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Huawei a nd ZTE P ose Se curity T hreat, W arns US P anel. website: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-19867399 Group members: 张楠 陈艺玲 巫慧洁
Huawei and ZTE Pose Security Threat, Warns US Panel website:http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-19867399 Group members: 张楠 陈艺玲 巫慧洁 郑玉珑 Date:2012/10/24
Chinese telecom firms Huawei and ZTE pose a security threat to the US, a congressional panel has warned after an investigationinto the two companies.The two firms should be barred from any US mergers and acquisitions, according to a House Intelligence Committeereport.The panel says the firms failed to allay fears about their association with China's government .Huawei and ZTE denied the accusations in front of the panel in September.On Monday ZTE issued a statement insisting its equipment met all US standards and posed no threat. "ZTE has set an unprecedented standard for co-operation by any Chinese company with a congressional investigation,"
China's Xinhua news agency quoted the firm as saying.On Sunday, Mr Rogers delivered a blunt verdict to the 60 Minutes programme on US network CBS. Among report's recommendations were to exclude any Huawei or ZTE equipment from being used by government contractors, as well both companies becoming "more transparent and responsive to US legal obligations".China's Foreign Ministry urged the US to "set aside prejudices" regarding two firms."Chinese telecoms companies have been developing their international business based on market economy principles," ministry spokesman Hong Lei said.
investigation: an inquiry into unfamiliar or questionable activities.acquisition: the act of contracting or assuming or acquiring possession of something.House Intelligence Committee:美国情报委员会accusation: a formal charge of wrongdoing brought against a personcontractor: someone (a person or firm) who contracts to build thingsmerger: the combination of two or more commercial companies
ZTECorporation (formerly Zhongxing Telecommunication Equipment Corporation) is a Chinese multinational telecommunications equipment and systems company headquartered in Shenzhen, China. It is the world's fourth-largest mobile phone manufacturer measured by 2011 unit sales and the world's fifth-largest telecoms equipment maker measured by 2011 revenues (after Ericsson, Huawei, Alcatel-Lucent and ZTE's core products are wireless, exchange, access, optical transmission and data telecommunications gear; mobile phones; and telecommunications software. It also offers products that provide value-added services, such as video on demand and streaming media. ZTE primarily sells products under its own name but it is also an OEM, manufacturing some products which retail under other brand names.
HUAWEI:Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd. is a Chinese multinational networking and telecommunications equipment and services company headquartered in Shenzhen, Guangdong, China. It is the largest telecommunications equipment maker in the world, after having overtaken Ericsson.Huawei was founded in 1987 by ex-military officer Ren Zhengfei and formed as a private company owned by its employees. Its core missions are building telecommunications networks; providing operational and consulting services and equipment to enterprises inside and outside of China; and manufacturing communications devices for the consumer marketIn 2010, Huawei recorded profit of 23.8 billion CNY (3.7 billion USD). Its products and services have been deployed in more than 140 countries and it currently serves 45 of the world's 50 largest telecoms operators.
BACKGROUND:商务部国际贸易经济合作研究院国际市场研究部副主任白明指出,美国国会对华为和中兴的“定调”很无端,在很大程度上可以说是冷战思维与贸易保护主义的联姻产物。 当华为、中兴“威胁美国国家安全”的面纱渐渐撩开,其幕后推手终于按捺不住亲自跳上战场,并公开宣战。 思科CEO钱伯斯公开声称:“思科将在本土及全球市场与华为全面开战。"思科近日指控华为虚假陈述有关双方2003年版权侵权案的事实,并发布了被其称为此前保密的一份文件的部分内容,试图用“抄袭门”,向外界质疑华为的创新能力.思科还单方面宣布结束与中兴为期7年的销售合作伙伴关系。
美国是一个大市场,美国运营商的4G网络支出带来了增长机会。利益与增长机会所在,是华为和中兴不管如何困难也想进入美国的原因。但它们的进入,势必是对美国公司思科的一次直接进攻。思科最近十年来,一直对华为满怀愤恨与忌惮。2012年4月,思科CEO钱伯斯在接受《华尔街日报》采访时,明确表明了思科这种心态:一方面指出华为是思科最强硬竞争对手,另一方面指责华为在知识产权保护和电脑安全等领域并非一直“按规矩办事”。思科与美国政府、军方业务关系均很密切,也是企业游说团里的活跃分子。它在路由器、交换机的市场份额与优势近些年来呈现相对下滑趋势,它怎么可能坐视潜在威胁最大对手安然进入自己的主场?思科2011年财报披露,其产品毛利出现下降而且可能受到进一步影响,思科罗列出的几大因素中包括降低成本能力以及来自亚洲特别是中国的价格竞争。 美国是一个大市场,美国运营商的4G网络支出带来了增长机会。利益与增长机会所在,是华为和中兴不管如何困难也想进入美国的原因。但它们的进入,势必是对美国公司思科的一次直接进攻。思科最近十年来,一直对华为满怀愤恨与忌惮。2012年4月,思科CEO钱伯斯在接受《华尔街日报》采访时,明确表明了思科这种心态:一方面指出华为是思科最强硬竞争对手,另一方面指责华为在知识产权保护和电脑安全等领域并非一直“按规矩办事”。思科与美国政府、军方业务关系均很密切,也是企业游说团里的活跃分子。它在路由器、交换机的市场份额与优势近些年来呈现相对下滑趋势,它怎么可能坐视潜在威胁最大对手安然进入自己的主场?思科2011年财报披露,其产品毛利出现下降而且可能受到进一步影响,思科罗列出的几大因素中包括降低成本能力以及来自亚洲特别是中国的价格竞争。
与其说华为涉嫌威胁到美国通信国家安全,不如说是华为直接威胁到思科的商业安全。前者相当一部分是后者游说出来的一个包装。 与此相证明的是,美国国会议员中有73位在思科集团中拥有投资。与此相证明的是,美国国会议员中有73位在思科集团中拥有投资。 西方国家的政客与财富并非不能公开发生关系,大多数西方国家的政治人物都拥有可观的产业,并利用自己的议员等身份公开支持对自身利益有益的相关法案通过。(reference websites :http://www.china.org.cn/business/201210/11/content_26762809.htm wikipedia , http://fanyi.dict.cn/)http://news.xinhuanet.com/fortune/2012-10/17/c_123831784.htm