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PLANT HEALTH NATIONAL AGRARIAN HEALTH SERVICE MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE 2013. internamiento. PERU South America. Surface : 1.285.215,60 Km 2 Max. Altitude : 6768 m 2 Natural Regions Coast (11%) Highlands (31%) Jungle (58%) Neighbor countries : -Ecuador -Colombia
PERU South America
Surface: 1.285.215,60 Km2 Max. Altitude: 6768 m2 Natural Regions Coast (11%) Highlands (31%) Jungle (58%) Neighborcountries: -Ecuador -Colombia -Brazil -Bolivia -Chile
Distance : Lima to Beijing : 16665 Km Lima to Tokio : 15528 Km Lima toSeoul : 16323 Km
Ministry of Agriculture Organismos Públicos Descentralizados (OPD)
S E N A S A Servicio Nacional de Sanidad Agraria ---------------------------------------------- PERU SENASA-PERU • Executing public body of the Ministry of Agriculture • Created on 1992 • Autonomy: Technical, administrative, economical, financial.
S E N A S A Servicio Nacional de Sanidad Agraria ---------------------------------------------- PERU VISION Healthy & competitive agrarian products with quality for Peru and the World. MISSION We serve as National Authority, protecting and improving the Agrarian health, promoting and controlling organic production and agri-food safety, for the sustainable and competitive development of the agrarian sector.
SENASA National Head Planning, Juridical & Audit Areas Technical Secretariat Centers for Diagnosis & Production/Administration Animal Health Division Plant Health Division Farm Inputs & Agri-Food Safety Division Plant Quarantine Animal Quarantine Agricultural Inputs Risk Analysis & Phytosanitary Surveillance Veterinary Inputs Risk Analysis & Epidemiology Surveillance Fruit flies & Phytosanitary Projects Agri-food Safety Diseases Control & Eradication Biological Control Organic Production Executive Offices (25) Management Unit Animal Health Unit Plant Health Unit Agrarian inputs & Agri-Food Safety Unit Quarantine Control Points
S E N A S A Servicio Nacional de Sanidad Agraria ---------------------------------------------- PERU INSTITUCIONAL COMPETENCES • NationalAuthority and Official Organisation of Peruon: • AgrarianHealth. • Organic Production • Agri-food Safety of Primary Products
GENERAL REGULATIONS • WTO - Agreement on Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures • IPPC Guidelines International • Decision 515 Comunidad Andina - Guidelines • Comité de Sanidad del Cono Sur – COSAVE (march 2013) Regional • General Law of Agrarian Health (Decreto Legislativo Nº 1059 • Regulation of General Law of Agrarian Health (Decreto Supremo N° 018-2008-AG) • Regulation of PlantQuarantine (Decreto Supremo N° 032-2003-AG) • Other Standards National
S E N A S A Servicio Nacional de Sanidad Agraria ---------------------------------------------- PERU Dirección de Sanidad Vegetal Plant Health Division(DSV)
S E N A S A Servicio Nacional de Sanidad Agraria ---------------------------------------------- PERU LINES OF ACTION • To keep and improve the country phytosanitary status . • To improve the competitiveness of the national production of plant products • To improve the quality of our services • Permanent training of Plant Health Staff with the goal to count on human resources highly trained and motivated.
STAFF National (personnel permanent & under contract) 1600 Campaings 1900 Head Office
S E N A S A Servicio Nacional de Sanidad Agraria ---------------------------------------------- PERU PLANT HEALTH Plant Quarantine Risk Analysis & Phytosanitary Surveillance Fruit Flies & Phytosanitary Projects Sections Biological Control P & D Centers * Supporting Areas
S E N A S A ServicioNacional de SanidadAgraria ---------------------------------------------- PERU ISSUES – PLANT HEALTH • Phytosanitary regulations • Establishment of phytosanitary requirements for the importation and international transit of plants, plant products and regulated articles. • Plant Quarantine System • Phytosanitary Surveillance System (record and plant pest data processing) • Plant Pest Risk Assessments • Phytosanitary Projects to prevent, control, suppress and eradicate pests (quarantine and of national concern) • Support for the Access to foreign markets of plant and plant products • Focal Point for information & notification - WTO
