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Jeffrey F. Paniati Associate Administrator for Operations

Congestion Initiative Update. ITS America’s Annual Meeting & Exposition Palm Springs Convention Center Palm Springs, Carolina. US DOT Executive Session June 5, 2007. Jeffrey F. Paniati Associate Administrator for Operations Federal Highway Administration

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Jeffrey F. Paniati Associate Administrator for Operations

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  1. Congestion Initiative Update ITS America’s Annual Meeting & Exposition Palm Springs Convention Center Palm Springs, Carolina US DOT Executive Session June 5, 2007 Jeffrey F. Paniati Associate Administrator for Operations Federal Highway Administration US Department of Transportation

  2. Relieve urban congestion. Unleash private sector investment resources. Promote operational and technological improvements. Establish a “Corridors of the Future” competition. Target major freight bottlenecks and expand freight policy outreach. Accelerate major aviation capacity projects and provide a future funding framework. A Six-Point Plan

  3. 1.Relieve Urban Congestion • Create urban partnerships to pursue congestion pricing. • Promote HOV to HOT conversion. • Reduce impacts of bottlenecks. • Create meaningful congestion management process.

  4. 1.Relieve Urban Congestion Create Urban Partnerships Establish a variable tolling or congestion pricing demonstration. Utilize cost-effective transit options (such as BRT). Expand telecommuting and flexible work schedules. Utilize cutting-edge technology and operational approaches.

  5. Potential Resources ITS Congestion Mitigation Operational Tests (RITA) – up to $100 million. Value Pricing Program (FHWA) – up to $30 million. Other FHWA Discretionary (e.g., Transportation, Community and System Preservation Program) - up to $260 million. FTA Discretionary (e.g., New Starts/Small Starts, Bus and Bus Facility) - up to $715 million. Additional $150 million in President’s FY08 budget proposal. 1. Relieve Urban Congestion Create Urban Partnerships

  6. Due Date - April 30, 2007. Over 25 Proposals - Some with Aggressive Strategies. Generated Public Discussion. New York’s Mayor announced intention to implement cordon pricing around Manhattan Washington, DC Council Member and the Mayor say London-style congestion pricing is a good idea ad warrants a closer look San Francisco, CA Supervisor indicates that it’s inevitable that there will be some kind of congestion charging in San Francisco And, others Expect UPA selections to be announced in next few months. 1. Relieve Urban Congestion Create Urban Partnerships

  7. 1. Relieve Urban Congestion Promote HOV to HOT Conversions • Develop criteria for HOV to HOT Conversions. • Engage HOV States and solicit input for inventory of HOV facilities. • Provide focused technical assistance to States with facilities at tipping point.

  8. 1. Relieve Urban Congestion Reduce impacts of bottlenecks • Establish and learn from lead States (March 2007). • Distribute primer (June 2007); update throughout year with good ideas. • Initiate dialogue with States to pursue innovative, low-cost solutions (early May).

  9. 1. Relieve Urban Congestion Create Outcome Oriented Congestion Management Process • New planning regulations reflecting SAFETEA-LU mandates issued. • Provide guidance, training, peer exchange (April). • Provide workshops for TMAs with certification reviews (May/June) (Focus State Activity).

  10. Unleash Private Sector InvestmentResources Public Private Partnerships • Model legislation distributed January 2007. • PPP tool kit to be posted April 2007 (look for demo today). • Provide comprehensive technical assistance from the Resource Center’s Innovative Finance Team.

  11. 3. Technology and Operations • Improve traveler information. • Reduce incident delay. • Reduce work zone delay. • Improve traffic signal timing.

  12. 3. Technology and Operations Reduce Incident Delay • Advance move-it laws. • Establish quick clearance policy agreements. • Promote full function service patrols. - Guidance memo on use of service patrols issued 12/22/06 • Data integration. • Performance Measures.

  13. 3. Technology and Operations Reduce Work Zone Delay • Actively support implementation of the Work Zone Safety and Mobility Final Rule (10/07). - Guidance documents. - Workshops. - Peer-to-Peer. - Focused technical assistance.

  14. 3. Technology and Operations Improve Traveler Information • Implement 511. • Implement travel time on DMS. • Establish Real-time Traveler Information Program (SAFTEA-LU, section 1201). - Request for Information - May 2006 - Notice of Proposed Rulemaking - Summer 2007

  15. 511 Deployment Status as of March 30, 2007 = 511 Operational (“Live”) Accessible by 37.5% of Population = Expected “Live” in 2007 D.C.

  16. 3. Technology and Operations Improve Traffic Signal Timing • Traffic Signal Operation Self- Assessments (due January 2007; over 450 responses). • National Report Card (Summer 2007). • Release ACS-lite (February 2007). - Lessons learned from test sites. - Technical assistance, training, outreach. • Champion regular traffic signal retiming programs.

  17. Phase 1 complete 38 “Expressions of Interest” received (State, multiple States, private sector entity) . 8 corridors (14 proposals) selected [I-95, I-80, I-15, Northern Tier (I-80, 90,94), I-5-I-70, I-69, I-10]. Some are multi-modal and multi-jurisdictional. Phase 2 initiated (Feb 1, 2007 FRN) Up to 5 Corridors of the Future to be selected. Applications due May 25, 2007. Final Phase Actively advance finalists – level of effort/expertise depends on scope/type of projects selected. 4. Establish a ‘Corridors of the Future’ Competition

  18. 4. Establish a ‘Corridors of the Future’ Competition

  19. DOT Congestion Initiative advancing aggressively. Major announcements on Urban Partners and Corridors of Future this summer. Many opportunities to reduce congestion through aggressive operations and technology. ITS provides key underpinning. Summary

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