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Pastor/Teacher - Jim Rickard. Grace Fellowship Church. www.GraceDoctrine.org. Thursday, May 22, 2014.
Pastor/Teacher - Jim Rickard Grace Fellowship Church www.GraceDoctrine.org Thursday, May 22, 2014
1 John 1:9-10,“If we confess our sins, He is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. 10If we say that we have not sinned, we make Him a liar and His word is not in us.”
DoxologyBless the Lord O’ my soul, O’… my soul, Worship His Holy name!Sing like never before, O’ my soul,I worship Your Holy name!2X
Prov 3:5,“Trust in the LORD with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding.”
Proverbs Chapter 14Section II, Vs. 8-15, “Walking by Faith and Not by Sight.”Vs. 15, Conclusion.
“The naïve” - PETHIY, פֶּתִי“simple ones, young, naive ones,” being inexperienced, easily seduced, and needing instruction.
They “walk by sight” lacking the discernment that comes through experience, tending to be too trusting, unable to distinguish good counsel from bad, failing to learn from their experience, and repeat their errors.
They live in the righteousness of God, (experientially sanctified), rather than just wandering through life and taking everything at face value.
“His steps” - ASHSHUR, אַשֻּׁרThe smallest unit of one’s life.
The prudent believer has learned to weigh carefully every decision, no matter how insignificant it may appear.
He tests his way by considering whether each step conforms to true godliness and doctrinal principles, especially the Royal Family Honor Code.
His self-discipline is progressive in his march toward spiritual adulthood. Every decision weighed, and through experience understands which things deserve more attention than others.
Does not permit himself to waver and be swayed by every wind of doctrine, Eph 4:14.
Conclusion, Prov 14:8-15:1. Understands the direction of his life by means of Divine viewpoint found in God’s Word, vs. 8a.
2. Is not deceived by his sinful actions when they pop up from time to time, vs. 8b.
2. Is not deceived by his sinful actions when they pop up from time to time, vs. 8b.3. Confesses his sins when needed, vs. 9a.
4. Is blessed by God and man, vs. 9b.5. Knows the secrets of his heart and shares them with God, vs. 10.
6. Is blessed in time and eternity for living in his politeuma privileges as a Royal Priest and Royal Ambassador of the Lord, vs. 11.
7. Is not self-deceived, vs. 12a.8. Avoids self-induced misery and Divine discipline, vs. 12b.
9. Treats others with Impersonal and Unconditional love, vs. 13.
9. Treats others with Impersonal and Unconditional love, vs. 13.10. Does not live life for himself, vs. 14a.
11. Is fulfilled in this life having inner peace and contentment living a life unto Christ daily, vs. 14b.
11. Is fulfilled in this life having inner peace and contentment living a life unto Christ daily, vs. 14b.12. Is not deceived by what he hears and the things of this world, vs. 15a.
13. Prudently measures his every step to glorify the Lord in his life, vs. 15b.
Grace Fellowship ChurchThusday May 22, 2014Lesson # 14-052Proverbs Chapter 14Walk by Faith and not by Sight, Pt 5, ConclusionProv 14:15; Eph 4:1-32James H. Rickard Bible Ministries 2014