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Elver Wave Energy Converter Project Report

This report discusses the design, testing, and feasibility of the Elver Wave Energy Converter as a renewable energy source. It covers the concept, resource assessment, design process, and conversion efficiency.

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Elver Wave Energy Converter Project Report

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  1. ENERGY HARVESTING EEL Honours Design Project No. 684 School of Mechanical Engineering Shannon Mason Chris Schwarz Rebecca Mills Zac Nicholson Supervisors: Dr. Maziar Arjomandi and A. Prof. Richard Kelso

  2. Energy Harvesting Eel Slide 1 Slide 1 ELVER WAVE ENERGY CONVERTER 2008 ELVER WAVE ENERGY CONVERTER 2008 ELVER WAVE ENERGY CONVERTER 2008 ELVER WAVE ENERGY CONVERTER 2008 Research: - concept design - evaluate wave energy potential - optimisation problem Design & Build: - scaled dynamic prototype for testing - mechanical proof of concept

  3. Feasibility Study Concept Design Detailed Design Testing Results & Analysis Management Conclusion

  4. Wave Power • Technologically underdeveloped • 15-20 times the energy density of solar or wind resources PROJECT GOAL: Evaluate device in South Australian wave resource AW Energy 2008 Slide 3 Slide 3 ELVER WAVE ENERGY CONVERTER 2008 ELVER WAVE ENERGY CONVERTER 2008 ELVER WAVE ENERGY CONVERTER 2008 ELVER WAVE ENERGY CONVERTER 2008

  5. Wave Energy Resource • Ocean waves not sinusoidal • Spectrum of coincident, interfering waves • Sea states are defined statistically (Te, Hs) • Estimate power per metre wave front The Carbon Trust 2008 Slide 4 Slide 4 ELVER WAVE ENERGY CONVERTER 2008 ELVER WAVE ENERGY CONVERTER 2008 ELVER WAVE ENERGY CONVERTER 2008 ELVER WAVE ENERGY CONVERTER 2008

  6. Resource Intermittency • Naturally variable resource • Provision of base load power • Consistently reliable and predictable • Seasonal peak in winter, minimum in summer Bureau of Meteorology 2008 Slide 5 Slide 5 ELVER WAVE ENERGY CONVERTER 2008 ELVER WAVE ENERGY CONVERTER 2008 ELVER WAVE ENERGY CONVERTER 2008 ELVER WAVE ENERGY CONVERTER 2008

  7. Feasibility Study Concept Design Detailed Design Testing Results & Analysis Management Conclusions

  8. Wave Energy Conversion Slide 7 Slide 7 ELVER WAVE ENERGY CONVERTER 2008 ELVER WAVE ENERGY CONVERTER 2008 ELVER WAVE ENERGY CONVERTER 2008 ELVER WAVE ENERGY CONVERTER 2008 Many designs; 3 basic configurations

  9. Concept Design • Articulated attenuator: • Series of buoyant segments • Wave-profiling • Harness relative motion between segments • Hydraulic pressure turns motor & generator Slide 8 Slide 8 ELVER WAVE ENERGY CONVERTER 2008 ELVER WAVE ENERGY CONVERTER 2008 ELVER WAVE ENERGY CONVERTER 2008 ELVER WAVE ENERGY CONVERTER 2008

  10. Design & Evaluation Process Wave resource at given location Specific wave energy converter Specific sea states (Te, Hs) Testing of scaled prototype Portion of time in each sea state Available wave power Device capture efficiency Captured wave power Capital and O&M costs Generation Costs Annual output Slide 9 Slide 9 ELVER WAVE ENERGY CONVERTER 2008 ELVER WAVE ENERGY CONVERTER 2008 ELVER WAVE ENERGY CONVERTER 2008 ELVER WAVE ENERGY CONVERTER 2008

  11. Feasibility Study Concept Design Detailed Design Testing Results & Analysis Management Conclusion

  12. Detailed Design Elver WEC Available wave power in the South Australian ocean Wave to body kinetic efficiency Elver’s power flow Optimal size and capture efficiency Body kinetic to Hydraulic efficiency Power output of Elver in the South Australian ocean Hydraulic to electrical generation efficiency Slide 11 ELVER WAVE ENERGY CONVERTER 2008 ELVER WAVE ENERGY CONVERTER 2008 ELVER WAVE ENERGY CONVERTER 2008

  13. Wave Energy to Body Kinetic • Complex maths • Body modelled as a hollow cylinder • Body’s total density is 514 kg/m3 Slide 12 ELVER WAVE ENERGY CONVERTER 2008 ELVER WAVE ENERGY CONVERTER 2008 ELVER WAVE ENERGY CONVERTER 2008

