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Aromatawai ā-paki - Narrative Assessment: an introduction Ko te ahurei o te tamaiti arahia ō tātou mahi. Te kite, te whakaahua, te huritao, te urupare. Whakapapa. Mātauranga Māori Ako Aromatawai Aromatawai ā-paki. Te kite, te whakaahua, te huritao, te urupare.
Aromatawai ā-paki - Narrative Assessment: an introductionKo te ahurei o te tamaitiarahia ō tātou mahi Te kite, te whakaahua, te huritao, te urupare
Whakapapa Mātauranga Māori Ako Aromatawai Aromatawai ā-paki Te kite, te whakaahua, te huritao, te urupare
An example - setting the scene Kupu whakataki - introduction Ben is a happy boy with a passion for Thomas the Tank Engine. Ben is a Year 5 student in a composite class of 24 children. He is an autistic child. A teacher’s voice At present, Ben is isolated, lacking the social skills to interact with his peers. It is the beginning of the year and our class is about to go on camp. I want Ben to feel like a member of our class and for his peers to have the skills to include Ben. A short introductory paragraph to background the ākonga and his or her learning setting Te kite, te whakaahua, te huritao, te urupare
Multiple perspectives A parent’s voice Ben’s Mum is very worried that as he gets older and as the ‘gap’ (both academically and socially) between Ben and his peers grows wider, he will be bullied. It is very important to her that Ben is polite and respectful of people. Voice of Ben’s peers Ben’s peers try to include him in their games during break times and in class. They become quite dejected when Ben rejects their attempts to include him and so leave him by himself. Voice of his kaiāwhina Kathy and Ben are a great team. Ben works hard with and for Kathy. Her opinion of him matters a great deal to Ben. Kathy knows Ben well; this includes strategies that work well to engage Ben. Kathy describes Ben as being good at Maths. She would like to see Ben get better at writing. Te kite, te whakaahua, te huritao, te urupare
Introduction - setting the scene Strategies being used to support the learner We have been trialling different ways to help Ben how to interact with other students in the classroom and to participate in classroom activities. The skills we have been working on include: •taking turns •looking at the speaker •waiting and responding to questions. Collaboratively with the teacher aide This work has been further supported by the teacher aide who works five times a week, for two hours per session working on the strategies above. Te kite, te whakaahua, te huritao, te urupare
The narrative -what was noticed or observed? Setting/context where and why? The morning before school had started. Plot/what was being learnt? I noticed Ben initiating a conversation with his classmates, something he has never done before because of his difficulties in expressing his ideas and thoughts. He asked students what they enjoyed the most at camp and waited for their responses. At times, he would even provide a simple description of his favourite activity. Character/ what was the student doing? Ben spoke animatedly, with a huge grin on his face. A magical moment Te kite, te whakaahua, te huritao, te urupare
Interpretation and analysis- a description of what was observed and the importance of this Ben is beginning to show signs of seeing himself as a member of our class community. His peers are also responding to him and are keen to include him in their games on the playground. His classmates recognise that this is a huge step for Ben and are keen to support him with his learning in the classroom by taking turns at being his buddy and giving Ben positive feedback when he is on task or has completed a task well. They are also keen to report back the positive changes to his behaviour to the teacher. Eventually it is hoped that Ben’s circle of friends can increase to include other children from neighbouring classrooms and/or school wide at events like school assemblies with the support of close friends. Te kite, te whakaahua, te huritao, te urupare
Interpretation and analysis Links with Te Marautanga o Aotearoa Ngā Matapono Whānui • Ko te ākonga te putake o te ako • Kia pumau te ākonga ki a ia anō • Kia eke te ākonga ki tōna taumata • Me mahi tahi te Kura, te whānau, te hapū, te iwi, me te hapori • Ko te oranga taiao, he oranga tangata Te kite, te whakaahua, te huritao, te urupare
Analysis of the learning in view of what next • Role play with the support of the teacher aide, asking and answering a greater variety of questions and responses in a small group. • Try to plan for a range of activities that enable Ben to “experience” the learning and to tap into his interests, thereby increasing his level of participation. • Ben will now read in class with Tui reading group rather than be withdrawn for reading. This will provide Ben (and his peers) with more opportunities to practice their interpersonal skills within a supported environment. Te kite, te whakaahua, te huritao, te urupare
So who does aromatawai ā-paki target? Narrative assessment is aimed at supporting the learning of ākonga whose learning huarahi is different to that of others. So, what things would make it different?
He aha ō whakaaro? • He aha ngā painga? • it focuses on the learner ratherthan comparing their progress against that of another ākonga • validates some of the small but significant steps being taken by ākonga e.g., the ākonga who now greets the kaiako each morning • a series of learning stories would show the pattern of progress
For more information • Check out our website: • http://aromatawaiapaki.org.nz/ • Video clip about aromatawai ā-paki • http://aromatawaiapaki.org.nz/Nga-hononga/Nga-ataata/Aromatawai-a-Paki