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Optical Stochastic Cooling Proof-of Principle Experiment at MIT-Bates. Bill Franklin OSC Workshop MIT-Bates February 2, 2006. Outline. Motivation Why do an OSC Demonstration Experiment Why do it at Bates Experiment Prerequisites Design Measurements Summary Working plan Schedule
Optical Stochastic Cooling Proof-of Principle Experiment at MIT-Bates Bill Franklin OSC Workshop MIT-Bates February 2, 2006
Outline • Motivation • Why do an OSC Demonstration Experiment • Why do it at Bates • Experiment • Prerequisites • Design • Measurements • Summary • Working plan • Schedule • Costs
Motivation for OSC Demonstration • Achievement of highest luminosity in collider experiments requires combination of complementary techniques • Optical stochastic cooling based on interaction of particles with own undulator radiation within 2nd undulator provides cooling with right selection of parameters • Promising technique for high energy protons, ions to lower cooling time under certain conditions • Large investment for machines at high energy frontier • Technique has not been experimentally verified • Significant technical challenges in implementation • Can test much of physics with lower energy stored electron beam
Goals of OSC Experiment • Physics • First demonstration of cooling based on undulator radiation • Test OSC formalism for cooling rates • Study cooling of beam as function of energy • Investigate designs for magnetic bypass • Realistic projections for ions based on electron results • Technical • Development of high duty mid-IR amplifier • Diagnostics and Feedback for very sensitive phase stability of beam and undulator radiation • Controls for dynamical cooling apparatus (e.g. amplifier gain and bypass fields) • Significant components of apparatus transferable to high energy ion rings
OSC Proposal • New proposal to DOE Nuclear Physics Office to do select beam physics experiments • Physics uniquely explored in low-energy electron ring • Transit-time OSC demonstration leading item • Component on polarization, Complementary proposal on THz • Previous successful models for small-scale accelerator experiments (e.g. electron cooling) • Previous OSC proposals not funded (Duke, IUCF)
Why OSC at Bates • Unique properties of accelerator complex • Electron machine significantly eases amplifier requirements • Energy regime, weak bends permit long synchrotron damping time • Flexible lattice • Long straight sections for OSC bypass • High RF frequency for South Hall Ring allows flexible design for magnetic bypass delay line • Practical considerations • Well developed controls, tunes, and diagnostics • Test accelerator, no user demands • University facilitates inclusion, education of new people in field • Bates seeking cohesive accelerator program for South Hall Ring • Strong collaboration between Bates, BNL in several areas, where OSC studied and considered for RHIC, eRHIC
MIT-Bates Accelerator Center • Nuclear physics experimental program completed in June 2005 • Experimental areas and beamlines decommissioned, accelerator kept intact • MIT has assumed ownership of facility • Bates ops. staff reduced, physicist contribution required for accelerator expt. • Polarized source provides peak current > 4 mA, variable structure • Linac accelerates electrons up to 500 MeV, rep < 600 Hz • Single pass recirculator permits doubling of energy • Stacking of electrons in South Hall Ring for long-lived CW beam Former Beam- lines
Storage Mode for the South Hall Ring • Precision experiments on nucleon in SHR using ABS and BLAST • Ran primarily at 850 MeV, beam intensity ~200 mA, longitudinal pol. ~.65 Typical Storage Cycle (EPICS Control System) Stacking Storage • Highly automated filling cycle, reliable operation • Two-turn injection in SHR at 10 Hz, beam lifetime governed by target • Highly developed beam, albeit different needs from OSC demo
Cooling Requirements • OSC time for electrons short • osc ~ 1 s achievable at SHR • Cooling rate dependent on SHR bunch charge, length, and amp bandwidth • Modest amplifier power, gain requirements • Amp gain depends on energy, power on number of bunches 1812 bunches
E<400 MeV >1s Energy for OSC Demo • OSC experiment with electrons requires long radiation damping time • Energy regime, weak bends permit long synchrotron damping time • SHR Energy: 0.3-1.0 GeV with injection at beam energy • SHR Circumference 190.2 m, 16 Bends, =9.144m • Radiation damping time of order few seconds
SHR Floor Space for OSC experiment and IR Beam lines • 190 m circumference • Racetrack design with 2 long straight sections • OSC experiment to reside in east straight section • SHR tunnel > 4 m in width • 16 dipoles w/sync light ports (THz studies and OSC diagnostics) • Can add shielding for proximity to apparatus IR beam lines OSC
