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Health Hazards of Global Cooling

Learn about the dangers of global cooling, based on expert research and data presented at the 2009 Intl. Conf. on Climate Change in New York City. Understand the impact of solar magnetic fluctuations, cosmic rays, and colder climates on human health.

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Health Hazards of Global Cooling

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Presentation Transcript

  1. HEALTH HAZARDS of GLOBAL COOLING Howard Maccabee, PhD, MD The 2009 Intl. Conf. on Climate Change New York City

  2. The IPCC projections are wrong

  3. 1976

  4. 1981

  5. IceIce Age Makes Man?

  6. 2007

  7. Quiet sun → More Cosmic Rays → More Clouds → Colder Climate

  8. The “Quiet Sun”

  9. What causes solar magnetic fluctuations?

  10. European Mortality vs. Temperature

  11. Helsinki Cooling kills seniors faster; mortality increases 3% per ⁰C cooler.

  12. U.S. Mortality vs. Season Mortality in winter is 7X summer. Average Daily Mortality Rates for All-Cause and Cause-Specific Mortality, 1972-1988, per 100,000 Population

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