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  2. UNCLASSIFIED F-RIC Ops Cell Mission Statement Build APRP Joint Secretariat (JS) and sub-national operational capacity (people, tools, procedures, and training) in order to facilitate and enhance the conduct of outreach and demobilization operations to take fighters out of the fight

  3. UNCLASSIFIED ISAF F-RIC Ops Organization Director of Ops Deputy Director of Ops Cultural Advisor, Interpreter and Translator Ops Rep to JS (Afghan Hand) Demob Staff Officers Reintegration Int O Reintegration Systems Data Manager Mentor 6 Nationalities

  4. UNCLASSIFIED FRIC OPS CRITICAL TASKS • Partner with JS Ops • Assist with Demob Msns and Tasks (Phase 2) • Maintain and Analyze Reintegree Data • Assist with development of Demob processes • Represent FRIC (Ops) at ISAF Forums

  5. UNCLASSIFIED Three Stages of APRP Security & Grievance Resolution SOCIAL OUTREACH, CONFIDENCE BUILDING, NEGOTIATION CONSOLIDATION OF PEACE AND COMMUNITY RECOVERY DEMOBILIZATION Enrolled APRP Transition Assistance Disengagement Training Intent Survey Biometric Weapon Reg Declaration Form Signed Y Vetting N Not Enrolled APRP • Social outreach and messaging • Contact • Establishing dialogue • Negotiation • Grievance resolution • Registration • Formal vetting/Assess • Biometrics/ID card • Weapons registration • Community security • Religious, literacy, and vocational education • Community recovery • Agriculture Conservation Corps • Public Works Corps

  6. UNCLASSIFIED Joint Secretariat Ops Cell Mission Statement The JS Ops cell will ensure that negotiations with Insurgents stay within the APRP framework and that expectations are managed through PJST, and provincial and district MoI, MoD, and NDS staff

  7. UNCLASSIFIED Joint Secretariat Ops Responsibilities • Outreach, strategic communication, and identify reintegration opportunities • Repository for all reintegration data • Oversight of provincial and below activities • Outreach and grievance resolution • Demobilization • Community recovery • Facilitate info-sharing between MoI, NDS, MoD and ISAF • Deploy mobile teams to support reintegration activities

  8. UNCLASSIFIED Partnered for Reintegration PoA COMISAF, SCR KLE with PoA/HPC Security Ministries Partnered by NTM-A and HQ ISAF (DCOS Strategic Partnering) High Peace Council Policy Service Delivery Ministries partnered by HQ ISAF (DCOS Stab) Joint Secretariat partnered by HQ ISAF (F-RIC) Supported by IJC Joint Secretariat PG PPC Provincial Peace Committees PPCs are responsible for APRP implementation and management of reintegration within the province. Sub-National APRP structure partnered by IJC (supported by PRTs) Execution UNDP Regional Manager PJST PJSTs are responsible for supporting the PPC implementation and management of reintegration activity within the province. Provincial Joint Secretariat Team Afghan Hand Community

  9. UNCLASSIFIED Afghanistan Reintegration August 2011 Reintegration Activity Provinces with Events 18 Provinces with Opportunities 06 Provinces with No Activity 10 JOWZJAN KUNDUZ BALKH BADAKHSHAN TAKHAR SAMANGAN BAGHLAN FARYAB SAR-E PUL PANJSHAYR NURISTAN KAPSIA BADGHIS BAMYAN PARWAN KUNAR LAGHMAN KABUL WARDAK NANGARHAR August 2010 HERAT GHOR LOGAR PAKTIYA DAYKUNDI GHAZNI KHOST FARAH URUZGAN PAKTIKA ZABUL HELMAND KANDAHAR NIMROZ 08 Aug 11 Kandahar is the one emerging PPC Reintegration Itself Forces the Pace

  10. UNCLASSIFIED Joint Secretariat Demobilization Team Responsibilities • Lead/manage demobilization registration, processing and disengagement actions • Registration • surveys, biometrics, and weapons management • Processing – vetting, sharing biometrics, target list, and declaration • Record and rapidly access reintegration data/records

  11. UNCLASSIFIED Afghanistan Reintegration Tracking System (ARTS) • Stores reintegration data in order to share information between the GIRoA and ISAF • Facilitates tracking and monitoring of reintegration opportunities and events

  12. UNCLASSIFIED Reported Reported Provincial Joint Secretariat Team 4 File Uploaded Info Manager INDURE/ARTS Internet Reintegration Opportunity Report Flow Reintegration Opportunity identified Mobile Teams on the Field 1 3 2 File submitted in soft copy Reintegration Opportunity Report and Individual Case File Report is created offline Reintegration Candidate Registration & Survey Form 1 Filled out by INS under the supervision of a Surveyor at Province level

