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PBS Implementation Coaches. Rae Ann Knopf, State-wide CoordinatorRichard Boltax, BEST Co-coordinatorSherry Schoenberg, BEST Co-coordinatorKen Kramberg, BEST consultantRuth Hamilton, BEST consultantCarol Randall, DOE Education ConsultantLisa Mazzitelli, DOE Education Consultant. Behavioral Expectations.
1. Vermont Positive Behavior SupportsBringing out the BEST in all of us.
2. PBS Implementation Coaches Rae Ann Knopf, State-wide Coordinator
Richard Boltax, BEST Co-coordinator
Sherry Schoenberg, BEST Co-coordinator
Ken Kramberg, BEST consultant
Ruth Hamilton, BEST consultant
Carol Randall, DOE Education Consultant
Lisa Mazzitelli, DOE Education Consultant
3. Behavioral Expectations Be present
Support each other
Team solutions and ideas
4. So What is PBS? Positive Behavior Supports (PBS) is a proactive,
systems approach
to improving social and academic competence for all students.
5. Big Idea Educational leaders must strive to lead and support development of sustainable and positive school climates
The goal is to establish school communities that support adoption and sustained use of evidenced-based practices
(Zins & Ponte, 1990)
8. Why PBS? Do the math . . .
9. Positive School Climates . . . Maximize academic engagement & achievement
Minimize rates of rule violating behavior
Encourage respectful & responsible acts
Facilitate more efficient, effective & relevant school functioning
Improve supports for students with disabilities & greater risk of educational failure
10. Examples….
11. Instructional Time Lost 1400 referrals =
21,000 min@15 mins=
350 hrs=
44 teaching days
59 administrative days
131 instructional days for students
12. Ineffective Responses to Problem Behavior Get Tough (practices)
Train-&-Hope (systems) Old toolsOld tools
13. Immediate & seductive solution….”Get Tough!” Clamp down & increase monitoring
Re-re-re-review rules
Extend continuum & consistency of consequences
Establish “bottom line”
...Predictable, reactive
individual response
14. But….false sense of safety/security! Fosters environments of control
Triggers & reinforces antisocial behavior
Shifts accountability away from school
Devalues child-adult relationship
Weakens relationship between
academic & social behavior programming
Zero tolerance policies – punitive, Increased surveillance – remove ourselves, Increased suspension & expulsion – remove student, In-service training by expert & Alternative programming – shifts responsibility, …..Predictable systems response!
Zero tolerance policies – punitive, Increased surveillance – remove ourselves, Increased suspension & expulsion – remove student, In-service training by expert & Alternative programming – shifts responsibility, …..Predictable systems response!
15. Based on Erroneous assumption that student… Is inherently “bad”
Will learn more appropriate behavior through increased use of “aversives”
Will be better tomorrow…….
16. “Train & Hope”
17. When a student Doesn’t know how to read – what do we do?
Doesn’t know how to add – what do we do?
Doesn’t know how to swim – what do we do?
Doesn’t know how to drive – what do we do?
When a student doesn’t know how to behave – what do we do? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
18. Research on behavior has taught us that people…. …… can learn better ways of behaving by being taught directly & receiving positive feedback….
. . . . Especially when function is considered
- Sugai and Horner, 2003
19. What PBS does - PBS identifies a set of science-based behavior support practices that are proactive, instructive and inclusive.
PBS integrates academic and behavioral success.
PBS brings school teams, parents and communities together to design and implement a broad range of systemic and individualized strategies for teaching, encouraging, reinforcing, and generalizing social and behavioral competence.
Core principle - make the smallest environmental change necessary in order to facilitate the greatest positive change in behavior. School-wide positive behavior supports leads to effective behavior support which leads to Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports.School-wide positive behavior supports leads to effective behavior support which leads to Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports.
20. Transforming Practices Reactive Proactive
(Focus on Prevention)
Punitive Instructive
(Teach and recognize appropriate skills)
Exclusionary Inclusionary
(Keep students in school and in class)
21. Implementing and Sustaining School-wide Positive Behavior Supports is School teams coming together to –
Create a common purpose
Define 3-5 positively stated behavioral expectations
Develop systems for teaching, encouraging, and reinforcing expectations
Develop systems for discouraging negative behaviors
Develop function based systems for supporting students and responding to behavior patterns
22. DEFINE expectations for behavior
TEACH the expected behavior
REVIEW expectations regularly
MONITOR performance of expected behaviors
RECOGNIZE individuals when expected behaviors are demonstrated
CORRECT individuals when expected behaviors are not demonstrated Teaching Behavioral Expectations: An Instructional Approach
23. Public Health & Disease PreventionKutash et al., 2006; Larson, 1994 Tertiary (FEW)
Reduce complications, intensity, severity of current cases
Secondary (SOME)
Reduce current cases of problem behavior
Primary (ALL)
Reduce new cases of problem behavior
24. Activity Turn to the person next to you at your table and take turns teaching each other the triangle.
Try to cover the key concepts in two minutes or less.