S E N A S A Servicio Nacional de Sanidad Agraria ---------------------------------------------- PERU • PLANT QUARANTINE • To lead thesystem of quarantine control • To Prevent the entrance of regulated pests in the importation and international transit of plant, plant products and other regulated articles into the country and its regulated areas • To ensure the phytosanitary quality of Peruvian exportations. • Areas: Importation • Exportation • International Transit • Internal Quarantine • Treatments
Control Points 27 28 External Control Points (R.J. 184-99-AG-SENASA) 4 5 26 25 24 3 2 7 1 6 Cod. Nombre 1 Jaén 2 Espíndola 3 Alamor 4 Aguas Verdes 5 Zorritos 6 Pto. Paita 8 7 La Tina 8 Pto. Salaverry 9 Aeropuerto del Callao 10 Puerto del Callao 11 Pto. Pisco 12 Aeropuerto de Arequipa 13 Pto. Matarani 23 14 Pto. Ilo 22 15 Ferrocarril - Tacna 9 16 Aeropuerto de Tacna 17 Palca 10 18 Desaguadero 19 Kasani 28 20 Moho 21 Tilali 11 22 Mavila 23 Iñapari 21 24 Santa Rosa Fluvial 25 Pto.Fluvial Mazuza 20 26 Aeropuerto de Iquitos 12 27 Pto.Fluvial Pantoja 28 Aeropuerto de Cusco 19 13 18 Aéreo 14 Terrestre 17 15 16 Marítimo Ferroviario S E N A S A Servicio Nacional de Sanidad Agraria ---------------------------------------------- PERU S E N A S A Servicio Nacional de Sanidad Agraria ---------------------------------------------- PERU
Exports • Access to new markets. • Implementation of regulations and recomendationsbased in the International Standardsfor Phytosanitary Measures and bilateral agreements. • Approval of workingexportingplanswithother NPPO. • Stablishment of Proceduresforthe Phytosanitary Certification. • Buildingcapacitiestoproducers, autorities and farmers; improvingtheknowledge of theplanthealthprotectionsystem in the country. • Linkingnational and internationalorganisations, makingmemorandum of understandingwithUniversities, exporters and farmers, involvingthem in theprotectionprocess and improvingtheagrarianhealth.
Markets opened with phyosanitary working plans Citrus: China, EEUU (ColdTreatment), Europa, Canadá, Venezuela, Ecuador, Colombia, Panamá, Costa Rica y Guatemala (FruitFlyLowPrevalence). Avocado:: Chile (from Lima, Ica, La Libertad y Moquegua), withMethylBromide in facilitiesapprovedby SENASA and SAG. Guatemala, Panamá, Costa Rica, withouttreatment. Grape:China,EEUU, Taiwán, México); Costa Rica, Guatemala, Europa, Canadá, Taiwán, Panamá, Hong Kong, Europa, Malasia sin tratamiento; India (Coldtreatmentorfumigation). Garlic:: Venezuela, EEUU, Chile, Brasil, México. Potato:Brasil, Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, Panamá, Bolivia. Mangoes:China,EEUU, Nueva Zelanda, Chile, Argentina y México, withhotwatertreatment, and toothercountrieslike: Malasia, Canadá and Europeancountries, do notneedhotwatertreatment, butthey are ruledby SENASA exportingprocedures. Kiwicha (Amaranth):: Bolivia Pumpkin, melon: to EEUU. Pumpkin, melon and watermelonto Chile.
Imports CATEGORIZATION OF COMMODITIES ACCORDING TO THEIR PEST RISK (PCR) Classification of plants, plant products and other regulated articles, based on their potential as pathway pests, level of processing and its intended use. SENASA established five (05) Phytosanitary Risk Categories: PCR 1 to 5
PHYTOSANITARY REQUIREMENTS ACCORDING TO THE PHYTOSANITARY RISK CATEGORY • Suspected presence of pest • Phytosanitary requirements or suspected presence of pest • Suspected presence of pest • No required for samples (grains) less than 01 kg • 5. Only if it is requested for propagation material
Phytosanitary Inspection • MEASURES APPLIED BY SENASA IN THE ENTRY POINTS • DOCUMENTS REVISION • Documentverification of theconsignment. • PHYTOSANITARY INSPECTION • Visual inspection of theconsignmentto look forpresence of pests and verification of compliance of thephytosanitaryregulations. • SAMPLING FOR LAB TESTING. • Pest identificationorcompliance of phytosanitary regulations. • POST ENTRY QUARANTINE • (Forpropagative material ) • Officialevaluation of importedpropagative material. Carryout in authorizedproductionfieldsduringan active growingseasonwhere a pestcouldappear.
Phytosanitary Inspection Procedure PHYTOSANITARY INSPECTION AT THE POINT OF ENTRY INTO THE COUNTRY • DETENTION • Laboratory Analysis • Quarantine Treatment • REFUSAL • a) Confiscation • b) Return to the export country • ENTRY PHYTOSANITARY IMPORT PERMIT
PHYTOSANITARY PERMIT IMPORT (PPI) • The PPI is issued by SENASA to authorize the importation of a consignment of plants, plant products and regulated articles • The importer must have the Phytosanitary Permit Import prior to inspection, certification and shipment of product to Peru • It is valid for 90 calendar days and it is used for only one shipment.
