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Guideline to this presentation. Welcome! - All you need is passion and wish to make a difference to the environment. First survey your place – look at the possible areas, understand how the current maintenance works and therefore what would be the changes to the current system.
Guideline to this presentation • Welcome! - All you need is passion and wish to make a difference to the environment. • First survey your place – look at the possible areas, understand how the current maintenance works and therefore what would be the changes to the current system. • This presentation will help you make a proposal for your neighborhood and present to the committee members and group members. • What you need to do is input in the places highlighted in green to complete the presentation. • Happy implementation.
Waste Management ProposalApartment Name Your Name: Place & Date WE HAVE ONLY ONE PLANET. LET US KEEP IT CLEAN & GREEN FOR OUR FUTURE GENERATIONS.
Is this the world we want to hand over to our kids? Quantity of waste generated in your city name – get quantity from the website (http://swmindia.blogspot.in/2011/08/blog-post.html ) Tonnes/day e.g. Bangalore - 4000T a day i.e 4000000 kgs a day!!! Equivalent to 4000 big truck loads a day… can you guess the quantity in India?
3 R’s of WASTE Management • FIRST – REDUCE – it means consuming and throwing away less. This prevents generation of waste in the first place so it is the most preferred method of waste management and goes a long way towards protecting the environment. • Reduce usage of plastic – use cloth bags for shopping. • Reduce use of garbage bags. • Reduce usage of paper/plastic plates/cups for parties – use washable cutlery. • Reduce take away food – it is good for your health too! • Use less tissue paper • SECOND – REUSE – reusing items by repairing them, donating them to charity or selling them also reduces waste. This is better than recycling as the item need not be reprocessed before using them. • Reuse plastic bags till they are torn. • Reuse – old clothes, books, cycles etc. • THIRD – RECYCLE – transforms material from waste to valuable resources again. IT generates a host of environmental, financial and social benefits. Materials like glass, plastic etc are segregated are separated and sent to facilities where they can be processed into new material or products. • Segregate at source and ensure that it goes into the recycling loop.
Mindset of people • Mindset of the “rising affluent” • Able to afford more products and generate more waste • Affordable labor – each family would have 2-4 people serving them– maid, cook, car driver/car cleaner, clothes ironing etc • As long as my house is clean its fine – why should I care where the waste goes? • Waste related health hazards for the “rag picker” community • Types of consumers & how to get their attention • “What’s in it for me?” - (show them the impact on environment) • “I care for the environment” - (make them part of your team) • “I don’t care” - (regular awareness and feedback on the project)
Waste Management Proposal
Name of Neighbourhood Statistics • No of households/flats: ____ • Waste Quantity (approximate)(Refer waste qty calculator – slide 9) • Total waste (in kgs): _____ • Dry waste (in kgs): _____ • Organic waste ( in kgs): _____ • Medical waste (in kgs): _____
Your city rules – w.e.f Oct 1st 2012 • Bulk Generator > 10 units • The Rules state that Bulk Generators shall not mix wet waste with any other waste. • Wet waste and garden waste shall be composted at source or processed using bio methanisation technique. • If there are space constraints for composting, arrangements should be made by the Bulk Generator to hand over wet waste to private composters or BBMP Wet Waste collectors on payment of prescribed fees. • The Rules state that Bulk Generators should hand over dry waste to authorised Dry Waste Collection Centres. • Sanitary waste should be deposited at the nearest Bio-Medical Waste Collection Centre. • Only rejects/inerts will be collected by the BBMP. • To summarise, a Bulk Generator is solely responsible to arrive at ways and means of disposing its waste and the BBMP will not collect waste as a matter of routine the way it is being done today.
Brokers Recycling Industry Households Cabadiwalas Merchants Primary Collection Rag pickers Roadside Bins Transfer Points Streets Rag pickers Rag pickers Secondary Collection Waste Route Dumps & Landfills Recyclables Route Existing Rag pickers based unorganized model ..… problem - mixed waste
E waste can be collected separately Dry waste but specifically kept separate for the safety of waste handlers Waste Streams No plastic bag to be used for organic waste
WASTE Management Plan – FRONT END Pick from Options 1a/1b OR 2 that works for your place. Delete the Others • Pick up from door step • Different coloured bags provided to residents and days of pick from each doorstep could be identified eg: Wet waste & medical waste everyday/once in two days?, Dry - once in 3 days (Wed, Sun?). • Different coloured stickers to be provided and residents to use regular black garbage bag and put appropriate sticker on it for identification. This increases the use of garbage bags and is therefore not an ideal solution. • Residents to put in a designated area/bins in a common location. • Different coloured bins to be put in at a central location in the complex. Residents to segregate at home and come and dump in the bins. • Cost for communication: This is not usually high. Banner printing cost is around 30 Rs/sq ft.
COMMUNICATION PLAN (example given – modify based on your plan – use world days to your advantage)
WASTE Management – BACK END – Modify based on your plan MEDICAL Incineration DRY ORGANIC BLOCK Composter Segregate Garden GLASS Sell Local Vendor To merchants for RECYCLING
Managing DRY WASTE Pick an option that works for your neighbourhood Option 1: Send dry waste to Municipal segregation centre or to an NGO Option 2: Further segregation of dry waste in-house. Space requirement: Cost for putting up infrastructure: Recommendation: If there is space constraint go for option 1.
Usable DRY Waste Identify organisation/s which are closer to your place, do a good job of reusing material and converting them into usable stuff. Recommendation: GOONJ – they operate in most cities of India
Managing ORGANIC WASTE Manthan Pick an option that works for your neighborhood Option 1 – upto 40 flats – Manthan from Daily Dump (contact and get proposal) Option 2 – upto 40 flats - Composting tanks designed by Haritha NT (contact and get proposal) Option 3: For > 40 flats – composting machine and infrastructure for curing. Takes 15-20 days for the compost to get generated. Contact Vennar Organics Option 4: For >40 flats – biogas machine which generates methane gas or Electricity along with compost. Contact - MainakChakraborty Option 5: Food waste disposer in individual houses and through sewage treatment plant (STP) Option 6: Acccummulate organic waste and send for composting to an external agency Space Requirement: Cost (Infrastructure + Composter): Food Waste Disposer Khamba
Managing MEDICAL WASTE Pick from options below: Option 1: Send to govtauthorised (which usually collect hospital waste) centres at a cost. Option 2 : Send through municipal route Cost per kg of disposal (if any): Total cost for neighborhood:
Manpower & Space Requirement • Manpower • No of current housekeeping people: • Change in work for the existing people: • Extra people required (if further segregation of dry waste inhouse) • Storage space available:
Overall proposal • Put all the costs based on the selection above. You could take approximate costs from the main presentation below. • Changes from current system • Cost for communication (banners and other printouts, rewards etc): • Infrastructure cost: • Composter cost: • Manpower cost • Total cost (Add 10% extra on total cost as contingency):