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EUROpean PARTitioning FP 6 EUROPART IP Preparation Charles Madic, Dominique Warin. ADOPT Meeting 24/03/2003. Continuity The research in PARTITIONING to be carried out within the European 6 th FP will be in continuity with that done during the 5 th FP:
EUROpean PARTitioning FP 6 EUROPART IP Preparation Charles Madic, Dominique Warin ADOPT Meeting 24/03/2003 Direction de l’Energie Nucléaire
Continuity The research in PARTITIONING to be carried out within the European 6th FP will be in continuity with that done during the 5th FP: the main target elements for partition will be the Actinides (An), both hydro and pyrometallurgical processes will be developed, the research teams to be involved will be mainly those of the PARTNEW, CALIXPART and PYROREP collaborations. Novelty : main axes for the research (for both hydro andpyro) Partitioning of Minor Actinides (MAs = Am-Cf) and some LLFP(s) from high burn-up UOX and multi-recycled MOx fuels, Partitioning (recycling all Actinides together) of An for advanced dedicated future fuel cycles (i.e. double strata concept, ADSs). EUROPART / Main objectives Direction de l’Energie Nucléaire
Hydrometallurgy General comments For each of the following WPs, the research will be quite broad, including : (i) the molecular modelling of the ligands, (ii) their synthesis and characterization, (iii) the study of their extracting properties (thermodynamics, kinetics, structures at molecular and supramolecular scales), (iv) the study of the stability of the ligands vs radiolysis and hydrolysis, (v) the scaling-up of the synthesis for the ligand selected for process development, (vi) cold test(s) of the processes, (vii) possibly hot tests of the processes. EUROPART / Hydrometallurgy Work Packages Direction de l’Energie Nucléaire
WP1 Partitioning of An = Am-Cf from HARs and HACs issued from the reprocessing of UOx (high burn-up) and MOX (multi-recycled) fuels, The processes to be developed will be in the continuity of those studied within the PARTNEW program (DIAMEX, SANEX with N and/or S-bearing ligands). Moreover, Am/Cm/Bk/Cf separations will be studied. WP2 Partitioning of An(III) (An = Am-Cf) from HARs and HACs issued from the reprocessing of UOx (high burn-up), MOX (multi-recycled) fuels, The extractant to be selected will belong to the functionalized calix-arene family. The process will permit the selective extraction of An(III) and, possibly, their mutual separation. The work will be done by the ex-CALIXPART teams. EUROPART / Hydrometallurgy WPs Direction de l’Energie Nucléaire
WP3 Co-partitioning of An(III) (An = Am-Cf), Cs(I) and Sr(II) (?) from HARs and HACs issued from the reprocessing of UOx (high burn-up) and MOX (multi-recycled) fuels, The solvent will contain a mixture of diamide (An(III) extraction) and calixarene (Cs(I) and Sr(II) extraction) This process will be developed by joint teams from ex-PARTNEW and ex-CALIXPART collaborations. WP4 Partitioning of An for advanced dedicated future fuel cycles (i.e. double strata concepts, ADS) The co-extraction of An(VI) (An = U, Np, Pu), An(IV) (An = Np, Pu), and An(III) (An = Am-Cf) will be studied. Several process concepts will be tested: (i) mixture of extractants (diamide + acidic extractant), (ii) definition of bi-topic extractants (totally new concept), (iii) chromatography techniques The research will be done in the continuity of PARTNEW. EUROPART / Hydrometallurgy WPs Direction de l’Energie Nucléaire
WP5 The nature of the study will be similar to that of the WP4, but calixarene type of ligands will be studied, Consequently, ex-CALIXPART teams will be in charge of the study. WP6 Aqueous effluents issued from the Partitioning processes will be decontaminated (vs. An, Cs and Sr, radionuclides) using chromatographic columns loaded with sorbents (inorganic, organic, mixed). WP7 Methods for the co-conversion of Ans for fuel preparation (oxide, nitride or carbide) : crystallization, precipitation, solgel process ... EUROPART / Hydrometallurgy WPs Direction de l’Energie Nucléaire
WP8 Partitioning of An from current HLWs issued from UOx and/or MOx fuel reprocessing by the PUREX process, Molten salt (MS) media to be studied will be: (i) chlorides, (ii) fluorides, Completion of basic property determination of An in MSs, demonstration of the feasibility of high An recovery yields (99.9%) with sufficient DFs vs FPs WP9 Processing of spent fuels for advanced dedicated fuel cycles (ADSs) Molten salt (MS) media to be studied will be: (i) chlorides, (ii) fluorides, recycling all An together, high burn-up fuels and short cooling times. EUROPART / Pyrometallurgy WPs Direction de l’Energie Nucléaire
WP10 Chemistry of the trans-curium elements in MSs (Cl and F). WP11 Study of the conditioning of the wastes generated by process implementation (mainly the spent salts). WP12 Systems studies. EUROPART / Pyrometallurgy WPs Direction de l’Energie Nucléaire
28 potential partners, 11 countries Draft budget from EC: 5805 k€ (some institutes still missing) Final proposed budget from EC : around 7000 k€ EUROPART Direction de l’Energie Nucléaire
The work to be done within the 6th FP in the field of partitioning will be in the continuity with the research carried out during the 5th FP: this will allow the strengthening of the previously obtained results, New routes will be followed, mainly in relation with possible dedicated fuel cycles (e.g. ADSs) ; this will imply important creativity in the research, The working force to be involved, for very fundamental work to very applied ones, seems to be very optimistic and one can thus expect great success for the research. Preparation progress: - 28/01 : technical meeting in Paris - 28/02 : propositions of the partners - 31/03 : full proposal draft - 30/04 : final proposal + MOU (technical+ budget) EUROPART Direction de l’Energie Nucléaire