PROCEDURES FOR INTERNMENT OF CONSIGNMENTS (3) Restricted products (RD Nº 002-2012-AG-SENASA-DSV) (1) Product arrival (2) Declaration on Customs (DUA or passanger Declaration) (5) Phytosanitary Inspection (Plant Quarantine Official) Favorable : ENTRY No Favorable :REFUSAL (4) File Record, documentary revision in SENASA´s office at entry point
CANINE SQUAD S E N A S A Servicio Nacional de Sanidad Agraria ---------------------------------------------- PERU RD 0008-2012-AG-SENASA-DSV
Phytosanitary Inspection - Imports Postal items Sea freight Aerial Cargo Vehicles and passengers Consignments of under International Transit Post entry
S E N A S A Servicio Nacional de Sanidad Agraria ---------------------------------------------- PERU SURVEILLANCE • To keep updated the system of phytosanitary information (National & International data) • Technical support for other areas. • Activities: Plant Pest Surveillance • - Monitoring of Quarantine Pests with traps at national level (Trogodermagranarium, Teciasolanivora, Anthonomusgrandis) • - Surveillance of pest around the country • - Surveillance in the exportation production areas. • - Verification of plant pest notifications of farmers • - Pest alerts (Lobesiabotrana, HLB).
S E N A S A Servicio Nacional de Sanidad Agraria ---------------------------------------------- PERU PEST RISK ANALYSIS • To keep updated the system of phytosanitary information (National & International data) • Plant Pest Risk Assessments based on the IPPC standards • Technical support for other areas.
PEST RISK ANALYSIS & PHYTOSANITARY REQUIREMENTS (PR) S E N A S A Servicio Nacional de Sanidad Agraria ---------------------------------------------- PERU S E N A S A Servicio Nacional de Sanidad Agraria ---------------------------------------------- PERU • USER • SENASA NPPO EXPORT COUNTRY Request PR Receive letter from SENASA. Collect & send Requested information PR not established Internal Consultation Request information to begin the PRA Request PRA (Pest Risk Assessment) Receive PRA and send comments PRA in public Consultation PRA Initiation Public Consultation of the proposal rule for PR. Comments Evaluate the received comments If needed, request Additional information Evaluate Comments FINAL RULE End of PRA
FRUIT FLIES & PHYTOSANITARY PROJECTS • Actions to prevent, control and eradicate pest of importance for the country. • Actions to improve the phytosanitary status in Peru, in support for the national production and exportation of agrarian products. • Activities: Control & Eradication of Fruit Flies (Ceratitiscapitata y Anastrepha spp.) • Surveillance of Exotic Fruit Flies – Quarantine (A-1) • Crop IPM (potato, coffee, banana, cocoa) • Control of Phytosanitary Emergencies (locust, rodents, rust) • YEAR 2007: Peru established Free Areas of Fruit Flies : Tacna y Moquegua (Southern area).
BIOLOGICAL CONTROL • To promote the use of biological agents for the control of pests. • To develop methods for the production & use of biological agents • Supportonquality control toproductionprivatelabs of agents of biological. • ACTIVITIES • Introduction & Production of beneficalinsects & entomopathogens • Development of methodologies. • OrganicFieldCertificatión (Fundos Verdes). • Training toprivates.
S E N A S A Servicio Nacional de Sanidad Agraria ---------------------------------------------- PERU Phytosanitary Studies • Cold treatment for grapes & citrus • Heat water treatment. • Heat water treatment for mangoes bigger that 650 grs.. • Status of Hass avocado as non host of Ceratitis capitata and Anastrepha fraterculus (Diptera: Tephritidae) en el Perú"
Systematization • CustomerAtentionSystem - SAU (users) • PlaningIntegratedSystem - SIP (planning) • Administrative Management System - SIGA (administration) • Documental System - SISDOC (documents) • NationalFruitFlySystem -SINADE (fruitflies) • Animal HealthIntegrated Management System-SIGSA (Animal Health) • PlantHealthIntegrated Management System - SIGSVE (planthealth) S E N A S A Servicio Nacional de Sanidad Agraria ---------------------------------------------- PERU
Ministerio de Agricultura S E N A S A Servicio Nacional de Sanidad Agraria ---------------------------------------------- PERU INTEGRATED SYSTEM OF INFORMATION FOR PLANT HEALTH- SIGSVE Flies & Projects Labs Surveillance Phytosanitary Status Agents for notification Productivity & Competitively Executive Offices SIGSVE On line Feedback GIS & Maps Seeds Commerce Control Biologic Control
SITE www.senasa.gob.pe
Thank you….. dgsv@senasa.gob.pe www.senasa.gob.pe