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Education and Culture within the OAS political agenda. Lenore Yaffee García, Director OAS Office of Education and Culture, SEDI Department of Human Development, Education and Culture CEPCIDI Meeting Washington, D.C., Monday, March 1 st , 2010. OUTLINE. Unique role and importance of OAS
Education and Culture within the OAS political agenda Lenore Yaffee García, Director OAS Office of Education and Culture, SEDI Department of Human Development, Education and Culture CEPCIDI Meeting Washington, D.C.,Monday, March 1st, 2010
OUTLINE Unique role and importance of OAS Policy framework Highlights of work in education and culture Resource mobilization CP RES 831 (OAS seed funds) Partnerships with donors and strategic allies Other OAS sources (proyectos FEMCIDI, professional development scholarships)
The OAS: a unique actor in development • Convening power, but not just a talk shop. • Work directly with experts from government and outside it to find solutions that work in specific national contexts, in an atmosphere of multilateral exchange and mutual respect – not to impose. • Legitimate executor of outside resources for multilateral work. • Ability to bring the results of technical cooperation to attention of key policy makers (in policy dialogue). • Focus only on policy-relevant projects in areas identified as high priority by political bodies. • Ability to work subregionally, in alliance with partners like CARICOM, CECC-SICA, MERCOSUR, etc.
The Policy Framework Concrete examples: 1.IV Inter-American Meeting of Ministers of Culture proposed modifications to Draft Declaration of Commitment of Port of Spain (V Summit of the Americas). The Government of Barbados (CIC Chair) submitted these to the SIRG process on behalf of the Ministers. These were incorporated nearly verbatim into the final Declaration (paragraph 44) 2. The Inter-American Committee on Education (CIE) also proposed substantial modifications to the education text of the draft Declaration of Port of Spain. These were submitted to the SIRG process through the Government of Ecuador (CIE Chair) and largely incorporated into the final version, (paragraphs 36, 37, 38) SUMMITS OF THE AMERICAS MINISTERIAL MEETINGS ON EDUCATION AND CULTURE Bidirectional process INTER-AMERICAN COMMITTEES ON EDUCATION (CIE) AND CULTURE (CIC)
Ministerial Meetings and Inter-American Committees • Facilitate exchange of information and experiences. Set priorities at regional level. Make the mandates real. • The Office of Education and Culture --Technical Secretariat for both ministerial processes and Inter-American Committees (education, since 1998; culture, since 2002). • The OEC assists the CIE and CIC to coordinate, implement, and identify funding for their Plans of Action. • The OEC assists CIE and CIC in keeping education and culture on the political agenda and facilitating cross-fertilization with other sectors • Presentation to II Meeting of Ministers of Public Security and Guyana National Crime Prevention Conference on “Arts, culture and education as key factors in an integral prevention strategy” 11/09 IV Regular Meeting of the CIC, Washington, D.C., November 12 – 13, 2009
Authorities of the Inter-American Committee on Education (CIE) 2009-2011 Ecuador (Chair) Argentina and Trinidad & Tobago (Vice-chairs) Executive Committee: Andean: VZ, BO Central America: GT, NI Caribbean: SUR, BA North America: USA, CA Southern Cone: PA, BR Authorities of the Inter-American Committee on Culture (CIC) 2009-2011: Brazil (Chair) Barbados (Vice-chair) Canada (Vice-chair) Colombia (Vice-chair) Guatemala (Vice-chair)
Priority topics in CIE and CIC Work Plans • Early Childhood Care and Education • Education Indicators and Evaluation • Strengthening the Teaching Force • The Inter-American Program on Education for Democratic Values and Practices • Literacy and Adult Education • Building Institutional Capacity and Creative Industries: Increasing Economic Growth and Promoting Development Through Culture • Promoting social inclusion: culture as a tool for youth engagement and promotion of intercultural dialogue • 2011: Inter-American Year of Culture • Education and Culture: fostering dialogue with youth