  13. 82 58 21 257 0 0 0 52 0 40 0 60 0 47 108 0 0 0 JOWZJAN KUNDUZ BADAKHSHAN TAKHAR BALKH 0 0 0 0 0 SAMANGAN BAGHLAN SAR-E PUL 761 32 0 0 231 FARYAB 0 0 431 11 0 0 27 0 0 20 0 0 0 0 0 122 170 0 4 8 56 0 0 0 0 0 83 0 0 0 22 0 28 0 13 0 9 486 0 0 0 0 16 DAYKUNDI 0 40 40 0 0 0 0 2 9 0 0 0 11 0 0 0 URUZGAN 0 ZABUL 0 0 0 0 HELMAND 2 0 KANDAHAR 455 NIMROZ 0 75 19 7 65 0 PJST Status (Provincial Joint Secretariat Teams) 19 Operational Recruiting None UNCLASSIFIED REINTEGRATION EVENTS/OPPORTUNITIES PANJSHAYR NURISTAN BADGHIS BAMYAN KUNAR PARWAN KAPISA LAGHMAN KABUL HERAT WARDAK GHOR NANGARHAR LOGAR PAKTIYA GHAZNI KHOST FARAH PAKTIKA Reintegrees/Candidates Status (per province) # of reintegrees # of candidates (Opportunities *) # of candidates (Inactive opportunities**) *ROs will be moved to IROs after 60 days, unless agreed or stated otherwise by FRIC/JS (to be coord) **IROs will be moved to archive after 150 days, unless agreed or stated otherwise by FRIC/JS (to be coord) Updated 08 August 2011

  14. UNCLASSIFIED Demobilization

  15. UNCLASSIFIED Demobilization • Registration : PJSTs will arrange for registration to be conducted. This includes completing the “Intent to Reintegrate” form and “Individual Survey”. [See survey training brief] • Biometrics: MOI is the lead agency for collecting biometric information. • Demobilization: Is managed by the PJST with assistance from the JS mobile teams travelling to the location where reintegration opportunities arise. • Weapons Management: In contrast to DIAG, the APRP allows reintegrees to keep their personal weapons, however, these must be registered. MOI is responsible to register weapons. MOD will store heavy weapons (e.g. machine guns, RPGs, Etc). • Security: MoI (assisted by NDS & MoD) will provide security. ANSF and ISAF will work closely to determine the security risks in each reintegration case and determine a course of action to mitigate these risks.

  16. UNCLASSIFIED Vetting • Vetting of ex-combatants is done to determine motivations and eligibility for reintegration • Vetting will be done at the community, district, provincial and national levels • APRP eligibility criteria: • Ex-combatants must be verified insurgents • Ex-combatants must not be wanted for criminal offenses • Must not be foreign fighters

  17. UNCLASSIFIED Vetting Joint Secretariat will: • Guide and direct a standardized vetting process • Appoint a designated vetting manager, responsible for: • Managing vetting actions with provincial staff • Managing vetting actions with the security representatives to the JS • Maintain paper and electronic files of vetting documentation • After initial vetting, approve and assist provincial formal enrollment as required

  18. UNCLASSIFIED Vetting Provincial Chief of Police (CoP), provincial NDS Chief, and ANA Security Shura rep will: • Confirm based on organizational data that ex-combatants are APRP eligible per the eligibility criteria • Document ex-combatant eligibility by signing vetting list prior to PG signature Chairman of the PPC will: • Ensure community vetting is done to verify ex-combatant eligibility • Verify the community is willing to accept the ex-combatants back into the community Security Representatives (MoI, NDS and MoD to the JS will: • Ensure provincial CoPs, NDS Chiefs, and ANA follow the vetting responsibilities • Vet provincial lists based on national level data within 3 days of receiving; after 3 days concurrence is assumed

  19. UNCLASSIFIED Vetting Provincial Governors (PG) and their staffs (i.e. PJST) will: • Confirm in writing that ex-combatants are eligible based on community and provincial vetting. • Send vetted list of ex-combatants to the JS. The list will be signed by the PG and counter-signed by the Chairman of the PPC, CoP, NDS Chief and ANA Provincial Security Shura representative. This signed list will verify that those individuals are eligible for the peace program. • Oversee the conduct of community vetting Shura to ensure fairness. • Keep paper and electronic files of provincial vetting documentation in the PJST.

  20. UNCLASSIFIED Vetting Joint Secretariat will ensure the following representatives sign off the vetted list: • JS Operations Director • MoI rep • NDS rep • MoD rep

  21. UNCLASSIFIED ISAF Force Reintegration Cell QUESTIONS?

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