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Enhancing Creston Community Complex

A legacy in need of upgrades for health, recreation, and community benefits. Join us to learn about the referendum and our preferred project components. Find out the tax implications and how you can make a difference on Nov. 18.

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Enhancing Creston Community Complex

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  1. Friends of the Community Complex Presentation to Creston Chamber of Commerce Members Thursday October 18th, 2006 12:00 pm

  2. Referendum on Improvements and Additions to the Creston and District Community Complex November 18, 2006 A legacy built by local people for sport, recreation and community. A place for health and achievement in the heart of your community.

  3. Our agenda for today: • Overview of the Friends` promotional strategy • Summary of the benefits of recreation to communities • The Referendum question • Tax implications • Your questions

  4. Our Starting Points • Our Community Complex is a publicly owned and funded facility. • It is 33+ years old and has served us well. • It is in need of repair and upgrade. • We may choose to have a say in the work that is done, or have it done for us. • The Preferred Concept Option is the peoples` choice for what is to be done.

  5. Our Principle Beliefs: • We believe an educated voter is more likely to make a sound decision based on facts, and not opinion. 2. An educated voter knows what the question on the ballot says, and what it means. 3. An educated voter knows what yes will mean, and what no will mean.

  6. The Referendum Strategy • Learn the Facts about what is proposed in the referendum; building changes, tax changes, new recreation opportunities provided. • Book the Date: vote Nov 18th (advance polls Nov 8 & 15) • Think Benefits! Focus on the social and personal benefits of the project for the entire community (children to seniors). • Use the MediaHeightened media campaign (last month). • Get out the Vote! Nov 8, 15 (advance) 18 (regular)

  7. Social Benefits of Recreation(Source: Parks and Recreation Ontario) • Leisure provides leadership opportunities that build strong communities • Community recreation services reduce alienation and anti-social behaviours • Integrated and accessible leisure services are critical to the quality of life of people with a disability or disadvantage • Leisure opportunities and facilities are the foundations of community pride

  8. Health Benefits of Recreation(Source: Parks and Recreation Ontario) • Regular physical activity is one of the very best methods of health insurance. • Physical recreation and fitness contributes to a full and meaningful life. • Children`s play is essential to the human development process. • Relaxation, rest and revitalization through the opportunity for leisure is essential to stress management in our busy world.

  9. Economic Benefits of Recreation (Source: Parks and Recreation Ontario) • Parks and recreation services motivate business relocation and expansion • Investment in recreation is a form of preventative health service • A fit work force is a productive work force • Meaningful leisure services reduce the high cost of vandalism and criminal activity. • Recreation is often a catalyst for tourism.

  10. "As the former Mayor of Trail and having been very closely involved with our aquatic center project, I have experienced the benefits that such a facility has brought to our community…. the facility provides year-round recreation for not only athletes, but people of all ages and abilities in a non-competitive environment resulting in healthier lifestyles. As well, our facility delivers numerous health and rehabilitation programs for people with injuries. The aquatic center has enhanced the physical education programs available to students and has been another attraction for visitors to the community and those who have re-located to our area. You will hear from people of all ages that the aquatic center is a true community facility that benefits all, one way or another“. Sandy Santori Former Mayor, City of Trail

  11. "I have seen how our new Aquatic Centre brings together people of all ages and abilities. What people have come to know is that the aquatic centre is a recreation facility for all age groups. (Our) Education programs develop leadership skills that can lead to job opportunities not only in your own community but as students go off to College and University it gives them financial assistance in continuing their education. The Cranbrook Aquatic Centre has also become a popular place for Seniors to exercise and to socialise. Our Senior Aquafit class is very popular year round. Our facility delivers numerous health and rehabilitation programs for people with injuries. Aquatic Centres across the country are leading the way for a healthier lifestyle". Diane Butz Director of Leisure Services City of Cranbrook

  12. Total Cost of Project$18.2 million before Grants and Donations Preferred Project Components: • Lobby and Public Spaces - 8100 sq. ft. - main lobby (1200 sq. ft.) - new concession space (1400 sq. ft.). • New Skate change rooms including female change space. • Aquatic Spaces - Indoor Pool (6 lanes, 25 m, with ramp entry) - Therapeutic Leisure Pool with beach assess entry – Aquatic Change Rooms (men/women/family) - Hot Pool with ramp entry – Waterslide. • Facility Upgrades/Renovations - Elevator, new roof. • Curling Rink - concrete floor, lobbies and lounges (5500 sq. ft.). • Child Care Space Enhancement • Convention and Meeting Space - Weddings/Banquets/Fundraisers. • Fitness - indoor walking track - aerobics studio - cardio studio.