A. Early Childhood Care and Education “Hemispheric Commitment to Early Childhood Education” CIDI/RME/doc. 10/07 (V Education Ministerial Meeting, Cartagena 2007) • Policies and strategies for the child’s successfultransition to socialization and school • Transition policy trends in indigenous, rural and border communities BO BR CH CO GU MX PE VE • “Evaluation of Educational Quality: Following up on the Hemispheric Commitment” • Consolidating Early Childhood Education in the Caribbean through technical cooperation between the Caribbean and Chile • Inter-American Networks and communications products to expand the Hemispheric Commitment • Online course on introduction to early childhood care strategies • Special Joint Session of the Permanent Council and CEPCIDI, February 24, 2010 • Alliances: UNICEF, Van Leer, OEI, UNESCO, CAF, CECC-SICA, AMEI, JUNJI, national partners, universities Results: Highlights from CO, T&T, BR, PE, MX
B. Education Indicators (PRIE) • Objectives: (i) to develop and publish a set of indicators of OAS member states progress toward achieving the education goals of the Summits of the Americas and (ii) to provide technical assistance to member countries in strengthening their capacity to collect, analyze, and use reliable data in decision-making. • Educational Panorama 2007, 2009 • Technical assistance and diagnostic missions • Workshops on topics such as how to use international indicators in national reports • Inter-American Regional Workshops • www.prie.oas.org RESULT: According to UNESCO, PRIE has helped Latin America and Caribbean produce and report high-quality education data internationally, ahead of other regions, and in pioneering an innovative and collaborative approach to international indicators focused on tracking progress toward set of policy goals.
C. Strengthening the Teaching Force • “Teacher Education for the 21st Century: An Emphasis on Technology and Collaboration to Improve the Quality of Education in the Americas” (OAS, MOE Trinidad & Tobago) • Online teacher educator courses 2009 • English (TT, SU, JA, GU, SVG, AB, BA, BE, SK, SL, iEARN) • Spanish (AR, DR, CH, UR, CO, Fundación Evolución) • Web Portal on initial teacher education in the region • Survey of teacher educators and pre-service teachers • Communication strategy • Design of web portal on teacher education in region • Partners: RELPE, IESALC • Inter-American Teacher Educator Network (ITEN) – Horizontal cooperation, technical assistance, communities of policy makers, educators in initial teacher education (CIDA-SEDI) “…The whole course was for me an eye opener, because I never knew that the Internet would offer all those possibilities, for making teaching and learning such a vibrant, rich experience. I am very thankful to that course for showing me all these new ways” – Course participant
D. Inter-American Program on Education for Democratic Values and Practices • Research: • Inter-American Journal on Education for Democracy • Report: National Policies on Education for Democratic Citizenship in the Americas • Professional Development Online courses for educators • “Education for Democratic Citizenship in the Caribbean” online course and practicum (CIDA) • 200 educators AB BE GR JA SL TT • Evaluation results by June 2010 • Sustainability efforts • “Evaluation of Policies and Programs on Education for Citizenship” final report • Information Exchange: • Internet Portal www.educadem.oas.org • Online bulletins (arts/media; migrants) “This course should be extended to all teachers of students within the Caribbean basin. It should be at least a prerequisite for induction into the teaching profession.” - Caribbean course participant
Inter-American Program on Education for Democratic Values and Practices • Project: role of arts and communications media in formation of citizenship (CIE/CIC) • Project: the right to education of migrant children & youth (literature review, country survey results, CIDA support) • Project: Detaining the advance of crime, violence and drug abuse among Central American youth (ES, GU, NI, PA, (HN), USAID) • Young Scholars Program • Horizontal Cooperation fund (citizenship education, 9 projects funded 2009-2010, 12 countries, support US Mission) “I would like to express the Inter-American Institute on Human Rights’ gratitude and acknowledgement for supporting a project of so much significance and impact for indigenous education, with a human rights perspective, in Mexico... I assure you that this initial phase of the project was very successful.” (Randall Brenes, Program Official, Human Rights Pedagogy, Inter-American Institute on Human Rights). The two missions between the US and Trinidad and Tobago served to enhance understanding of student councils at the school level by providing a training for school level officials (24 school officials were trained). The action plan for the future includes “revamping of the Student Councils starting with the creation of a written and established constitution. Further to this the student councils would be structured as a strategy for practice of democratic values” (mission report).
