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SLCC Scholars. Guide to Utah’s best campus!. Overview. Technology Building Learning Center Administration Building President’s Office Student Employment and Cooperative Education Services Student Center Thayne Center for Service and Learning Health and Wellness Center
SLCC Scholars Guide to Utah’s best campus!
Overview • Technology Building • Learning Center • Administration Building • President’s Office • Student Employment and Cooperative Education Services • Student Center • Thayne Center for Service and Learning • Health and Wellness Center • Disability Center • Career Academic Advising • Financial Aid • Clubs and Organizations • Library • Learning Emporium
Tutoring Center at Technology Building M-R8-7 and Fri 8-5 Shirley S Turley Office Clerk II (801) 957-4172 Shirley.Turley@slcc.edu Gary Campbell Director of the Learning Center Programs (801) 957-4172 Gary.campbell@slcc.edu
Technology Building • In the technology building you can find free tutoring for various subjects including English, math, reading, science, writing, and study skills • You can receive one on one tutoring by filling out an application. You will be assigned a tutor that you will commit to for the entire semester. • On each table there are red and blue flags. Red flags will get you help with biology and chemistry while the blue flags will get you help with math and physics. • There are English tutors for non native English speaking students. You can request an appointment through the learning center. • Bring your one card to borrow books, calculators, and make copies or printed materials.
Administration Building Janice W. Schmidt Administrative Assistant President’s Office (801) 957-4227
President’s Office • President’s Office • Is a friendly and safe environment • If you are unsure where to go with a particular problem or question, they are happy to help.
Student Employment & Cooperative Education Services Jackie R. Hesleph (801) 957-4013 M-F 8-430 (Interviews end at 4pm) e-mail: studentemployment@slcc.edu www.slcc.edu/seces
Student Employment & Cooperative Education Services • Find employment that relates to your major • Full time and Part time positions available • Occasionally you are able to get work that will allow for elective credits • Various workshops that will help you compete against other schools and peers • Workshops include how to find a job, build a cover letter, resume, proper interviewing techniques. • Workshops can be found on SLCC website under employment and student employment.
Thayne Center Sean Crossland Community Partnerships Coordinator (801) 957-4674 www.slcc.edu/thaynecenter http://www.facebook.com/ThayneCenterSLCC?ref=ts http://slccthaynecenter.blogspot.com/ http://twitter.com/thaynecenter http://www.youtube.com/user/ThayneCenterSLCC#p/a
Student Center • Thayne Center for Service and Learning • Help students find volunteer opportunities that can lead to professional references and possible job positions for every major • They have over 300 volunteer opportunitiesand are adding to the list every day • Sign up for their civically engaged scholar program and receive credit while working for non profit organizations
Health & Wellness Services Tatiana Burton, CHES Health Promotion Program Manager Open: M,T,R,F 8am-4:30pm W 10am-4:30pm (801) 957-4837 Tatiana.burton@slcc.edu www.slcc.edu/hw
Health & Wellness Services • SLCC offers a clinic ran by Nurse Practitioners • Here they offer full physicals and can prescribe medications • First visit for SLCC students is free, each additional visit is simply a $10 copay plus the cost of any lab work. • Always be sure to bring your one card • You can also meet with counselors • At the health and wellness clinic you can sign up for one free massage every semester, but sign up quickly appointments fill up fast!
Disability Resource Center Linda Bennett (801) 957-4659 Linda.bennett@slcc.edu http://www.slcc.edu/drc/index.asp
DRC-Disability Resource Center • The disability resource center provides services to help with all various levels of disability. • Some but not all services include: • Adaptive Equipment • Alternative Text- Enlarged text, brailled text, or audio equipment • Adaptive Furniture- Chairs, Adjustable tables, and Other furniture as needed • Interpreters, Note takers, and Readers or Scribes • It is a student's responsibility to disclose any disabilities and continue to follow up with their disability advisor • Special documentation guidelines do exist so it is imperative to follow up with your advisor
Academic & Career Advising Andrea Aguilar (801) 957-4600 M, W, R 8am-8pm T 11-8pm F 8-4:30pm www.slcc.edu/academicadvising Appointments are encouraged, walk-ins welcome
Academic & Career Advising • If you aren’t sure what you want to be when you “grow up”, there are plenty of ways here to find out. • You can take a type focus test to find out what you would be good at • MBI- A strength, interests, & personality test • You can meet with Tony Rizzuto and Mr. Warner that are great at finding out what would suit you • If all else fails there is the career library where you can find literature on different career paths and computers to take more personality tests. • At the academic advising center you can get help with your school schedule and discover the requirements you may need to fulfill
Financial Aid Sarah Coleman Financial Aid Technician (801) 957-4241 M-R 8am-8pm F 8am-430pm Advising Hours M,T,R 8am-4pm FinancialAid@slcc.edu www.slcc.edu
Financial Aid • Once you have filled out the FAFSA form online at FAFSA.ed.gov you can meet with the financial aid techs • To be sure you have everything you need, just check the student tabs and look for the red and green flags • There are a variety of ways to pay for school including pell grants, student loans both subsidized and non-subsidized, and scholarships
Student Activities & Clubs Caitlin Prentice Taylorsville Campus, STC 232 caitlin.prentice@slcc.edu Office (801) 957-4072
Student Activities & Clubs • Clubs and Organizations House all the clubs for SLCC • Currently there are 60 clubs and room for more • To start a club simply fill out the required packet found at the Clubs and Organizations office • Have a full time advisor, generally a professor • Have at least five students • Hold 4 events per semester • Here you can get information on how to contact group presidents and advisors • By joining a club you can get opportunity and experience in leadership roles
Library Redwood Summer HoursMon-Thu: 7:30 am - 8:30 pmFriday: 7:30 am - 5:00 pm Saturday: 9:30 am - 5:00 pmSunday: CLOSED (801) 957-4610 http://libweb.slcc.edu/ http://libweb.slcc.edu/library-blog http://www.facebook.com/slcclibs http://twitter.com/#!/slcclibs
Library • Here you can find plenty of books and computers on hand. • You can find full text articles in the upstairs portion of the library • At the resource desk you will receive help with finding books, databases, and journals. You will also find help with computers, copiers, and e-portfolio classes. • You will also find a quick bite to eat or a cup of coffee • Follow SLCC Library through RSS feeds, Facebook, and Twitter • If you are looking for quick and easy answers, try the Text-A-Librarian • Send a text message to: 66746 • Put the word "elie" in the body of the text followed by your question. • A Librarian will reply with an answer as soon as possible.
Learning Emporium (801) 957-4172 M-R 730am-9pm Friday 730am-5pm http://www.slcc.edu/learningcenter/Learning_Emporium.asp
Learning Emporium • Located in the basement of the library • Combines 0900-0990 and provides accuplacor to Math 1010 • Here you cant take 12 math modules and work at your own pace • You will pretest through all the modules, do the homework, and when you pass the mastery test you will move on to the next level • There are various ways to help you from videos to watch to tutors and professors on site to help you. • They offer Classrooms, testing centers, and labs for your convenience.