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Striving for better European Quality 12 Recommendations. 1. Make best use of dictionaries and journals in European / international adult education. International dictionaries and glossaries on adult education Glossary of Adult Learning in Europe (ed. EAEA/UIE) International journals
Striving for better European Quality 12 Recommendations
1. Make best use of dictionaries and journals in European / international adult education International dictionaries and glossaries on adult education Glossary of Adult Learning in Europe (ed. EAEA/UIE) International journals LlinE: Lifelong Learning in Europe (http://www.orivedenopisto.fi/kvs/kansanvalistusseura//lline.htm) also organizes annual thematic conferences International Journal of Lifelong Education (http://www.tandf.co.uk/journals) Community Education International Journal (http://www.icea.de/)
Make best use of EU Research in Lifelong Learning and Adult Education EU Commission: DG Research European Union-supported educational research 1995-2003, Briefing Papers for Policy Makers (EUR 20791), ISBN 92-894-5770-8 (free order:Angelos.Agalianos@cec.ei.int) (http://www.cordis.lu/en/home.html) EU Commission: DG EAC Socrates-Erasmus thematic networks Socrates-Observation and Innovation
3. Make best use of European research institutions &associations in Adult Ed. ESREA European Society for Research on the Education of Adults (http://www.esrea.org/) ERDI Consortium of European Research and Development Institutes of Adult Education (http://www.die-frankfurt.de/erdi/) EUCEN (http://www.eucen.org/about/) European universities specialised in adult continuing education All of them with publications and conferences and last not least participating in Socrates-Grundtvig projects
EURYDICE: Adult education in National Education Systems; Education Statistics; LLL contributions; compilation of literature and data with search tool (http://eurydice.org) CEDEFOP Teacher training network (TTN); thematic reports; search for literature and projects; LLL web page (http://www.cedefop.eu.int) European Training Foundation, Turino (Vocational Training and LLL in Eastern Europe/ Acceding Countries) EUMC European Monitoring Centre for Racism and Xenophobia in Europe, Vienna European Foundation for the Improvement of Working and Living Conditions, Dublin EUROSTAT Statistische Daten auch zu Bildung European Special Needs Education Agency, Copenhague (http://www.european-agency.org) Make best use of the services ofspecialised European institutions
Make best use of policies, research, datacollections in international organisations • Council of Europe • language learning • Education for democratic citizenship • « Youth »: Young Adults • Cultural Heritage (http://www.coe.int) • OECD • Adult learning report 2003 • Adult learning country reports (Norway, …,Austria ongoing) • IALS International Adult Literacy Survey • Publications with search tool (on learning cities, ageing society…) (http://www.oecd.org)
Make best use of policies, research, datacollections in international organisations • UNESCO-UIE UNESCO Institute for Education, Hamburg ALADIN international adult education library with excellent search tool (http://www.unesco.org/education/aladin/) Education for all (EFA Dakar 2000 conference) national action plans (http://www.unesco.org/education/efa/db/index_national_plans.shtml) and UNESCO EFA monitoring country reports (http://www.unesco.org/education/efa/monitoring/index.shtml) CONFINTEA V 1997 plus national UNESCO Commissions’ interim reports 2003 and thematic conferences (active citizenship,…)
6. Make best use of past and current European co-operation projects • Check/ Contact Socrates II Grundtvig Compendia and Socrates I Adult Education co-operation projects, learning partnerships and networks in related areas and exchange links with them (http://europa.eu.int/comm/education/programmes/socrates/ grundtvig/info_en.html) • Exchange results and dates of conferences for inviting or meeting each other • Ask for clustering (same theme) conferences under Socrates Accompanying Measures Grundtvig or ask for visits under Grundtvig 3
Make best use of Europ. & national adulted. and lifelong learning policy initiatives Follow and evaluate for your countries and purposes: • National Lifelong Learning Reports 2001 and 2003 • Work programme on the Common future objectives for education and training in Europe until 2010 with their examples of good practice (DG EAC, interim report November 2003) • Follow lifelong learning reports on young adults within the follow-up reports 2001 and 2003 for the Whitebook Youth (DG EAC, Youth directorate) • Social Inclusion (bi-annual) and Employment (annual) National Action Plans and their paragraphs on education and training or lifelong learning for your thematic areas (DG Employment) • Use UIE national CONFINTEA follow-up reports 1997 - 2003 for the countries in your partnership