E. Literacy and Adult Education • AG/Res. 2387 and 2467, “Eradication of Illiteracy and the struggle against illnesses that affect integral development” • CIE decision to support other organizations working in this field • Study “Adult Education and Literacy Policies, Strategies and Programs in the Nations of the Caribbean” • December 2009: CONFINTEA VI in Brazil (Belem Framework)
F. Building Institutional Capacity and Creative Industries: Increasing Economic Growth and Promoting Development Through Culture… • “Fostering Cultural Diversity and Creative Expression through Education: Sharing Good Practices” (Barbados):Online course, onsite workshop “Arts and Communications Media in Promoting Democratic Values and Practices among Children and Youth” (Dominican Republic, June 16 – 18, 2010), Partnership between CIC and CIE, collaboration of FUNGLODE, Sesame Street Workshop. • “Culture in development: an Inter-American Information Network” : (1) facilitate design and implementation of public policies in culture by Member States, (2) strengthen Member States’ capacities to carry out cultural development initiatives. MAPPING OF INSITUTIONS, WEBSITES; 1ST CALL FOR PROPOSALS LAUNCHED; ADVISORY COMMITTEE; CIDA funding. Communications Strategy Technical Cooperat’n Fund (Call for proposals March 26, 2010) Webpage
…Building Institutional Capacity and Creative Industries: Increasing Economic Growth and Promoting Development Through Culture • Preservation and Protection of Cultural Heritage: Series of subregional workshops on preventing trafficking in cultural objects, looting of cultural sites, and promoting educational efforts, while providing a structure for ongoing engagement on these topics among the countries of the Hemisphere. USG support. • Cultural Information Systems: Series of subregional workshops and interagency coordination meeting.
G. Promoting social inclusion: culture as a tool for youth engagement and promotion of intercultural dialogue • “Ignite the Americas: Youth Arts Policy Forum”:53 young arts leaders from 31 OAS Member States, policy makers and industry leaders exchanged experience on culture-based programs, policies and projects that seek to foster social inclusion of youth and prevent and/or reduce gang-related violence (2008 Toronto). “Se liga Americas” will take place in Brazil, within the framework of the V Inter-American Meeting of Ministers of Culture (Rio de Janeiro, Nov. 2010). • Video “Towards a Culture of Non Violence – The Role of Arts & Culture” – documented 4 experiences: Canada, Colombia, Guatemala, Caribbean
2011: Inter-American Year of Culture • Declared at the XXXIX General Assembly, San Pedro Sula AG/RES. 2468 (XXXIX-O/09) • Objective: Promote respect for the great diversity of cultures in OAS member states, to foster intercultural dialogue and mutual understanding, and to reinforce the important role culture can play in social and economic development. • Proposed by the Government of Chile and supported by Ministers of Culture (IV Inter-American Meeting of Ministers of Culture and Highest Appropriate Authorities, Barbados, 2008). • V Meeting of Culture Ministers (Brazil December 1-2, 2010) will focus on refining and launching the Year. Planning task force to be formed soon.
H. Education and Culture: Fostering Dialogue with Youth • OAS Focal Point on Youth: • Response to OAS Commitment in “Declaration of Medellin” 2008 • Focal Point to coordinate the youth agenda within the OAS • Participates in the construction of a Youth Strategy for the OAS GS • Ignite the Americas 2008, 2010 • Video “Towards a Culture of Non Violence – The Role of Arts & Culture” • 4 experiences featured:CA, COL, GUA, Caribbean • Youth of the Americas Encounter on Secondary Education • Organized by the Ministry of Education of Ecuador, within the framework of the VI Ministerial Meeting on Secondary Education. • Follow-up strategy to foster youth participation within the CIE. In progress.