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ACT on Alzheimer’s Disease Curriculum

ACT on Alzheimer’s Disease Curriculum. Module IV: Effective Interactions with Dementia Patients. Effective Interactions. These slides are based on the Effective Interactions text from Module IV Please refer to the text for all citations, references and acknowledgments. Learning Objectives.

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ACT on Alzheimer’s Disease Curriculum

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  1. ACT on Alzheimer’s Disease Curriculum Module IV: Effective Interactions with Dementia Patients

  2. Effective Interactions • These slides are based on the Effective Interactions text from Module IV • Please refer to the text for all citations, references and acknowledgments

  3. Learning Objectives Upon completion of this module the student should: • Develop an understanding of person-centered care and recognize each person as a unique individual. • List types of verbal and non-verbal communication that people with cognitive impairment may display. • Gain insight into common behaviors, understanding why they happen and what they mean.

  4. Dementia Care Overview

  5. Suggestions for Dementia Care • The patient is a person, respect that individual’s humanity • The changes in this person are a result of a brain disease over which the person has no control • Different or challenging behaviors may be the only way for this patient to communicate

  6. Three Keys to Quality Interactions • Affirm the person’s feelings, show empathy • Solve the problem whenever possible • Distract and/or relocate

  7. Person-Centered Care • Patient care should be personalized, so a caregiver needs to understand: • What makes this person unique • His or her personality • What core qualities define this person • Caregivers can use these core personal qualities to develop suitable, personal care

  8. Effective Communication

  9. Communication Overview • A dementia patient’s communication patterns will change over time and a caregiver’s communication techniques need to change as well • The best way to support a person with dementia (and to communicate effectively) is to build a relationship with that person

  10. Communication Challenges • Word-finding difficulty • Repetition • Loss of reading and writing ability • Revert to native language • Loss of ability to speak in clear sentences • Loss of ability to understand • Inability to use words

  11. Communications Tips • Talk to the person in a place free of distraction • Begin conversation with orienting information • Look directly at the person • Make sure you have the person’s attention • Be at eye level with the person • Speak slowly and clearly

  12. Communications Tips • Use short, simple sentences • Ask simple yes/no questions • Use concrete terms and familiar words • Talk in an easy-going, pleasant manner • Allow sufficient time for the person to respond • Break up tasks into smaller steps

  13. Having Trouble Being Understood? • Be sure that you are allowing enough time for the person to process and respond • Demonstrate visually what you are saying • Think about the complexity of what you are saying • Try a hug and change the subject

  14. Having Trouble Understanding? • Listen actively and carefully • Try to focus on a word or phrase that makes sense • Respond to the emotional tone of the statement • Stay calm and be patient • Ask family members about possible meanings

  15. Things Not To Do • Don’t argue with the person • Don’t order the person around • Don’t tell people what they can’t do • Don’t be condescending • Don’t ask questions that rely on good memory • Don’t talk about people in front of them

  16. When Verbal Communication Fails • Try distracting the person • Ignore a verbal outburst if you can’t think of a positive response • Try other forms of communication • Learn your own body language • Learn the other person’s body language

  17. Physical Interaction

  18. Making a Positive Physical Approach • Come from the front • Go slow • Get to the side • Get low • Offer your hand (palm up) • Use the person’s preferred name • Wait for a response

  19. Assessing Behaviors

  20. Walking about Exiting or trying to leave Wanting to go home Showing fatigue as the day progresses Sleep disturbances Looking or searching for things Gathering Shopping Expressing discomfort Having hallucinations or delusions Being suspicious or paranoid Repetitive actions Loud verbalizations that may not be coherent Common Behaviors

  21. Why Challenging Behaviors Occur • Change in environment • A caregiver’s approach to communication • Past history and behaviors • Internal needs of the person • The task that the person is doing • Inability of the person to express needs or desires

  22. A Different Way to View Behaviors Wandering Demonstrating mobility Sundowning Tired at end of day Rummaging Gathering / Exploring Hoarding Shopping Resistance to care Feeling uncomfortable

  23. When Is Behavior a Problem? • It violates the rights of others • It poses a threat to someone’s health and safety (including one’s own)

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