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THE WORLD AROUND ME. Урок-викторина по английскому языку Автор: Уханова С.А. МОУ:СОШ с. Елизарово. Задачи викторины:. Повторение материала по пройденным темам «Достопримечательности», «Известные люди», «Животные», «Праздники». Поддержание интереса к изучению английского языка.
THE WORLD AROUND ME Урок-викторина по английскому языку Автор: Уханова С.А. МОУ:СОШ с. Елизарово
Задачи викторины: • Повторение материала по пройденным темам«Достопримечательности», «Известные люди», «Животные», «Праздники». • Поддержание интереса к изучению английского языка. • Развитие кругозора учащихся.
The 1st tour • Khanty-Mansyisk • Great Britain • Famous People • Animals
Who is this woman? What is she? Natalya Komarova
What is this? Where is it situated? Fountain Rotonda, Central Square
What is there behind the picture? Cyril and Mephody
What is there behind the picture? River Assol
What are these sights? Fountain Rotonda River Assol Bridge Red Dragon
What do you see on the picture? Trafalgar Square
What do you see on the picture? The Houses of Parliament, Big Ben
What do you see on the picture? Tower Bridge
The woman with a special sign “Stop, Children!” Lollipop Lady
English poet, author of “Romeo and Juliet” William Shakespeare
Singer, guitar player, member of the “Beatles” John Lennon
Great English scientist, author of “theory of evolution” Charles Darwin
This master of water-colors drew ruined abbeys and castles Joseph Turner
Well-known politician, the first woman Prime Minister of Britain Margaret Thatcher
Find the odd word out: camel, kangaroo, giraffe, lion, elephant
Find the odd word out: eagle, hen, duck, cockerel, turkey
What does this sign mean: По газону не ходить!
What exotic animals appeared in Great Britain for the first time? Leopards and elephants
The 2d tour • The USA • Space • London • Holidays
Who is this man?What is he? BarackObama
What is the capital of the USA? А: Washington B:New-York C:London D:Paris
Where does the American president live and work? А: White House B: Black House C: Big House D: Kremlin
Where is Hollywood situated? А: New-York B: Washington C: Los Angeles D: Philadelphia
How many stars are there on the flag of the USA? А: 58 B:80 C:50 D:48
Who was the first cosmonaut in the world? Yuri Gagarin
What planet is it? The Earth
What do you see on the picture? А: USA B: UFO C: PE D: IT
How many signs are there in the Astrological circle? 12
Where can you see the statue of the famous fairy-tale hero Peter Pen? Kensington Gardens
The famous museum of waxworks figures in London is … Madam Tussaud
The place where you can act in films, TV programs or draw your own cartoons is … MOMI
What is this? Westminster Abbey
What is this? Buckingham Palace
When do people visit their mothers and give them flowers and presents? • Mother's Day
When do people send special postcards to someone they love? St Valentine's Day
What is the first day of the year? The New Year