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ETUC action to promote LGBT workers’ rights in Europe

ETUC action to promote LGBT workers’ rights in Europe. Salvatore Marra , CGIL / ETUC Empowering Unions to reach key populations IAC 2014 - Melbourne, 20 July 2014. The Seville Manifesto. XI ETUC Congress (2007)

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ETUC action to promote LGBT workers’ rights in Europe

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  1. ETUC action to promote LGBT workers’ rights in Europe Salvatore Marra, CGIL / ETUC Empowering Unions to reach key populations IAC 2014 - Melbourne, 20 July 2014

  2. The SevilleManifesto • XI ETUC Congress (2007) • First commitment of ETUC and its (85) member organisations to address the rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transsexual workers • Awareness raising activities • Action on prejudices • Exchange of experiences and best practices

  3. EU Project ‘ExtendingEquality’ Trade union actions to organise and promote equal rights, respect and dignity for workers regardless of their sexual orientation and gender identity • Partnership? ILGA –Europe • Activities? • 2 parallelsurveys– 1 for TUs; 1 for NGOs • 1 EU Conference(Jan. 2008) • Outputs? • Conference report • Flyer

  4. 5 Confederations are very active • TUC (UK) • CCOO & UGT (Spain) • CGT (France) • CGIL (Italy) • Different levels of policy action • Lobby / Consultations with national governments • Bargaining rights for LGB(T) workers • Training TU delegates • Legal assistance to individuals • Work with NGOs • Awareness raising • Prides • Sinergieswithsectoral unions

  5. 12 take action but not on a regular basis • UGT (Portugal) • DGB (Germany) • FGTB (Belgium) • Congress (Ireland) • FNV (The Netherlands) • OGB (Austria) • ZSSS (Slovenia) • OPZZ (Poland) • LO (Sweden) • LO (Denmark) • +12 AKAVA & SAK (Finland) Involvement in projects, trainings, awareness raising activities (often with NGOs)…

  6. Most of ourmembers are not active • Less than¼ of ETUC members is addressing LGBT policy (20 conf. out of 85) • Lack of significant action in all Eastern member states (OPZZ Poland only exception) • Gender identity seriously under addressed /misunderstood • Challenges: lack of strategy, knowledge…but also members… • Ratio increases if we take into account sectoral unions

  7. Flyer

  8. ETUC Resolution on LGBT rights Adopted by the ExecutiveCommittee • LGBT rights are human rights and hence trade union issues • LGBT people are often invisible in the workplace and hence denied their rights • Discrimination against LGBT workers is no different from discrimination against other groups • Recruiting and organising LGBT workers helps to make unions strong

  9. Examples of good trade unions’ practices

  10. Unions good practices (I) France (CGT) • ‘Collectif’; National and EU meetings; ESF Project; Manual for trade union officers; Survey (1000 workers); Awareness raising material; Example of CAhttp://www.cgt.fr/-Homophobie-.html UK (TUC) • Awareness raising campaigns (sport); Lobbying government on recognition of civil partnerships; Guide for TU negotiators; Annual conference (200 delegates); Sponsors Pride London; strong synergies with federations http://www.tuc.org.uk/equality/index.cfm?mins=108&minors=24 Italy (CGIL) • ‘New rights section’ within the union; Awareness raising activities; Participation in Prides; Meetings at various level; Legal counselling; Example of CA http://www.cgil.it/Organizzazione/Dipartimenti/NuoviDiritti.aspx Spain (CCOO) • Agreement between CCOO and FELTGB. It includes joint counselling, developing training material and guidelines, awareness raising actions. Recent publication: "Affective and Sexual Diversity: an union matter”http://www.ccoo.es/csccoo/menu.do?Areas:Mujeres:Actualidad:497851

  11. Unions good practices (II) Ireland (ICTU) • Two guides in partnership with the Gay and Lesbian Equality Network; Prides; Lobby for civil partnerships recognition; LGBT TU group http://www.ictu.ie/equality/lgbt.html The Netherlands (FNV) • Company Pride Platform member; Project on isolation, bullying and harassment on the shop floor; Flyers on LGBT rights; Research & Studies http://www.fnv.nl/themas/lgbt/standpunt-fnv/ Sweden (SACO, LO, TCO) • ‘All Clear’ project (training 20,000 participants) http://www.frittfram.se/default.asp?lid=1 Poland (OPZZ) • LGBT Officer; Conference for TUs during Europride; Lobby; Guide for union activists Slovenia (ZSS) • ‘Partnership for equality project’ bringing together social partners and stakeholders working together against discrimination Sectors: Germany (Ver.di); UK (Unite, NUT, Unison); Ireland (PSEU, INTO); Poland (ZNP) …. And others….

  12. ETUC • Policy commitment (Congress, Resolution) • Informal network of LGBT trade union activists • Dedicated webpage on ETUC website (http://www.etuc.org/r/1443) • EU training (Paris, 2011, 22 TU officers from 11 EU countries) • Policy papers, press releases • EU Projects (TU practices promoting diversity and non-discrimination (http://ec.europa.eu/justice/discrimination/awareness/trade-unions/index_en.htm)

  13. Perspectives for the future At the last ETUC Congress in Athens (May 2011) it was agreed to continue to work against any form of discrimination on grounds of sexual orientation and gender identity. • Lobby EU institution for stronger legislative framework (esp. need to tackle gender identity) • New EU training module in 2014 level • Awareness raising actions (PR, Outgames, etc.) • Supporting affiliated member organizations • Looking ahead: next year EP elections!

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