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Take Blows Without Returning Them. Matthew: 5:38-41. 38 “You have heard that it was said, ‘An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth .’
Matthew: 5:38-41 38 “You have heard that it was said, ‘An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.’ 39 But I say to you, Do not resist an evildoer. But if anyone strikes you on the right cheek, turn the other also; 40 and if anyone wants to sue you and take your coat, give your cloak as well; 41 and if anyone forces you to go one mile, go also the second mile.
Background on Text • This text is a part of Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount dialogue which is extraordinary for its ethical and moral content.
Textual Points of interest • Turning the other cheek • Coat / Cloak • Taking the next mile
Points of interest Significance • Turning the other cheek • Ablow to the right cheek meant that the person hit you with their left hand • In those days, the left had was considered unclean. • Most avoided using their left hand • Other than using a left hand the abuser would have had to use their back hand.The back hand was not meant to do harm, it was an insult – a humiliating reminder of powerlessness and inferior status.
Points of interest Significance cont. • Coat / Cloak • Most Jews only had outer and inner garment • They used the outer garment the coat/cloak to pawn when they were in need of additional funds • To give up the cloak was giving up what they had left of value
Points of interest Significance Cont. • Taking the next mile • There was a practice by some Roman soldiers called angareiato have a Jewish subjects carry theirload for one mile • You can see this displayed in the text, Mark 15:21 with Simon of Cyrene
How We Understand the Text • Most would interpret the text and the acts included thereof as Jesus engaging in political teachings of PASSIVE non-violence. • Turn The Other Cheek • Thisleading perception of PASSIVITY is revealed in the text, “But if anyone who strikes you in the right cheek, turn to the other also,”
To Whom was Jesus speaking? • Was this message for those that were abusing others? • He was speaking to those that were being abused • However, Jesus’ message was not to maintain a position of powerlessness; but in their current position to take possession of the circumstances and assume a position of power without striking back • Therefore, by turning the other cheek the abused is making a bold statement of assuming control in the midst of a presumed powerless situation.
Conclusion • Empowering the abused by having them take an offensive position • The other cheek • Cloak • The next mile
Inquiry Question: Which level of analysis are we most comfortable? How are we growing in our analysis? What in our education ministry is evidence of our analysis? • One concentrates of the literal meanings of the scriptural text.; however, there are much more that goes into interpretation and understanding. • The literal understanding of this text would dictate a PASSIVE position; but Jesus was empowering those without control. • There is a need to go beyond the surface to obtain the appropriate understanding of the text.
Video • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YK01BGSSn4s