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ESEA Title I Finally Some Movement House & Senate Versions

ESEA Title I Finally Some Movement House & Senate Versions. School Superintendents of Alabama February 8, 2012 Bruce Hunter. ESEA Sloooowly moves. House Draft. Senate Committee. October 18,19 &20 Chairman Tom Harkin, IA Ranking Member Mike Enzi, WY Voted from committee 16-7

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ESEA Title I Finally Some Movement House & Senate Versions

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  1. ESEA Title IFinally Some Movement House & Senate Versions School Superintendents of Alabama February 8, 2012 Bruce Hunter

  2. ESEA Sloooowly moves House Draft Senate Committee October 18,19 &20 Chairman Tom Harkin, IA Ranking Member Mike Enzi, WY Voted from committee 16-7 12 D’s & 4R’s Floor - ? - Harkin says only when House has a bipartisan bill • Discussion draft January 10 • Chairman John Kline, MN • Introduction Feb. 9 • Hearing –Maybe Feb. 15 • Markup – Maybe Feb. 22 • Floor?

  3. Title I Structure • Senate Committee • Keeps current structure • Independent funding authorization • Title I • Migrant Education • N & D • House Draft • Adds Programs in Title I • Title I • Migrant Education • N & D • Indian education • ELL grants • Rural

  4. Title I Structure • Senate Committee • No funding flexibility • House Draft • Permits shifting funds within Title I programs • Except • No funds out of Title I grants to LEAs, only in • No state approval, • but must be reported and included in local application

  5. Assessment and AccountabilityImprovements -Accountability Senate Committee • States must establish an accountability system • Eliminates the impossible goal of 100% • Eliminates Adequate Yearly Progress, AYP, • Eliminates Annual Measurable Objectives, AMOs, • Eliminates all or nothing scorekeeping House Draft • States must establish an accountability system • Eliminates the impossible goal of 100% • Eliminates Adequate Yearly Progress, AYP, • Eliminates Annual Measurable Objectives, AMOs,

  6. Assessment and AccountabilityStatus Quo – Accountability Senate Committee • Disaggregation required - same sub groups • Reporting results by sub group required • School improvement grants for low performers House Draft • Disaggregation required - same sub groups • Reporting results by sub group required • School improvement grants for low performers

  7. Assessment and AccountabilityImprovements- Assessment Senate Committee • Permits multiple measures. • Includes computer based adaptive assessment • Requires adoption of new more accurate assessments House Draft • Permits multiple measures • Requires tests that measure individual proficiency and growth

  8. Assessment and AccountabilityChanges - Assessment Senate Committee • Eliminates the 2% testing cap • Changes testing requirement for ELL from one year to two years • Permits shifting to measuring growth, but keeps status testing too House Draft • Eliminates caps on special education testing -IEP team decision • Maintains current 1 year ELL testing requirement • Permits shifting to measuring growth, but keeps status testing too

  9. Assessment and AccountabilityChanges – Graduation Rate Senate Committee • 4 year cohort graduation rate in accountability • State can elect to use adjusted rate for years 5 & 6 • Continuous improvement on track • Ranking schools required –identify the bottom 5% • Achievement • Achievement gap House Draft • 4 year cohort graduation rate in accountability • State can elect to use adjusted rate for years 5 & 6

  10. Assessment and AccountabilityChanges – Teacher Qualifications • Senate Committee • Maintains HQT language • Unchanged from current law • House Draft • Section 1119 of Title I deleted – • Silent on teacher qualifications • HQT gone

  11. School Improvement Strategies Senate Committee • Transformation • Strategic Staffing Strategy • Turnaround Strategy • Whole School Reform Strategy • Restart Strategy • School Closure Strategy • State Flexibility • Rural Option House Draft • State selects school improvement strategies

  12. AASA Concerns • Senate Committee • Comparability • Charter Schools • Foster Children • House Draft • Maintenance of Effort • Rural Education • Funding • Charter Schools • Vouchers • Equitable Participation • Education Technology

  13. ProblemsComparability Senate Committee • Requires actual personnel costs • Eliminates the option to use teacher-student ratios • Eliminates 10 % varience • Requires that expenditures be at least equivalent immediately • 3 year phase in House Draft • Current law

  14. ProblemsComparability Senate Committee • Does not specify how districts would be required to comply • Silent on teacher transfers as a means to meeting comparability - may be controversial with teachers unions House Draft

  15. ProblemsFoster Children • Senate Committee • Franken amendment • Foster coordinator, can’t be Homeless coordinator • Transportation to school of origin • Homeless rules for services and enrollment apply • Some Democrats may rethink their vote • House Draft • No provision

  16. ProblemsMaintenance of Effort • Senate Committee • Maintains current law • House Draft • Eliminates MOE • Lose the lever on state funding • Lose the lever on local finding • Hits low wealth districts hardest

  17. ProblemsFunding • Senate Committee • No Cap • House Draft • Title I capped at $16 b • Increases capped at CPI

  18. ProblemsCharter Schools • Senate Committee • Decreased state oversight • Decreased accountability • House Draft • Decreased state oversight • Decreased accountability • Increased access to federal funds for • For profit charter operators • Non profit charter operators

  19. ProblemsVouchers • Senate Committee • Not included • House Draft • Permitted use of Title III funds where state law permits vouchers – four states at least • WI • OH • AZ • FL • 10 states have special education vouchers not clear how that applies

  20. Process • Senate • Civil rights groups oppose • Education groups mostly supportive • House • Chairman Kline proceeding with out Democratic support • Support and Opposition forming • AASA waiting governing Board Action • Unions opposed – but trying to avoid being too open • Administration opposed • One group of 25 private organizations opposed

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