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How Internet of Things (IoT) is Changing Web Development Processes?

Nowadays, in the IT sector, there is a major growth of u201cBuzz wordsu201d like u2018IoTu2019, u2019Big Datau2019, u2018Machine Learningu2019 and u2018AIu2019. All those words look very simple but believe me each one of them has depth concepts behind them. So, all of you wonder what is the meaning of u2018IoTu2019? Basically, u2018IoTu2019 is an acronym for u2018Internet of Thingsu2019. If you are looking for IoT Web Development, Contact us for more details.

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How Internet of Things (IoT) is Changing Web Development Processes?

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  1.         How the Internet of  things(IoT) is  Changing Web  Development  Processes?                           

  2.   Nowadays, in the IT sector there is major growth of “Buzz words” like ‘IoT’, ’Big                               Data’, ‘Machine Learning’ and ‘​AI​’. All those words look very simple but believe me                             each one of them has depth concepts behind them. So, all of you wonder what is                                 the meaning of ‘IoT’? Basically, ‘IoT’ is an acronym for ‘Internet of Things’.        What is IoT?  According to Wikipedia, “The Internet of things is the extension of Internet                         connectivity   into   physical   devices   and   everyday   objects.   Embedded   with   electronics, Internet connectivity, and other forms of hardware, these devices can                       communicate and interact with others over the Internet, and they can be remotely                           monitored and controlled”. In short, a huge network of things which can                         communicate with each other via the internet.    Why do We Require Web Development?  There is no wonder that Web Development is seating on the top of all other fields                                 of the Internet. There is a good reason behind this, most apps and software needs                               ‘backend’ to communicate which play a very crucial role for any piece of software                             1 

  3.   because without ‘backend’ that software is useless. So, they just need to rely on                             Web Development.    IoT: The Real Game Changer  Now, this statement can be truer, the Internet of Things technology not just impact                             consumers but it even affects the IoT solution providers. It changes software                         development on many levels, also web development. These complex IoT networks                       set some new challenges for the web developers both in regard to both the front as                                 well as back-ends.      Where does Web Development Stand in the Era of IoT?  To understand how IoT and web development are related to each other, you first                             need to understand this fact that the network of the connected devices relies on                             web servers. Data that is obtained from sensors is stored in the cloud. With the help                                 of advanced messaging protocols, communication between the devices takes place,                     and the user interface helps other users in interacting with the connected devices.    Apart from that, a number of IoT devices can display web content, like User                             Interfaces on laptops, TVs, smart applications, wearables, and industrial monitors. A                       few of them are even able to search the web via browsers, like we have Amazon’s                                 Echo with the virtual assistant, Alexa. This way, it is clear that web development is a                                 vital aspect of IoT projects.    How IoT can Change Web Development Processes?  Now every person who owns a smartphone must have experienced IoT at one point                             of time or the other. In fact, it is very much possible that in coming times the                                   businesses enterprises would begin to use a combination of wireless technologies                       2 

  4.   and sensors, to satisfy their customers and take their enterprises towards success.                         On the part of customers, they would also begin using IoT to avail personalized &                               customized products & services. Using sensors and analytics, people would be able                         to track their health and control home appliances. Similarly, in the era of web                             development, IoT can contribute to shaping the future efficiently and effectively.    However, there are a number of firms that are still unbeknown of the usage of IoT                                 as it lies somewhere on the expensive side. Also, with most new technologies being                             advanced with the Internet of Things, it is vital for the web developers to learn                               about the same and be knowledgeable of it.    Complex Web Development  The process of web development and designing is going to be a lot more complex                               with the Internet of Things, as then the users are going to primarily use front-end                               interface to communicate with devices that are being operated with IoT, such as                           cameras, sensors and other smart devices. Numerous websites may also require the                         complex capability to communicate with back-end databases that are able to store                         personalized data that can be obtained from IoT devices. This way the page loads                             quickly and there is no delay in transmission timing in the web development. In                             coming times, requirements would help web developers in using a powerful                       language that not only helps to build a dynamic front-end interface but also allows                             the user to communicate with IoT devices in the back-end.    IoT Devices that Display the Web  Several web developers are unaware of the fact that there are many devices that                             are able to display web content in front of people. So, let's find out about them.    Personal Assistants: Yes, this is the new trend in the world of computing, i.e. smart                               voice assistants, like Amazon Echo’s Alexa, Microsoft’s Cortana, Google Assistant,                     3 