SHR OSC Bypass Undulator Amplifier Undulator SHR beam • Preliminary layout for OSC experiment in SHR east straight • Install 8 m long chicane, undulators bracket chicane • Utilize existing magnets, power supplies, and vacuum equipment from decommissioned Bates X-Line • Optical amplifier replaces existing magnetics • Overall chicane delay of few ns, need very fast, stable amplifier • Proximity of access to diagnostics, amplifier highly desirable • Increase h from 1812 to 1817, path length modification of 50 cm Undulator radiation Magnetic Delay Line
The 2.856 GHz RF Cavity • Unique 2856 MHz RF system, single cavity, 50 kW, CW klystron • Interbunch spacing of 10 cm provides significant flexibility in designing magnetic delay line • Tuning of RF frequency available within limited range • No modification of RF system envisioned for OSC experiment
Prerequisites to OSC Demonstration • Propose SHR Feasibility Study for this year • Demonstrate low energy SHR operation (E < 300 MeV) • Bunch control, single bunch SHR operation (linac,recirculator, injection) • Investigate diagnostics for fast profile monitoring • Orbit control and response (fast fine control for bypass) • Test mode SHR operation, synergy with other proposed accelerator research (THz, Stern-Gerlach) • OSC Design Study can proceed in parallel • Magnetic Bypass Properties and Controls • Undulator system • Optical Amplifier • Diagnostics and Feedback
SHR Low Energy Operation • Long radiation damping time essential for OSC, storage also difficult • SHR primarily operated at 850 MeV, past experiments at 569 MeV • Storage tests done at 330 MeV during early commissioning of SHR • Magnet calibration established down to 300 MeV • Very precise energy calibration (10-5) at 370 MeVthrough spin precession of extracted beams (T. Zwart thesis) • Small angle Coulomb scattering has stronger effect at low energy, cooling should improve SHR lifetime • No fundamental limit to low energy storage, should reach • E < 300 MeV
350 ps Existing 1812 Bunches 634 ns Present Bates Injector • Quasi DC beam delivered by DC polarized photoinjector • Linac structure set by RF chopper and RF prebuncher at 2856 MHz • 2-3 ps pulse length at end of linac • Injector fills every bunch (1 mA 350 fC accepted per bucket) • SHR revolution = 1.576 MHz • Ring cavity frequency = 2856 MHz Electron ring
Proposed Single Bunch Electron ring 634 ns Single Bunch Requirement • Multibunch instabilities clearly observed during the 2005 runs for THz test • OSC demo requires ability to control and vary bunch filling pattern • Sync. SHR beam with OSC pulsed amplifier • Presently building new mode-locked laser with electro-optical modulation to control the fill pattern and intensity of the SHR at the single bunch level. • Solution will need phase-locked reference to SHR subharmonic with low jitter. Start with oscillator at low enough frequency to permit E-O modulation
60 cm Yb-doped fiber 30 cm SMR 133 cm SMR 435 cm SMF Similariton Fiber Laser for Bates source (170fs, 10nJ, 28MHz) 10-40 MHz fiber-based laser (F. Kaertner, E. Tsentalovich) • Laser Specs • T pulse < 100 ps • Pulse Jitter < 10 ps (or shutter jitter < 50 ps) • Rep rate ~ 10 Hz • Wavelength 530 nm (doubled Yb-doped fiber) QE = ~1% on thin GaAs photocathode J. R. Buckley, F.Wise, F. Ö . Ilday, T. Sosnowski, Opt. Lett., 30, 1888 2005 Presently under construction, test soon
SHR Beam Diagnostics • EPICS diagnostics for stored beams • 32 sets RF pickups as Beam Position Monitors during storage • Steering correctors distributed throughout SHR allow local orbit modifications • Framegrabber digitizes synchrotron light images (beam transverse profile) • Lifetime evaluated from DCCT measurements • Generally update at 10 Hz • Evaluate performance in single bunch mode for tuning, orbit control • Need fast high resolution on profile • Fast feedback for phase control of electron beam and undulator radiation in OSC experiment
350ps SHR Low momentum compaction Lattice operation (Dec. 2004) • LB9 SR Visible light transport to accessible area • Bunch Longitudinal profile from Streak Camera (C6860)B. Podobedov • Synchroscan f: 81.6 MHz (2856/35), integration time ~ 100ms “BLAST” (original, z > 20ps) “LMC-4” (z= 3.6 ps) • Investigate less expensive alternatives to streak camera for OSC
SHR Bunch Length Studies • Low Lattices- Based on quadrupole regroup and polarity switches • Ability to manipulate bunch length with SHR lattice, RF parameters, • Prefer long bunch for OSC, correlates well with sync • Studies demonstrate MAD calculations of SHR lattice reasonably accurate in modeling momentum compaction at 10-4 level
