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Harold Gomes Statistician Office of Migrant Education U.S. Department of Education. Annual Performance Report (APR) for CAMP Submission Process (2012-2013), Content, & Clarity . Harold.Gomes@ed.gov 202-260-0974. Where does it all start ?…. Series of laws (GPRA) designed to…
Harold Gomes Statistician Office of Migrant Education U.S. Department of Education Annual Performance Report (APR)for CAMPSubmission Process (2012-2013), Content, & Clarity Harold.Gomes@ed.gov 202-260-0974
Where does it all start ?…. • Series of laws (GPRA) designed to… • Improve government project management • The GPRA requires agencies to… • Set goals, measure results, and report their progress with integrity • Annual Performance Report (APR) for HEP is the result of GPRA
Changes to 2012-2013 APR Reporting Style… • MS Excel for Numerical Data • MS Word for Text
APR Submission NO submission in G5 this year! Grantees will complete and email the FINAL versions of ALL 4files as 4 attachments in one email at hepcampAPR@ed.gov by 12/09/2013 (At least 30 days from today) OME has emailed 4 files to the grantees on 10/28/2013 from hepcampAPR@ed.gov email account. 4 Files 1 Performance Report Data Form (MS Excel) 1 Performance Report Text Form (MS Word) 1 HEP Documentation Form (MS Word) 1 Cover Sheet Form(MS Word)
Questions? Regarding… Submission Process
Additional Resource Dictionary of Definitions
Some important GPRA measures of CAMP performance • GPRA1 • GPRA2 • Success Efficiency Ratio Let’s clear up some confusion…
Confusion Cleared!Completer, Withdrawal, Persister, & Returning … APR 2012-2013 Due Date 12/09/2013 CAMP APR Year 1 Due Date (November) Year Break (June 30) Year Break (June 30) APR Year 2 Due Date (November) Min 24 credits (semester) or 36 credits (quarter) or higher as defined by the university APR A1 APR A2 APR A1 APR A2 APR A1 Year 2 Year 2 Year 1 Year 1 Year 3 End Begin Begin End Begin Withdrawal Completers Completers New Participants New Participants Persister New Participants Withdrawal Returning Returning Persister Enrolled through Add/drop period Enrolled through Add/drop period Budget Period Budget Period
Questions? Regarding… Attainer, Withdrawal, Persisters, & Returning Students APR 2012-2013 Due Date 12/09/2013 • This Year (2013)… • Persisterscan be counted until the APR due date. • “Completers” must meet the definition by June 30 (end of budget period). Definition of Completer Min 24 credits (semester) or 36 credits (quarter) or higher as defined by the university
GPRA Measures Total no. funded or served (whichever is higher) CAMP first academic year completers Persisters CAMP first academic year completers who continue postsecondary education GPRA2= GPRA1=
GPRA Measures: High & Low Withdrawal • National Target (2012-2013) • GPRA1 86% • GPRA2 85% Completers who do NOT continue after first year of post-secondary
GPRA Measures Bottom line: Cost Per CAMP Completer who continues postsecondary… $$ from GAN Total Budget Awarded CAMP first academic yearcompleters who continue postsecondary education Success Efficiency Ratio =
Reporting Logistics… Very Important • Numerical • MUST enter number • Do NOT leave it blank • Enter 0 for none
Reporting Logistics… Form Header Recap Grantee’s Information
APR Data in Excel Password: edit
APR: Block A A1: How many students do we have in the beginning of the project year? A2: Where are these students at the end?
CAMP: Knowledge Check 23 Case Scenario #1 Project A is funded to serve 50 students per year. The Project recruited 46new participants during the 12-13 budget period (reporting period). 6 students from last year returned to continue in this budget period. These 6 returning students were reported as persisters in previous budget year APR. Additionally, 2 students, who were reported as withdrawal in previous budget year APR, have also returned to this budget period. What are the breakdowns for the beginningof reporting period (Block A1)? • Funded to be served: 50 • Actually served: 54 • New Participants: 46 + 2 (=48) • Returning Participants: 6(= Persisters of the previous reporting period/budget period)
CAMP: Knowledge Check Definition of Completer Min 24 credits (semester) or 36 credits (quarter) or higher as defined by the university 54 – 45 – 5 = 4 24 Case Scenario #2From the previous question, we observe that Project A is serving 54students during the 12-13 budget period (reporting period). Additional facts… 45 students are considered “completers” by June 30 (end of budget period) because they qualify under the definition. Project A anticipated that students who did not qualify as “completers” (54 – 45=9) will all register again for the next budget period (13-14). However, only 5 students have officially registered by APR submission deadline (12/09/2013) What are the breakdowns for the end of reporting period (Block A2)? • Completer: 45 • Persister: 5 • Withdrawal: 4 (did not officially register or stopped coming to school)
APR: Block A A3: How many CAMP completers continued post secondary education (i.e., did not drop out after first year)?
APR: Block A A4: Are we following up with the CAMP completers ? A5-A7: Where are the former CAMP students?
APR: Block AA8 How long does it really take for CAMP completers?
Questions? Regarding Block A
Performance Calculation Table $$ from GAN
APR: Block B B1: How many students are receiving additional supports? “Other” Unlocked
Questions? Regarding Block B
APR: Block C C1: What are the characteristics of the funded project / institution? Please double check
APR: Block C C2: What are the characteristics of the personnel? C3: What are the characteristics of assessment?
Questions? Regarding Block C
APR: Block E 1: How much TOTAL carryover? 2: Difference in TOTALs explained? Not protected sheet DO NOT add/delete cells Text box can be enlarged for narrative
Questions? Regarding Block E
APR: Block D D1: Goals of your individual project that you offered in the initial application and its current status… NO Final Row for Cumulative
APR: Block D D2: Explain in your own words!..... See Instruction for details D3: If this is your last year of grant cycle…
Questions? Regarding Block D
APR: Block E E1: The budget $$ . Explain in your own words!..... See Instruction for details
APR: Block F F: Explain in your own words!..... See Instruction for details …such as, your current partners, changes to current partners and how it affected you in obtaining the project goals
APR: CAMP GPRA1 Doc. Form Provide Evidence of CAMP Completers
APR: CAMP GPRA1 Doc. Form Signature that certifies the accuracy of CAMP Completer information Tip: Allocate some time in advance to get ALL the signatures. Don’t wait to the last minute. Some signatories may be in vacation
Questions? Regarding Block E, Block F, and GPRA1 Documentation Form
APR: The Cover Sheet Summary of basic information of grantee Signature of accuracy, reliability and completeness of data for the ENTIRE APR
APR: The Cover Sheet Summary of basic information of grantee Signature of accuracy, reliability and completeness of data for the ENTIRE APR
APR: The Cover Sheet Summary of basic information of grantee Signature of accuracy, reliability and completeness of data for the ENTIRE APR
APR: The Cover Sheet Summary of basic information of grantee Signature of accuracy, reliability and completeness of data for the ENTIRE APR