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Over the years I have done in-person sales training for multinational companies; I have held small 10-person workshops.
How To Get More Traffic, MoreCustomers and More Money The Internet Marketing Checklist For Small Business Owners By Suzanne Doyle‐Ingram Hello, my name is Suzanne Doyle‐Ingram and I’m an author, a speaker, consultant, and I own several online businesses. Plus I am a mother of threeyoung children ages 5, 8 and 10 so I know what it means to be busy! Over the years I have done in‐person sales training for multinational companies; I have held small 10‐person workshops; I have done tele‐ classes, webinars , private coaching and everything in between… and the one thing that keeps coming up is: How Do We Get More Customers? Well it’s pretty simple really. You get more customers through marketing!Marketing brings leads and leads bring customers. What I know for sure isthat business owners are all over the map when it comes to theirunderstanding of Internet Marketing and growing their online presence. Oneof the best, quickest, easiest and cheapest ways to get more leads, andtherefore more customers and more money, is by generating traffic to yourwebsite.
But here’s the thing: Business owners are so busy and have so much to do ona day‐to‐day basis that taking the time to learn about Internet marketing canbe overwhelming. And let’s face it, most business owners are not looking forone more thing to add to their To Do list. As a coach and consultant, I wanted to develop a simple checklist to give tomy clients, and here it is. Free. For you! Feel free to share it on facebook,twitter, wherever you like. This guide contains more than 100 ways to market yourself and your businesson the Internet. I’ve organized it in a Checklist style so that you can print itout and keep track of what you’ve done and what needs to be done. The nicething is, you’ve probably already done some of these things and you can startmaking checkmarks today! I personally find checking things off a list verysatisfying. ;) In some places I have included links to my blog or other websites to help youget more information. I have also included a very valuable free bonus at theend of the guide, as well as my email address for any comments or questionsyou may have. Here’s your checklist - let’s get started!
Is your website ‘findable’ on search engines? o I know what my keywords are o I suggest using Market Samurai for research o I have used my keywords on every page of my website to attract visitors o I use an SEO plug‐in like Yoast (free) or SEO Pressor (paid - but highly recommended. It’s what I use on all my websites. It’s like having anSEO teacher watching over your shoulder while you’re writing blogposts. You can’t go wrong with it.) o Each image on my website has a keyword associated with it o I use my keywords in my H1, H2, H3 (headings) tags o My keywords are in my page title o My keywords are in my page description - twice (eg. Weight Loss - How to use Spinach for weight loss) o I have submitted my website to the top search engines o I have listed my website on Yahoo (Note: this costs $299. I do it for one year and then do not renew it the following year) o I have tested how well my website ranks on the search engines o I have listed my website on at least 5 industry‐related directories.
I use Backlinking to increase traffic For help with traffic, download my free book Free Traffic Forever o I know how many sites link to my website (There are lots of free tools online. One is http://www.backlinkwatch.com) o I have at least 100 backlinks to my website o I post comments on forums and I have a link to my website in my signature o I offer a free membership/ebook/other offer and get others to link to it o I have .edu sites linking to my site o I create videos and upload them to Youtube with a link back to my website in the description underneath the video o I write articles and include a link to my website in the Resource (Author) Box o I upload them to www.ezinearticles.com, www.scribd.com, www.slideshare.com o I write one keyword‐rich blog post every week o I write an article about my blog post and upload it to article directories, linking to my blog post o I tweet about my website on twitter o I link to my website on facebook
I Provide Valuable Content o I have a free e‐book to share my knowledge about my industry o My free e‐book can only be obtained in exchange for a name and email address o I know who my target market is o I have testimonials from satisfied customers using their real names o I have video testimonials o I have a industry‐related test that my visitors can takeo My Call to Action is obvious o I have a search bar on my website o I offer plenty of free, helpful informationo I post at least one new blog post a week o I understand that my #1 goal is to build my list of customers I Offer a Valuable Giveaway (so valuable, I couldactually charge for it) o I have a juicy topic for my free giveaway o My free giveaway answers the silent questions my prospects haveo I have set up how it automatically gets delivered o I have sent a copy to 10 friends/customers and asked for a review/testimonial o My unsubscribe process is automatic
o I ask my subscribers for feedback and comments o I have set up a series of emails to continue to “drip” after someone subscribes Email Marketing For a free copy of Email Marketing for Newbies, Visit My Website o I email once a week or at least once every two weekso I am not afraid to show my true personalityo I abide by CanSpam rules and regulationso I do not try to sell something in every emailo I offer valuable free information to my subscriberso I have an easy unsubscribe process o I always explain who I am and where I am emailing fromo My subject line does not try to trick anyoneo I do not send out emails that are one large image or pdfo I know which words to avoid (Hint: free!) o I treat my subscribers the way I would like to be treated My website is well designed o I use AWeber or another autoresponders.o My website was designed by a professional
