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<English Vocabulary and Popular Films> 13.05.09. A rtificial I ntelligence. -Presenter- 영어영문학과 07002055 이 상 욱 영어영문학과 08002070 정 재 현. ※ Table of contents. Basic Information 2. Plot Summary 3. Key Words. 1. Basic Information. <A.I.> -> Artificial Intelligence ※ Outline
<English Vocabulary and Popular Films> 13.05.09 Artificial Intelligence -Presenter- 영어영문학과 07002055 이 상 욱 영어영문학과 08002070 정 재 현
※ Table of contents Basic Information 2. Plot Summary 3. Key Words
1. Basic Information <A.I.> -> Artificial Intelligence ※ Outline Release date : 2001.08.10 Time : 144mins Genre : SF , Drama , Fantasy Grade : PG-13
1. Basic Information *Director -> Steven Spielberg Best Original Screenplay Oscar Best SF Film Award in 2001 awards ceremony *Main Characters -> Haley Joel Osment Frances O’Connor Sam Robards
2. Plot Summary Some day, the scientific civilization is developed astronomically and human achieve to make the intelligent robot. The robot can housework, gardening and even perform entertainment function. Meanwhile, Dr. Harvey declare that he will make a robot which can feel emotion as like human. Finally, he generate the first robot “David” which can feel sad, lonely, angry, jealousy and love. David is adopted into a Henry Swinton and Monica. Their real son was frozen because he had got contracted an incurable disease. Instead of him, David gradually become their son. One day, their real son Martin recover from the disease and back to home. So, David is thrown out with Super toy Teddy.
2. Plot Summary David who is left out from his lover Monica remember the story of Pinocchio. He think that Blue fairy makes him a real human, so he starts to travel to find a Blue fairy. During the travel, he meets another ass paddler robot “Joe” and go with him. They’re experienced a lot of troubles between ruined robots and people who hate them. Finally, his can not achieve his goal which hope to be a real human and his travel is also stopped in deep sea. After 2000 years, new organisms find him and grant his wish which is wanting to meet Monica again.
3. Key Words 1. Peacock - Apeacockisalargebird. Themalehasaverylargetailcoveredwithblueandgreenspots, whichitcanspread outlikeafan. 2. Neurone - nerve cellaspecializedcellthatconductsnerve impulses: consists ofacell body, axon, anddendrites 3. Furnace - Afurnaceisacontainerorenclosedspaceinwhichaveryhotfireismade, forexampletomeltmetal, burnrubbish, orproducesteam. 4. Cutback - Acutbackisareductionthat ismade insomething. 5. Sputum - Sputumisthewetsubstancewhichiscoughed upfromsomeone's lungs.
3. Key Words 6. Girder - Agirderisalong, thickpieceof steelorironthat isusedintheframeworkofbuildingsandbridges. 7. Scheme - Aschemeisaplanorarrangementinvolvingmanypeoplewhichismadebyagovernmentor otherorganization. 8. Flesh - Fleshisthesoftpartof aperson's oranimal's bodybetweenthebonesandtheskin. 9. Displeased - Ifyouaredispleasedwithsomething, youareannoyedorratherangryaboutit. 10. Canary - Canariesaresmallyellowbirdswhichsingbeautifullyandareoftenkeptaspets.