  13. Estimated User Fees(Source: RDCK) An estimated cost of a swim will be $4.00 for adults, $3.00 for Seniors, $9.00 family. Skating: $3.00 for adults, $2.25 for Seniors, $5.50 family. Family rates, punch cards and facility memberships will be available.

  14. Who can vote in this referendum? • If you live in the Town of Creston, the defined portion of Area A (Wynndel, Sirdar, Kuskanook), Area B (Erickson, Canyon, Lister, Kitchener, Yahk), and Area C (West Creston, the flats) you are eligible to vote.  • You may vote in a BC local election as a resident elector if you are a Canadian citizen, are 18 years of age or more on general voting day, have lived in BC for at least six months before you register to vote, and have lived in the municipality, regional district or school district where you wish to vote for 30 days or more before you register to vote.

  15. The Referendum question(Source: Barry McLean, Treasurer, RDCK) “Are you in favour of the Regional District of Central Kootenay adopting Bylaw No.1830 and Bylaw No. 1831 to provide for the following: • the establishment of the “Creston & District Community Facilities, Recreation and Leisure Service” with the annual requisition for the service, including the repayment of borrowing, not to exceed the greater of $2,882,000 or $3.40 / $1,000 of the assessed value of land and improvements within the service area; AND, • the borrowing of $18.525 million dollars, for a term not to exceed 25 years, for capital purposes associated with the construction, renovation and expansion of the community and recreation facilities?”

  16. 3. The Referendum BallotWhat does the question mean? Voters will be asked on the ballot whether they are in favour of increasing the tax rate to $3.40/$1,000. This isthe average tax rate over all tax rate classifications, and unfortunately the only thing we are allowed to vote on. It is not the same as the residential tax rate.

  17. If passed, the new average tax rate of $3.40 / $1,000 will equate to a residential tax rate of $2.304 / $1,000.

  18. How does this work? • Some items are taxed at a "low" rate (residences, farms, seasonal business). • Some are taxed at much higher rates, up to 3.45 times the residential rate (industry, utilities, businesses) • The average rate is over all theclassifications

  19. What will the tax increase be used for? Both Capital and Operating A yes vote will generate enough tax dollars to do the renovation, and pay for operating the upgraded facility for the next 20 years.

  20. A personal example of how this will affect my taxes:( n.b. Business Rate = 2.45 x Residential Rate ) A. Residential Property Example: Gross taxes paid for Recreation = Residential Tax rate x Assessed Value of home At Present: Assessed Value of house = $100,000 Gross taxes paid for Recreation $83.10 = ($100,000 x 0.831 / $1,000) After a Yes Vote Nov 18th Assessed Value of house = $100,000 Gross taxes paid for Recreation $230.40 = ($100,000 x $2.304 / $1,000) An increase of $147.30 on that property B. Business Property Example: Gross taxes paid for Recreation = Business Tax rate x Assessed Value of Business At Present: Assessed Value of business = $100,000 Gross taxes paid for Recreation $203.60 = ($100,000 x $2.036 / $1,000) After a Yes Vote Nov 18th Assessed Value of business = $100,000 Gross taxes paid for Recreation $564.48 = ($100,000 x $5.6448 / $1,000) An increase of $360.88 on that property

  21. Local Business Example:1030 Canyon Street(used with permission) Gross taxes paid for Recreation = (Assessed Value of Business) x (Business Tax rate) At Present: Assessed Value of business = $276,100 Gross taxes paid for Recreation ($276,100 x $2.036 / $1,000) = $562.14 (7% of tax bill) After a Yes Vote Nov 18th Assessed Value of business = $276,100 Gross taxes paid for Recreation ($276,100 x $5.6448 / $1,000) = $1552.53 (18% of tax bill) A net yearly increase of $996.39 for that business Or $2.70 per day

  22. Credit Union Royal Bank CIBC Pharmasave McDowell`s Physioworks Panago Home Building Center Annette`s Delicate Essen Creston Valley Bakery Imagine Ink Columbia Brewery Audio Video Unlimited Sue`s Clotheslines Paul`s Superette 12th Avenue Hair and Aesthetics Black Bear Books Creston Valley Insurance Herchemer Insurance Other Side Café Bahamas Major Business Champions(partial list)

  23. What if costs escalate? • If the project goes to tender and comes back over budget, we must either fundraise the difference or modify the plan so it comes in at budget. Otherwise it does not proceed. • The protection against inflation and rising costs is assessed value of properties.

  24. How can we help? We can provide you with: • Brochures • Tax Cards • Buttons • Car Flags • Posters If you have a question, we will do our best to find an answer for you.

  25. Thank you for your time today On behalf of our committee Alex Nilsson Ron Sherman Candace Foy Check us out at http://www.crestonvalley.com/commcomplex/ Listen for us on KBS

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