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HOPS – The H 2 O southern Galactic P lane S urvey. Image Courtesy: Cormac Purcell. HOPS – The H 2 O southern Galactic P lane S urvey. Andrew Walsh (JCU) Michael Burton (UNSW) Graeme White (JCU) Steven Longmore (CfA, USA) Cormac Purcell (U. Manchester) Nadia Lo (UNSW)
HOPS – The H2O southern Galactic Plane Survey Image Courtesy: Cormac Purcell
HOPS – The H2O southern Galactic Plane Survey Andrew Walsh (JCU) Michael Burton (UNSW) Graeme White (JCU) Steven Longmore (CfA, USA) Cormac Purcell (U. Manchester) Nadia Lo (UNSW) Kate Brooks (ATNF) Chris Phillips (ATNF) Shari Breen (UTas) Maria Cunningham (UNSW) Paul Jones (UNSW) Summary at: http://www.jcu.edu.au/astronomy/awalsh/HOPS/ Image Courtesy: Cormac Purcell
AIMS • Survey the southern Galaxy with Mopra at 12mm • 90 square degrees at 2 arcminute resolution: l=300 - 30; |b| < 0.5 • Use MOPS zoom mode to survey multiple lines
Main lines surveyed • H2O maser • NH3 (1,1), (2,2), (3,3), (6,6), (9,9) • HC3N (3-2) • H69α radio recombination line • Many CH3OH lines • Many others including H62α, H64α, H65α, NH3 (non-metastable), CCS, HC5N
Main lines surveyed H2O maser • Identifies specific sites of star formation, evolved stars, extragalactic megamasers in an untargetted way • Results can be compared to MMB survey to determine relative occurrence of CH3OH and H2O masers in star forming regions
Main lines surveyed NH3 (1,1), (2,2), (3,3), (6,6), (9,9) • Very important tracer of dense gas in our Galaxy * does not show up in outflows * robust against depletion • Multiple lines → optical depth, column density, temperature (15 – 850K)
Main lines surveyed HC3N (3-2) • Star formation tracer → Occurs in pre-stellar clouds → Abundance enhanced T>90K
Main lines surveyed H69α radio recombination line • Traces ionised gas (HII regions)
Main lines surveyed Many CH3OH lines • Class I and II masers • Thermal emission • More star formation
Main lines surveyed • H2O maser • NH3 (1,1), (2,2), (3,3), (6,6), (9,9) • HC3N (3-2) • H69α radio recombination line • Many CH3OH lines • Many others including H62α, H64α, H65α, NH3 (non-metastable), CCS, HC5N
+0.5 0 1 -0.5 300 30 20 10 0 350 340 330 320 310 Galactic Longitude (l) Current status • Feb/March 2008: completed 31 square degrees (b)
+0.5 (b) 0 1 -0.5 300 30 20 10 0 350 340 330 320 310 Galactic Longitude (l) Current status • Feb/March 2008: completed 31 square degrees
+0.5 (b) 0 1 -0.5 300 30 20 10 0 350 340 330 320 310 Galactic Longitude (l) Current status • Feb/March 2008: completed 31 square degrees • ~700 hours observations • Lost only ~50 hours due to weather+technical
l=300-310 H2O Masers NH3 (1,1) NH3 (2,2) NH3 (3,3) HC3N(3-2) H69α
+0.5 (b) 0 1 -0.5 300 30 20 10 0 350 340 330 320 310 Galactic Longitude (l)
l=330-340 H2O Masers NH3 (1,1) NH3 (2,2) NH3 (3,3) HC3N(3-2) H69α
l=330-340 H2O Masers NH3 (1,1) NH3 (2,2) NH3 (3,3) HC3N(3-2) H69α
Water Masers (+) GLIMPSE Spitzer 3-colour image (3.5, 5 and 8 microns)
+0.5 (b) 0 1 -0.5 300 30 20 10 0 350 340 330 320 310 Galactic Longitude (l)
l=359-010 H2O Masers NH3 (1,1) NH3 (2,2) NH3 (3,3) HC3N(3-2) H69α
l=359-010 H2O Masers NH3 (1,1) NH3 (2,2) NH3 (3,3) HC3N(3-2) H69α
l=359-010 H2O Masers NH3 (1,1) NH3 (2,2) NH3 (3,3) HC3N(3-2) H69α
l=359-010 H2O Masers NH3 (1,1) NH3 (2,2) NH3 (3,3) HC3N(3-2) H69α
l=359-010 H2O Masers NH3 (1,1) NH3 (2,2) NH3 (3,3) HC3N(3-2) H69α
307 km/s!!! l=359-010 Post-AGB star Water Fountain (Deacon et al. 2007) H2O Masers NH3 (1,1) NH3 (2,2) NH3 (3,3) HC3N(3-2) H69α
Results (I) • 203 H2O maser sites (154 New = 76%) • 6.5 maser sites per square degree (5.0 new per square degree)
Results (II) • ~500 NH3 (1,1) “clumps” – widespread • Widespread detections in NH3 (2,2), (3,3), HC3N (3-2), radio recombination lines • Occasional detection of CH3OH lines at 24928, 24933, 24934, 24959, 25018, 25124MHz, HC5N, NH3 (6,6) and (9,9)
Comment on future surveys Lessons learned: • Power in observing multi-transitions • Picking the peaks, but useful science • Can do a 7mm survey with no extra hard/software • Need something extra for 3mm surveys • Very efficient for maser surveys
Comment on future surveys There will be more than one survey • 7mm survey has a lot of potential with CS (1-0), SiO (1-0) and Class I CH3OH maser • 3mm survey at 90GHz – HCCCN, HCO+, CH3CN, SO, N2H+, HCN, HNC, SiO • 3mm survey at 110GHz – 12CO, 13CO, C18O
Comment on future surveys Need a team name: • Millimetre Astronomers Large-area multi-Transition (MALT) team