  5.   and Apple’s Siri. In a home, these assistants come useful operating all appliances                           and also do small tasks, say ‘Set Alarms’, and more. Using IoT, the web would be                                 able to access bots that are helpful in reading information rather than display it                             visually.    Smart Watches: Now the displays that smartwatches have are really too tiny and                           they come in a wide range of colors and screen resolutions. Android Watch does                             have a web browser for the Android Wear, however, the Apple Watch doesn’t have                             one yet. Now in coming times, there could be a smartwatch that supports multiple                             web browsers.    Computing devices(with the small displays): Now, devices, like Raspberry Pis have                       smaller screens and they can well display web content. Here, the context of                           content can be in the form of web-based device control pages, web pages, and the                               local dashboard style web displays.    The practices in front-end development on the web don’t have to adapt in ways in                               order to suit IoT & the other technology advancements. Still, if they do not, then                               the web would segment into something that can then only be used on desktops and                               mobiles. This way, it is clear that IoT is a massive breakthrough in the web                               development era.    Making lives a loT Easier: The proliferation of IoT has opened many opportunities                           to the businesses to create useful and innovative applications, which would in a way                             help in making people’s lives easier. Even though more and more companies are                           integrating IoT development in their workings, owing to its high cost, many web                           development firms find it difficult to use IoT with fragile devices.      4 

  6.   As of now, organizations are making efforts to enhance their communication and to                           remove security flaws, thus to prevent seamless integrations. This way, one would                         not be restricted to using embedded C, as there are several other web tools &                               technology tools available to use. So, what needs to be considered while creating a                             new web design with IoT integration?    Below, we have mentioned a few of the techniques that should be considered while                             developing interactive solutions having IoT interactions.    Speed Measurability: As it comes to a traditional website, all requests are analyzed                           by a web server. However, in the case of IoT, it has changed the whole scenario, as                                   here the data is transmitted to cloud & connected devices and they allow the users                               to efficiently communicate.    Privacy & Security: One common drawback of IoT or the associated solutions is                           that they offer a way to hackers. Like, if a hacker succeeds in cracking a                               web-connected pattern, then others can also easily crack it. Thus, to maintain                         security, it is important that designers adopt strict design practices. This, after all,                           is the responsibility of web developers to integrate the security feature to ensure                           the security of IoT-based apps.    Power Management: Speaking of IoT devices, what first comes in mind, is certainly                           battery-powered instruments and wireless operations. For this, fully-fledged power                   management is essential. After all, those heavy programs running in the backend do                           drain the huge battery and this leads to less user communication. This is why the                               new layout must be designed for minimizing excess power use.    Strong Back-End: It is important that communication between users & IoT devices                         is very clear. This can be attained by forming with robust back-end design                           5 

  7.   architecture. Each of the devices has several capabilities, data, and commands that                         operate just according to the inclinations of users. A quality backend receives and                           transmits data, and it helps the users in communicating with the device in a                             seamless way.    Intuitive UI: For an ​IoT application​, it is vital to have a clean, fast and interactive layout. A web designer must work on latest web design practices, however, ensure                                                           that design inclusions are meaningful and should support rational workflow. Also                       keep in mind that new IoT-based design must be compatible with mobiles, so that                             smart users can benefit from it.    Lastly, Considering all of the aspects discussed above, the Internet of Things (IoT)                           tends to be the real game-changer in the era of technology. It has arrived at the                                 time when users were actually looking for a technology that would add to their                             convenience. This way, it received a warm welcome upon its arrival from the users                             as well as the business organizations.    We, OneClick IT Consultancy, develop IoT applications. ​Let’s discuss your requirements if you have one and see the opportunity of working together on this.                                          6 

  8.                   Thank You!            ​info@itoneclick.com  (+91) 98254-86321   ​www.oneclickitsolution.com  ​https://www.facebook.com/oneclickconsultancy/  ​https://twitter.com/​OneClickIT  ​www.linkedin.com/company/one-click-it-consultancy/  7 

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