25. Six Components of SW Discipline (SW-BSP) Statement of purpose (Common approach to discipline)
Clearly defined expected behavior
Procedures for teaching expected behavior
Continuum of procedures for encouraging expected behavior
Continuum of procedures for discouraging problem behaviors
Procedures for record-keeping & decision making
26. SAY: In general, the implementation of a school-wide PBS approach at the school level is built around five main implementation steps.
SAY: In general, the implementation of a school-wide PBS approach at the school level is built around five main implementation steps.
27. One of the most important steps is to establish or identify an existing group of individuals who can lead the establishment of a school-wide PBS approach. This team must be made of school staff who are respected, have effective communication skills and means, and can influence school policy, organization, and operations.
An important factor in effective leadership teaming is ensuring that members of the team agree on how they will conduct business (e.g., agenda, problem solving, voting, etc.). The Conducting Leadership Team Meetings Checklist (see Appendix.1) can be used to assess for and establish agreements about how team meetings will be conducted.
One of the most important steps is to establish or identify an existing group of individuals who can lead the establishment of a school-wide PBS approach. This team must be made of school staff who are respected, have effective communication skills and means, and can influence school policy, organization, and operations.
An important factor in effective leadership teaming is ensuring that members of the team agree on how they will conduct business (e.g., agenda, problem solving, voting, etc.). The Conducting Leadership Team Meetings Checklist (see Appendix.1) can be used to assess for and establish agreements about how team meetings will be conducted.
28. Secure SW Agreements & Supports Agreements
At least 80% of staff
Prioritizing use of data-base for informed decision making (e.g., EBS Staff Survey, ODR’s)
3-4 year commitment
Proactive instructional approach Supports
Administrative leadership
Prioritized resources
Materials, personnel
On-going coaching
29. SAY: In general, the implementation of a school-wide PBS approach at the school level is built around five main implementation steps.
SAY: In general, the implementation of a school-wide PBS approach at the school level is built around five main implementation steps.
30. 4 Elements of Data-based Decision Making Use data to answer questions and verify outcomes
Describe in measurable terms
Specify realistic & achievable criterion for success
Identify priorities for action
High quality data from clear definitions, processes, & implementation (e.g., sw behavior support)
Efficient data storage & manipulation system (e.g., SWIS)
Process for using data to make decisions & take action
32. Kinds of Data Office discipline reports
Out of classroom referrals
Behavioral incidents
Special education referrals
Self-assessments – PBS Surveys, Youth Risk Behavior Surveys
33. SAY: In general, the implementation of a school-wide PBS approach at the school level is built around five main implementation steps.
SAY: In general, the implementation of a school-wide PBS approach at the school level is built around five main implementation steps.
34. In collecting data, making decisions, implementing systems – consider all environments – classroom, non-classroom, individual students, home, community and school-wide environments/influences.
In collecting data, making decisions, implementing systems – consider all environments – classroom, non-classroom, individual students, home, community and school-wide environments/influences.
40. SAY: In general, the implementation of a school-wide PBS approach at the school level is built around five main implementation steps.
SAY: In general, the implementation of a school-wide PBS approach at the school level is built around five main implementation steps.
41. After PBS Implementation – the middle school above reduced office discipline referrals by 64%
A 64% reduction of 1324 referrals recaptures –
26 – 8 hour days of teaching time
35 – 8 hour days of administrative time
70 – 8 hour days of student instruction
How is PBS changing the culture of your school?How is PBS changing the culture of your school?
42. Is the social and behavioral climate/culture of the school affecting academic outcomes for students?Is the social and behavioral climate/culture of the school affecting academic outcomes for students?
43. Are the systems in place that you thought were in place?Are the systems in place that you thought were in place?
44. Are you able to sustain the implementation over time?Are you able to sustain the implementation over time?
45. What should I expect to see/hear in a PBS school? SW-PBS (primary)
>80% of students can tell you what is expected of them & give behavioral example because they have been taught, actively supervised, practiced, & acknowledged.
Positive adult-to-student interactions exceed negative
Function based behavior support is foundation for addressing problem behavior.
Data- & team-based action planning & implementation are operating.
Administrators are active participants.
Full continuum of behavior support is available to all students
Secondary & Tertiary
Team-based coordination & problem solving
Local specialized behavioral capacity
Function-based behavior support planning
Person-centered, contextually & culturally relevant
District/regional behavioral capacity
Instructionally oriented
Linked to SW-PBS practices & systems
School-based comprehensive supports
46. What’s the Status in Vermont? State-wide Leadership Team – 34 members
Training of External Implementation Coaches – 6 state-wide coaches, 3 district coaches
Established priority for Act 230 spending 2007/2008 and 2008/2009 spending
Training and Implementation in Schools
Over 900 educators & mental health personnel – introductory training
34 schools engaged in implementing SW-PBS
47. Vermont Data
48. How to find out more - Nationally -
In Vermont –
49. Activity What further questions do you need answered to better understand any aspect of PBS?
Post them on the flipchart and note common themes. Someone from the management team will record questions and organize into common themes for the whole group – this information can be used to differentiate the training and provide targeted technical assistance to teams.Someone from the management team will record questions and organize into common themes for the whole group – this information can be used to differentiate the training and provide targeted technical assistance to teams.