  14. Wave to Body Length Ratio ≈ Ratio → 0 body dominates Ratio → wavelength dominates Ratio ≈ 2 body profiles wave most efficiently Slide 13 ELVER WAVE ENERGY CONVERTER 2008 ELVER WAVE ENERGY CONVERTER 2008

  15. Body Kinetic to Hydraulics • Torque produced by body’s inertia and acceleration • Resultant torque induces an oscillating force on hydraulic cylinders Slide 14 ELVER WAVE ENERGY CONVERTER 2008 ELVER WAVE ENERGY CONVERTER 2008 ELVER WAVE ENERGY CONVERTER 2008

  16. Hydraulic Circuit • Hydraulic circuit • - Double acting cylinders • - Valve system • - Accumulators • Result • - Near constant flow • and pressure rate Slide 15 ELVER WAVE ENERGY CONVERTER 2008 ELVER WAVE ENERGY CONVERTER 2008

  17. Hydraulics to Electrical Generation • Hydraulic pressure difference created across motor • Induced torque and angular velocity • Induction generator produces electricity Slide 16 ELVER WAVE ENERGY CONVERTER 2008 ELVER WAVE ENERGY CONVERTER 2008 ELVER WAVE ENERGY CONVERTER 2008

  18. South Australian Wave Energy Resource Weighted power in the South Australian ocean (kWh) • 30,000 observations of the annual sea state in South Australian Ocean Frequency of wave and period combinations annually (hrs) Power in developed ocean waves (kW/m) • Highest energy density ~ height of 3 metres, period of 10 seconds Hogben and Lumb (1967) Slide 17 ELVER WAVE ENERGY CONVERTER 2008 ELVER WAVE ENERGY CONVERTER 2008 ELVER WAVE ENERGY CONVERTER 2008


  20. Capture Efficiency Peak 2 L = 90m Capture efficiency = 6.12% Peak 1 L = 60m Capture efficiency = 5.07% Slide 19 ELVER WAVE ENERGY CONVERTER 2008 ELVER WAVE ENERGY CONVERTER 2008 ELVER WAVE ENERGY CONVERTER 2008

  21. Summary • Annual energy in South Australian ocean 579,800 kWh/m • Body length of 60 metres • Annual output of Elver for one joint 29,388 kWh • Captured annual ocean energy 5.07% Slide 20 ELVER WAVE ENERGY CONVERTER 2008 ELVER WAVE ENERGY CONVERTER 2008 ELVER WAVE ENERGY CONVERTER 2008

  22. Feasibility Study Concept Design Detailed Design Testing Results & Analysis Management Conclusion

  23. Aims of the Prototype Test Specific sea states Testing of scaled prototype Specific wave energy converter 1. Small Scale Dynamic Test 2. ELVER Prototype Test Concept Verification Device capture efficiency AIMS Slide 22 ELVER WAVE ENERGY CONVERTER 2008 ELVER WAVE ENERGY CONVERTER 2008 ELVER WAVE ENERGY CONVERTER 2008

  24. 1. Aims of Dynamic Test To experimentally determine relationships • Moment of inertia • Wave frequency • Angular Motion Slide 23 ELVER WAVE ENERGY CONVERTER 2008 ELVER WAVE ENERGY CONVERTER 2008 ELVER WAVE ENERGY CONVERTER 2008

  25. Moment of Inertia Frequency of input wave Inputs to Dynamic Test X CG Slide 24 ELVER WAVE ENERGY CONVERTER 2008 ELVER WAVE ENERGY CONVERTER 2008 ELVER WAVE ENERGY CONVERTER 2008

  26. Results of Dynamic Test • Verified the concept of Wave Energy Conversion Slide 25 ELVER WAVE ENERGY CONVERTER 2008 ELVER WAVE ENERGY CONVERTER 2008 ELVER WAVE ENERGY CONVERTER 2008

  27. 2. Elver Prototype Test Testing of scaled prototype Device Capture Efficiency Electrical Generation Body Dynamics Hydraulic Pressure Slide 26 ELVER WAVE ENERGY CONVERTER 2008 ELVER WAVE ENERGY CONVERTER 2008 ELVER WAVE ENERGY CONVERTER 2008

  28. Design Limitations • Testing Facilities • 0.3-2.5 Hz • Monochromatic Wave • Tank dimensions 32m x 1.2m x 0.9m • Hydraulics • Off the shelf parts • High Friction Slide 27 ELVER WAVE ENERGY CONVERTER 2008 ELVER WAVE ENERGY CONVERTER 2008 ELVER WAVE ENERGY CONVERTER 2008

