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Protein Synthesis

Protein Synthesis. Protein Synthesis. Synthesis= the process of building or making DNA= (deoxyribonucleic acid) the genetic code or instructions for the cell RNA= ribonucleic acid Amino Acids= building blocks of proteins.

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Protein Synthesis

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  1. Protein Synthesis

  2. Protein Synthesis • Synthesis= the process of building or making • DNA= (deoxyribonucleic acid) the genetic code or instructions for the cell • RNA= ribonucleic acid • Amino Acids= building blocks of proteins

  3. http://images2.clinicaltools.com/images/gene/dna_versus_rna_reversed.jpghttp://images2.clinicaltools.com/images/gene/dna_versus_rna_reversed.jpg http://www.princeton.edu/%7Ehos/images/rna.gif

  4. STEP 1: TRANSCRIPTION= making RNALocation: Eukaryotes-nucleusProkaryotes-cytoplasm • 1. RNA polymerase binds to the gene’s promoter • 2. The two DNA strands unwind and separate. • 3. Complementary nucleotides are added using the base pairing rules EXCEPT: • A=U • The rest are the same C=G, T=A, G=C

  5. Try this example. • Using the following DNA sequence, what would be the complementary RNA sequence? • ATCCGTAATTATGGC • UAGGCAUUAAUACCG

  6. http://www.odec.ca/projects/2004/mcgo4s0/public_html/t3/mRNA%20to%20protein.gifhttp://www.odec.ca/projects/2004/mcgo4s0/public_html/t3/mRNA%20to%20protein.gif

  7. 1. Messenger RNA= mRNA is a form of RNA that carries the instructions for making the protein from a gene and delivers it to the site of translation. • Codon= three nucleotide sequence • Transfer RNA= tRNA single strands of RNA that temporarily carry a specific amino acid on one end and has an anticodon • Anticodon-a 3 nucleotide sequence that is complementary to an mRNA codon • Ribosomal RNA= rRNA- a part of the structure of ribosomes

  8. Codon and Anticodon • Codon-found on mRNA Anticodon-found on tRNA http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.obgynacademy.com/basicsciences/fetology/genetics/images/codon_GCA.gif&imgrefurl=http://www.obgynacademy.com/basicsciences/fetology/genetics/&usg=__4MvAO2N3sXbERXQwODVDSqtsOjM=&h=160&w=168&sz=4&hl=en&start=5&tbnid=toyuIN8drVBr4M:&tbnh=94&tbnw=99&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dcodon%26gbv%3D2%26hl%3Den http://www.microbelibrary.org/microbelibrary/files/ccImages/Articleimages/kaiser/tRNA_arg.jpg

  9. STEP 2-TRANSLATION- Assembling proteins- in the cytoplasm • mRNA leaves nucleus and enters cytoplasm • tRNA molecules with the complementary anticodon and a specific amino acid arrives at the ribosome where the mRNA is waiting. • Peptide bond forms between amino acids • tRNA molecule leaves and a new one comes with another amino acid. • Amino acids continue to attach together until the stop codon and a protein is formed

  10. SUMMARY • Transcription= process of making RNA from DNA • Translation= RNA directions are used to make a protein from amino acids • DNARNA Protein • Transcription Translation Cytoplasm on ribosome nucleus

  11. Video Clips • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KvYEqGb7XN8&feature=related • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B6O6uRb1D38&feature=related

  12. Explain the steps in protein synthesis. http://stemcells.nih.gov/info/scireport/images/figurea6.jpg

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