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Road-Related R isk R eduction and Injury P revention.

Road-Related R isk R eduction and Injury P revention. Road related Risks. Speeding and S eat Belts. Driving Under the Influence. Aggressive Driving. Distracted Driving. Inappropriate passenger Behavior. Speed. Speed limits are enforced to

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Road-Related R isk R eduction and Injury P revention.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Road-Related Risk Reduction and Injury Prevention.

  2. Road related Risks Speeding and Seat Belts. Driving Under the Influence. Aggressive Driving. Distracted Driving. Inappropriate passenger Behavior.

  3. Speed Speed limits are enforced to decrease the accident rate and increase safety. Speed signs are posted to show the maximum speed that is safest for the road conditions in certain areas. A Thing to think about when driving Will you be able to make a safe, smooth stop if necessary? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=54TydSWjoYw&feature=related

  4. Seat Belts http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=3392223921210425766#

  5. Driving under the influence. • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xtJqw--DGl8 Law:(first time offence)$1000 fine and a one-year driving prohibition. (previous record) :minimum of 30 days jail for a second offence within a few years of the previous conviction, and a minimum of 120 days jail for each offence after that. if you kill or injure someone by drinking and driving, you risk being sued for a lot of money and your insurance company will not cover you.

  6. Distracted Driving Law: a $60-$500 fine cant be enforced if you are caught texting wile driving. • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SC3x7K3EOTk • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_krbxXawoAU&feature=related

  7. Aggressive driving. http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=8665686653503005550#

  8. The End

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