  29. Elver Prototype Manufacture • Body • 225mm PVC • 22.06kg • Sand weights • Hydraulic Circuit • Off the shelf actuators • Hinge Joint • PVC end caps • Aluminium Slide 28 ELVER WAVE ENERGY CONVERTER 2008 ELVER WAVE ENERGY CONVERTER 2008 ELVER WAVE ENERGY CONVERTER 2008

  30. Measuring Body Dynamics v y2 y1 Measure Linear Displacement Kinematic Energy of the Body Input Energy ω Range 750mm 0.1% Non-linearity 1N Retraction force Slide 29 ELVER WAVE ENERGY CONVERTER 2008 ELVER WAVE ENERGY CONVERTER 2008 ELVER WAVE ENERGY CONVERTER 2008

  31. Measuring Hydraulic Pressure Measure Total Pressure Pressure Energy per unit volume Input D1 D2 flow Pressure Analyser p Flow through orifice plate ν Energy per unit volume h Hydraulic Cylinder Slide 30 ELVER WAVE ENERGY CONVERTER 2008 ELVER WAVE ENERGY CONVERTER 2008 ELVER WAVE ENERGY CONVERTER 2008

  32. Feasibility Study Concept Design Detailed Design Testing Results & Analysis Management Conclusion


  34. Test Strategies Method 1: Increasing the moment of inertia Method 2: Creating longer segments Method 3: Measurement without actuators ELVER WAVE ENERGY CONVERTER 2008 ELVER WAVE ENERGY CONVERTER 2008

  35. Cost Allocation • Assume • discount rate, r = 8% • project life, n = 30 years ELVER WAVE ENERGY CONVERTER 2008 ELVER WAVE ENERGY CONVERTER 2008

  36. Cost Optimisation ELVER WAVE ENERGY CONVERTER 2008

  37. Generation Costs Derived from annual total cost and annual output of Elver ELVER WAVE ENERGY CONVERTER 2008 ELVER WAVE ENERGY CONVERTER 2008

  38. Cost of Electricity • Optimal number of segments decreases as farm size increases ELVER WAVE ENERGY CONVERTER 2008

  39. Wave Farm Summary TRADE STUDY • Elver segment efficiency 5.07% • Number of segments 6 • Number of eels 50 • Farm output of 15,000 MWh ~ 15,000 homes • Cost per year of $12.8 million • Cost of electricity of $1.60/kWh • Doubling of efficiency decreases cost of electricity to $0.92/kWh ELVER WAVE ENERGY CONVERTER 2008 ELVER WAVE ENERGY CONVERTER 2008

  40. Feasibility Study Concept Design Detailed Design Testing Results & Analysis Management Conclusions

  41. Management • Project Deliverables ELVER WAVE ENERGY CONVERTER 2008 ELVER WAVE ENERGY CONVERTER 2008

  42. Sponsorship & Cost Breakdown Elver Prototype 76% Testing (In-kind Civil Eng.) 20% Dynamic Test Rig 4% ELVER WAVE ENERGY CONVERTER 2008 ELVER WAVE ENERGY CONVERTER 2008 Available resources: • School of Mechanical Engineering • Sponsorship (cash) • School of Civil, Environmental & Mining Engineering Laboratory (in-kind)

  43. Feasibility Study Concept Design Detailed Design Testing Results & Analysis Management Conclusion

  44. Conclusion Wave energy potential in SA Investigated optimisation for wave energy resource Established proof of concept Evaluated cost of full scale farm ELVER WAVE ENERGY CONVERTER 2008 ELVER WAVE ENERGY CONVERTER 2008

  45. Acknowledgements Civil Engineering Lab: Stan Woithe, Steve Huskinson, David Hale, Ian Cates Mechanical Workshop: Richard Pateman, Bob Dyer, Steven Kloeden Electronics Workshop: Silvio De Ieso, Philip Schmidt Assoc. Prof. David Walker, Assoc. Prof. Nesimi Ertugrul Jim White of One Steel Whyalla Sue Chase of Cowell Electric Trevor Southam of Pirtek ELVER WAVE ENERGY CONVERTER 2008 ELVER WAVE ENERGY CONVERTER 2008 ELVER WAVE ENERGY CONVERTER 2008

  46. Bibliography • AW Energy 2008 www.aw-energy.com [accessed 18/09/08] • Hemer, M. A., McInnes, K., Church, J. A., O’Grady J., & Hunter J. R. Variability and trends in the Australian wave climate and consequent coastal vulnerability, 2008, CSIRO • Hogben, N. and Lumb, F. E. Ocean Wave Statistics. London: Her Majesty’s Stationery Office, 1967. • The Carbon Trust, Ocean Waves and Wave Energy Device Design, 2008, www.carbontrust.co.uk ELVER WAVE ENERGY CONVERTER 2008 ELVER WAVE ENERGY CONVERTER 2008

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