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The Advisory Body of Interested Parties

The Advisory Body of Interested Parties. EASA ABIP Alain Garcia Chairman of ABIP. The setting-up of ABIP EASA Regulation 1592/2002 : Article 24 « The Management Board shall establish an ABIP which shall consult prior to making decisions …. »

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The Advisory Body of Interested Parties

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  1. The Advisory Body of Interested Parties EASA ABIP Alain Garcia Chairman of ABIP

  2. The setting-up of ABIP • EASA Regulation 1592/2002 : Article 24 • « The Management Board shall establish an ABIP which shall consult prior to making decisions …. » • The Management Board shall not be bound by the opinion of the advisory body • EASA Management Board decision (Nov. 15th, 2002) • Organisations and trade associations invited to nominate representatives • ABIP to elect a Chairperson, adopt its rules of procedure, and appoint a Secretary

  3. Who we are : • Aviation Personnel (5 members) : Aircraft Engineers International (AEI), European Cockpit Association (ECA), European Transport Workers federation (ETF) • Air Sports (1 member) : Europe Air Sports • General/Non Commercial Aviation Operators (3 members) : European Business Aviation Association (EBAA), European Council of General Aviation Support (ECOGAS), International Aircraft Owners & Pilots Association (IAOPA) • Maintenance Industry (1 member) : European Independent Maintenance Group (EIMG) • Manufacture and design industry (5 members) : European Association of Aerospace Industries (AECMA) • Commercial Operators (5 members) : Association of European Airlines (AEA), European Helicopter Association (EHA), European Regions Airline association (ERA), International Air Carrier Association (IACA), International Air Transport association (IATA) • Training industry (1 member) : European Association of Airline Pilot Schools (EAAPS)

  4. ABIP’s Terms of reference • To consolidate and provide the opinion of interested parties on matters associated with EASA activities • To raise attention of, and receive a response from, EASA Management Board on matters of concern to interested parties • To maintain regular contacts with EASA Management Board (correspondence, meetings)

  5. The ABIP’s way of functionning • Officers and Secretary • Chairperson: Alain Garcia (AECMA) • Vice Chairs : Ulrich Schulte-Strathaus (AEA) Peter Sorensen (ECA) • Secretary : Claude Schmitt (AECMA) • Meetings with Interested Parties only • Meetings with EASA Management Board or Third Parties • Rules adopted : alternates, observers & guests, participation & minimum attendance, agenda, minutes & documentation, coordinators • Decision making : consensus through sufficient level of common understanding, minority positions declared • Working language : English

  6. ABIP achievements • Two ABIP meetings (24th February, 20 May), one ABIP meeting with EASA Management Board (20th May) • Detailed reviews of, and responses to, EASA MB consultations on : • Envisaged EASA Executive Structure • Proposed EASA Rulemaking Procedure • Interested Parties concerns over EASA establishment and transition issues exposed to EASA MB : • Consultation on Implementing Rules and Certification Specifications • Continuity of on-going certification programmes, transfer of existing certificates and approvals • Transfer of Bilateral Aviation Safety Agreements • EASA-NAAs co-operation & future of JAA • Costs and fees for applicants and users

  7. ABIP priorities • ABIP to interface with EASA Management Board level for strategy and general policy matters • ABIP requests urgent,anticipated, creation of Safety Standards Consultative Committee (SSCC) to deal with EASA rulemaking contents and implementation issues : • ABIP expects to be consulted soon on preferred SSCC structure • ABIP is prepared to assist in coordinating nominations from trade associations and organisations concerned • EASA establishment : ABIP requests urgent publication of clear road map and associated schedules, practical modalities and instructions for transfer of : • Rulemaking activities • Ongoing certification and validation programmes • Past certificates and approvals

  8. Our vision of ABIP’s role vis-a-vis EASA • ABIP not to be only reactive (response to consultation) but also entitled, on its own initiative, to raise issues or draw attention on interested parties’ concerns • ABIP to provide timely responses and constructive comments to EASA MB • ABIP members, representing the « users » : • expect responsiveness from EASA rulemaking and approval systems • are willing to provide continued support to rulemaking and, in particular, harmonisation activities in both European and foreign (FAA ARAC) systems • expect that EASA will soon act as the single and competent European partner of FAA

  9. Conclusion • We are all sharing the same values to facilitate circulation and exchange of peopleand goods between countries, SAFELY and with INDEPENDENCE • The world has evolved : • continuous traffic growth (despite some temporary interruptions) • legitimate public demand for ever improved conditions • opportunities offered by new technology • new threats • restructuring of industry • strengthening of European unification • This is why we, as users, have pushed for the setting up of EASA. We shall support it to become THE EUROPEAN AGENCY, and we expect it will be POWERFUL, UNIQUE, AND WITH THE NECESSARY OPERATIONAL AUTONOMY so as to become the EUROPEAN PARTNER of the FAA for a SAFE and STILL DEVELOPING AVIATION


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