic • Used by oxidizing bacteria for chemosynthesis • Oxide to sulfides change sediment color • Metal chemistry • P and some metals adsorb to oxides • Other metals soluble in oxidizing solution (Cu, Zn, Mo, Pb, Hg) • Other metals precipitate as sulfides
Fermentation and methanogenesis • Breakdown of complex carbohydrates to simpler molecules • Products can be used by sulfate reducing bacteria • Don’t require terminal electron acceptors
Fermentation • Methanogenesis CH3COOH = CH4 + CO2 CO2 + 4H2 = CH4 + 2H2O
Each terminal electron acceptor requires specific bacteria • Bacteria derive energy from reactions • Essentially catalyze breakdown of unstable to stable system • Reactions occur in approximate succession with depth in the sediment
Sediment-water interface Oxygen depleted N, P, CO2 (alkalinity) increase Depth in sediment Nitrate depleted MnO2/Mn2+ Mn2+ increase Rare Depth variations depend on: Sedimentation rate Diffusion rate Amount of electron acceptor Amount of organic carbon Fe2+ increase FeOOH/Fe2+ Sulfide increase SO42- decrease Methane increase
Sediments • The range of reactions are very common in marine sediments • Controls • Amount of organic matter • Sedimentation rate – controls diffusion
Eastern equatorial Atlantic: Slow sed rate low OC content Coastal salt marsh High sed rate high OC content
Redox Buffering • pe can be buffered just like pH • Depends on the electron receptor present • Example of surface water, contains oxygen and SO42- (no nitrate, metals etc).
With oxygen present, pe remains fairly constant at around 13 • Once oxygen reduced, sulfate becomes terminal electron acceptor, pe = about -3
Oxygen consumed, pe rapidly decreases
There could also be solid phases controlling redox conditions Stepwise lowering of pe as various terminal electron acceptors are depleted
Lakes • Vertical stratification • Epilimnion – warm low density water, well mixed from wind • Metalimnion (thermocline) – rapid decrease in T with depth • Hypolimnion – uniformly cold water at base of lake • Stable – little mixing between hypolimnion and epilimnion
Amount of nutrient in lake determines type • Oligotrophic – low supply of nutrients, water oxygenated at all depth • Eutrophic – high supply of nutrients, hypolimnion can be anaerobic
Cooling T in fall • Surface water reaches 4ºC – most dense • Causes breakdown of epilimnion – Fall turnover • Metalimnion breaks down • Wind mixes column
At T < 4º C, stably stratified • Ice forms • Warming in spring to 4º C is maximum density • Spring turnover • Monomictic – once a year turnover • Dimictic – twice a year turnover
O2 more soluble in cold water Oligotrophic Eutrophic High productivity, O2 consumed
Oxygen content (redox conditions) depend on turnover • Oxygen in hypolimnion decreases as organic matter falls from photic zone and is oxidized • The amount of oxygen used depends on production in photic zone • Production depends on nutrients, usually phosphate
Pollution convert oligotrophic lakes to eutrophic ones (e.g. Lake Apopka, Florida) • Difficult to reverse process • Nutrients (P) buried in sediments because adsorbed to Fe-oxides • When buried Fe-oxides reduced and form Fe(II) and Fe-carbonates and sulfides • Released P returns to lake
Ocean • Oceanic turnover • Continuous – Broecker’s “conveyer belt” • Nutrient distribution controlled by decay in water column and circulation/upwelling • Oxygen profiles controlled by settling organic matter from photic zone • Rate of input of organic matter controls oxygen minimum zone
Bottom configuration also important • Silled basins • Cariaco Basin – Venezuela • Sanich Inlet – B.C. • Santa Barbara Basin - California
Little deep water circulation • Oxygen rapidly depleted • May go to sulfate reduction in water column • Sediment affected • Black (sulfides) • Laminated (no bioturbation)
Ground Water • Difficult to generalize about controls on redox reactions
Multiple controls • Oxygen content of recharge water • “Point recharge” – sinkholes, fractures well oxygenated • “diffuse recharge” – low oxygen, consumed by organic matter
Distribution of reactive C • Aquifers vary in amount of organic carbon • Quality of carbon variable – usually refractory • Refractory because • Old • subject to heat
Distribution of redox buffers • Aquifers may have large amounts of Mn and Fe oxides
Circulation of groundwater • Flow rates, transit times, residence times • Longer residence times generally mean lower pe