o I have high quality images o My Call to Action is obvious and stated several times o My blog and website are linked on the same domain o If you need help with blogging, download my free guide, Blogging Crash Course o My website is easy to navigate o My visitors do not have to click several times to find what they wanto There is at least one free product available o I have products for sale o I have a professional picture of myselfo I have my contact information listed Public Relations o I write a press release once a month o I distribute this press release to these sites: o http://www.businesswire.com/ o http://www.betanews.com/ o http://www.programmersheaven.com/o http://www.prlog.org/ o http://www.betanews.com/ o http://news.thomasnet.com/ o http://www.nanotech‐now.com/o http://free‐press‐release.com/ o http://www.clickpress.com/releases/index.shtml
o http://www.1888pressrelease.com/ o http://www.downloadjunction.com/ o http://www.pressbox.co.uk/ o http://www.sbwire.com o http://www.sanepr.com/ o http://www.ukprwire.com/ o http://www.webnewswire.com/ o http://lawfuel.com/submit‐news.asp o http://www.inman.com/node/39598 o http://www.lohas.com/weekly/submitpressrelease.html o http://www.pr9.net/ o http://www.pressmethod.com/ o http://www.openpr.com o http://www.filecluster.com o http://www.pr‐inside.com/ o http://searchwarp.com/ o I have let the media know that I give away something for free on my website o I have let the media know that I am available for interviews o I know my “story” and my “pitch” o I have written a book and published it on Amazon (Here’s How to do that) o I have contributed to someone else’s book o I’ve contacted radio stations and offered myself as an expert guest o I have written a pitch letter and sent it to local news media
Advertising Your Website o I have had at least one banner ad created (with a compelling Call to Action) o I have my website address on my marketing materialso I advertise in Ezines (See How To Do That Here) o I have purchased a customized mailing list of my ideal prospects. (Visit StrategicLists.com ) o I have been a guest writer for other people’s blogs and newsletters ( Here’s How to do that using the DOE ) o I have run classified ads promoting my product or service Establishing Yourself as an Expert o I have a complete profile on LinkedIn and I know how to promote myself (See LinkedInfluence for help) o I have a customized Youtube channel with at least 5 videoso I have an account on www.Selfgrowth.com o I have an account at www.ezinearticles.como I have set up a facebook business page o I have published a book (You can self publish on Amazon for free using Create Space) o I have a radio show (See BlogTalkRadio.com)
Building Your List o I have an autoresponder (Aweber.com is what I recommend)o I am working towards 5,000 people on my list o I understand the difference between freebie‐seekers and buyers o I am adding at least 100 people to my list each week o I participate in ad swaps (Visit Safe‐Swaps.com for more information)o I know how to rent a list and promote my free offero I treat my list well and regularly communicate with them Monetization o I have “How To” Information products for saleo I offer paid services o I offer in‐person Workshopso I offer tele‐classes o I sell my book(s) on Amazon (You can self publish for free using Create Space) o I sell my book(s) on Kindle o I have a paid membership option o I have recurring, passive revenue systems in place
Final Thoughts o Whatever is working, do more of it o Get one thing working well, then move to the next thing o Hire a Virtual Assistant to help you as soon as you can o Do what you Love and what brings you Joy and outsource everything else o Keep trying new things to see what draws visitors o Build more websites in different niches and monetize them o Constantly study what’s happening in Internet Marketing o Put on a free Q&A webinar or class once a month for your subscriberso Keep building your list! o Have Recommended Resources on your websiteo Keep testing and tweaking your ranking
Resources Here is a list of programs and services that I personally use and I recommend. Hostgator for website hosting. They have the best customer service in theworld. Aweber is the autoresponder I use. You can try it for free. AudioAcrobat is what I use for recording interviews, podcasts, hosting videos,and conference calls. Directory of Ezines I am a member of the DOE. It’s a great place to find ezinesthat will run an ad for you, as well as ezines that are looking for guest writers.If you write an article or blog post and link back to your site, you can get aton of traffic. Safe‐Swaps.com A great place to find people with large lists that will emailyour offer out to their list for a small fee. Linked Influence A good course on how to use Linked In more effectively togenerate business. Strategic List Services Full disclosure: I am one of the owners of this listbrokerage firm. I know you will be well taken care of if you need a directmarketing list. Market Samurai - My #1 tool for keyword research. I have been using this foryears.
Free Downloads Four paid products… all yours for free, from me to you! Grab over $100 worth of FREE Gifts >> DOWNLOAD HERE<< I want to personally thank you for taking the time to read this free guide. Ihope you found it to be helpful. Please send all feedback, comments and questions to me atcomments@suzannedoyleingram.com or visit my website atwww.SuzanneDoyleIngram.com Disclaimer: All of the products mentioned in this guide are products that I personally useand recommend. In some cases, there is a tracking code in my link, so if your interestresults in a purchase, I will be compensated. If you prefer not to click on my link, pleasefeel free to type the address into your web browser. As long as you get the informationyou need, that’s the most important thing.