Make best use of European policydocuments in your thematic field Examples: • European Citizenship: Follow debate and decisions on Convention for Europe, about European “good governance” white paper (with special educational evaluation); programmes like “Democracy and human rights” • Social Europe - Social Inclusion: Consult European Council conclusions of Lisbon, Feira, Nice and Barcelona and bi-annual priorities of National Social Inclusion Action Plans (DG Employment and Social Affairs) • Gender: Consult Gender directive, gender-mainstreaming website, gender and education recommendations DG EAC; programmes like “Daphne” • Sustainability/ Environment: Follow DG Environment and Commission contribution to UN Earth Summit Johannesburg; programmes like “LIFE” • Consumer education: Follow consumer education strategy 2002-2006 and programme DG SANCO • Anti-Racism and Anti-Discrimination: Consult Anti-discrimination and related directives and communications
9. Keep contact with European, national & local policy-makers in adult education Keep policy-makers informed about your EU project activities: • Your national representatives in the Socrates Committee • Your national experts in the Grundtvig Working Group • Your “Directors General” for Adult Education in your Education or LLL Ministries at national and/ or regional level • Your elected Members of the European Parliament, especially members of the Education Committee • Keep elected members of your regional and national parliaments informed about your EU project • Keep your regional and/ or national representation to the European Union informed about your EU project
EAEA - European Association for Adult Education (90 member organisations in European countries European level organisation of International Council of Adult Education) Euro-WEA – European Workers’ Educational Association and IWEA (closely related to trade unions) EUCEN - European universities continuing education network FEECA - European Federation of Catholic Adult Education (http://www.kath.de/kbe/international/iae/feeca.html) as example for religious associations in European Adult Education 10. Keep in contact with European NGOs10.1 Adult Education
10. Keep in contact with European NGOs10.2 Stakeholder and thematic NGOs Non-governmental Organisations have knowledge and competences which may differ largely from mainstream research or governmental views. It may be worthwhile discussing whether value might be added (such as learners’ views) to your project. Examples of « umbrella organisations » interested in LLL / Adult education and in dialogue with the European Commission: • Young Adults: European Youth Forum • Gender/ Women: European Women’s Lobby • Senior Citizens: EURAG • Migrants: European Migrant Forum • Persons with disabilities: European Disability Forum
Place your partner meetings in European Academies and European residential folkhigh-schools and profit from their European expertise and equipment for international meetings Give your partners a chance to introduce highlights of their region or country and perhaps their adult education system to a broader public Give an introduction to some highlights of history and culture of your country to your partners, prepare it with individual choice of your favourite literature, places, persons in history and presence Create a social evening or make excursions in the countryside for getting to know landscape and culture Avoid national or gender stereotyping by finding also out what you have in common 11. Getting to know Europe: Make best use of your partner meetings
Develop your own sprcific qualityobjectives and indicators Apart from general quality of management: Think about objectives, indicators and monitoring tools for: • European adult education content and methodological quality • National adult education content and methodological quality for each partner • Personal and social quality • Intercultural quality at local, national and European level • Individual LLL quality for all persons involved • Participative democratic quality (transparency, communication rules)
Man lernt nichts kennen, als was man liebt und je tiefer und vollständiger die Erkenntnis werden soll, desto stärker, kräftiger muss Liebe, ja Leidenschaft sein. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe Quoted from: Rolf-Joachim Heger/Helga Manthey (ed.), LernLiebe, Über den Eros beim Lehren und Lernen, Deutscher Studienverlag, Weinheim 1993, p.158 On n'apprend jamais à connaître Que ce que l'on aime, Et plus approfondie et complète Doit être la connaissance, Plus fort et plus puissant Doit être l'amour, ou plutôt la passion. (Traduction libre:Guy Haug) One gets to know nothing better Than what one loves, And the more profound and complete The acquaintance needs to become, The stronger and more powerful Must be the love, and indeed the passion (Free translation: Prydwen Doueihi) « Lernliebe »: « Eros of learning »