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DVUSD Elementary Report Card Revisions. 2014-2015. Please take this opportunity to review this presentation and information about the revised report card. For viewing purposes, your child’s teacher can also provide you with an appropriate grade level template of the report card.
DVUSD Elementary Report CardRevisions 2014-2015
Please take this opportunity to review this presentation and information about the revised report card. For viewing purposes, your child’s teacher can also provide you with an appropriate grade level template of the report card. Revised Report Card
Historical Perspective • Beginning with kindergarten, a team of teachers met to make revisions and create a report card linked to standards. Teachers met during the school year each year and the report card was implemented the following school year. • This year teacher and administrator work teams revised grades 3-6 report cards. 2011-2012 Kindergarten began using a revised report card 2012-2013 1st grade began using a revised report card 2013-2014 2nd grade began using a revised report card
Remains the Same Changes • 1-2 Letter grades (E,S,N,U) • 3-6 Letter grades (A,B,C,D,F) • Averaging grades • Comment sections • Format • Content standards listed • Performance level indicated Grades 1-6 Report Card Revisions
For Parents For Teachers • Provides parents/guardians with a more detailed outline of the expectations in each of the major academic areas • Allows parents/guardians to see specific area(s) in which their child could use extra practice • Will provide expectations on what skills and knowledge are expected to be learned • Teachers have a better understanding of what each child should know and be able to do at the specific grade level • Teachers implement a guaranteed and viable curriculum where the curriculum being taught is the curriculum being assessed and reported to parents. • Helps ensure teachers address the essential content Benefits
The front side includes typical items like: name, school, comments, and letter grade ranges. The information included here are different subject, teacher name, and grades for that quarter. Provides parents with more detailed information from the educators working with his or her student 3rd grade sample – front side
The back side information shows the essential standards for each subject area. In addition to standards, performance levels will be used to indicate information on a student’s development and progress in attaining end-of-year learning standards in each subject 3rd grade sample – back side
Parents can now select the “Standards Grades” tab and will be able to see a performance level for each standard Parents can see the performance level of their student for each of the identified standards Letter grade reporting remains housed under the “Grades and Attendance” tab Parent View in PowerSchool
Performance Levels Description of Performance levelsThe Performance Levels indicated by 1-4 are not based on a percentage. It is a performance indicator based on the student’s performance toward meeting grade level standards • 4 = Demonstrates above grade level proficiency independently • The student consistently demonstrates above grade level proficiency independently* for this reporting period • 3 = Demonstrates grade level proficiency independently • The student consistently demonstrates proficiency for the grade level concepts and skills independently* for this reporting period • 2 = Demonstrates grade level proficiency with support • The student usually demonstrates the skill or understands the concepts and meets grade level expectations with support for this reporting period • 1 = Demonstrates below grade level proficiency with support • The student performs below grade level with support and is not meeting expectations for this reporting period 4 = Demonstrates above grade level proficiency independently 3 = Demonstrates grade level proficiency independently 2 = Demonstrates grade level proficiency with support 1 = Demonstrates below grade level proficiency with support *Independently: The ability to demonstrate proficiency of standards without assistance after being taught a concept or skill
Parent Communication • Deer Valley Unified School District (DVUSD) strongly values a parent/guardian’s role in a child’s education. It is through communication that teachers can help parents stay involved. In addition, ongoing communication helps parents stay informed about their child’s academic progress PowerSchool • DVUSD provides parents with a means of staying up-to-date on their child’s progress. PowerSchool is a secure website that gives parents the opportunity to check grades, monitor attendance, and e-mail teachers. Since teachers are required to update student grades weekly, parents should always have an updated picture of their child’s academic progress Special Program Reporting • Progress reporting for students with IEP’s, 504s, and ELL accommodations are issued at the same frequency as general education students Reporting
The purpose of this handbook is to provide information on the promotion, retention, and acceleration of students in grades K-8. This handbook also delineates uniform grading and reporting guidelines for teachers and administrators. The guidelines outlined in this handbook adhere to the requirements of the Arizona Revise Statutes and DVUSD policies and regulations. Grading is the process by which teachers assess student learning and progress towards mastering the Arizona College and Career Ready Standards. Reporting is the process by which teachers communicate information to parents/guardians about students’ mastery of taught subject matter and skills. The handbook is reviewed annually by a Handbook Review Committee and adjustments are made as necessary Promotion, Retention, Acceleration, & Grading Guide * http://dvusd.org/Domain/1302 (link to Promotion, Retention, Acceleration & Grading Guide)