SHR OSC Magnetic Bypass Design • Need precise control of bypass path integrals for phase stability for golden orbit electron and own amplified undulator radiation • Simulation to define relation which will permit optimal cooling • Dipoles designed for 22 degree bends (=4.57 m), quads from X-Line • Sextupoles need to be purchased • Multiple BPM’s in bypass insertion • Define power supply stability requirements • Consider air-core magnets for fast modulation and dynamical cooling
Undulator properties • Two identical precisely tuned undulators to generate coherent radiation • Tunable field to permit OSC at different energies with fixed wavelength • λ=λu(2+K2)/(4γ2) with a bandwidth of ΔωFWHM=ω/Nu, where Nu is the number of undulator periods, K=qBuλu/(2πmc),Bu is the undulator field strength, and λu is the undulator wavelength • 10 cm period typical, > 1m in length for light sources
Optical Amplifier (F. Kaertner) • Wide bandwidth nonlinear optical system • Pump laser locked to SHR RF subharmonic • Scalability in central wavelength (2 m for Bates), avg. power • Precise phase delay control • Pulsed operation • Build and test at RLE, coordinate design with BNL
OSC Equipment Budget • Budget from OSC proposal • Investigating undulator alternatives • Improve spec on beam instrumentation • Synergies between OSC, THz proposal
OSC Proposal Schedule Overview • Year 1 • Carry out feasibility study in SHR • Develop coherent plan for OSC, THz, Stern-Gerlach expts. • Cooling simulations for South Hall Ring • Amplifier development underway • Year 2 • Magnetic bypass installation and commissioning run • Shielding area construction and survey • Undulator fabrication • Amplifier completion and bench tests • Year 3 • Undulator, Amplifier installation in SHR and commissioning • Initial cooling measurements
Measurements • Well documented beam profile (x,y,s), lifetime pre-cooling • Optical transmission, noise, and gain control in ring environment • Synchronization of amp with electron beam and dynamic phase stability • Variation of bypass properties and dynamic cooling • Control of cooling rate through regulation of amplifier power • Measurement of cooling rates as function of bunch charge, beam energy, bunch charge, length • Multibunch effects • Synchrotron-betatron coupling for transverse cooling
Summary • The Bates South Hall Ring provides a number of unique features which could permit for the first time a detailed and economical laboratory for the study of optical stochastic cooling • Bates accelerator physicists and laboratory leadership have interest in pursuing this area of research as part of accelerator research program • Proposal submitted to DOE, review pending • Prospects for success in both obtaining funding and successfully carrying out experimental program depend crucially on strong collaboration with accelerator community on experiment design and program • Seek to define program with maximum possible impact in basic research and applicability to larger scale facility (RHIC)
An OSC Demo Collaboration • Experiment would complement ongoing OSC work • Interested institutions • BNL - RHIC requirements, amp and diagnostic development • LBL - Modeling and bypass design • Indiana - students, analysis • MIT RLE - amplifier and feedback systems • MIT-Bates, LNS - SHR optics, beam hardware, operations • Bogazici - Simulations • Others encouraged to join
Discussion Topics • Applicability of OSC demo pieces to RHIC • Implications of electron results for ion beams • Bypass design and control • Amplifier • Beam instrumentation • Clarify requirements for OSC demo and design study • Electron beam optics • SHR (lattice properties) • Magnetic Bypass (stability, path integrals for OSC, magnetics) • Undulator (periodicity, tolerance) • Amplifier (gain, timing) • Instrumentation (resolution, feedback)
Transverse effects As the particle gains or loses energy by its interaction with the electric field of itself and its sampling partners, the corresponding momentum closed orbit is also modified. Thus the betatron phase space coordinates are changed as well. This may generate heating and cooling effect to the beam. The change of transverse betatron coordinates are (for ID>0) xi2c=xi2+D2Gsin(ΔΦi+ψij), x'i2c=x'i2+D'2Gsin(ΔΦi+ψij). where (xi2,x'i2) and (xi2c,x'i2c) are the betatron phase space coordinates of the i-th particle before and after correction at the second undulator location, and D2,D'2 are the value of the dispersion function at the second undulator location.
OSC Mechanism (SY Lee, IUCF) • In the first undulator, a test particle radiates an EM wave propagating in the s-direction: Ei=E0 sin (ks-ωt +Φi) with electric field amplitude E0 and phase Φi. The wave number and frequency are k=2π/λ and ω= kc. This radiation propagates to the optical amplifier, while the particle follows the bypass and traverses it in a time Δti=ℓi/βc, where βc is the speed of the particle. • The time Δt0 required for radiation to pass all the way between undulators, including the amplifier delay, must be constrained and maintained by a feedback system to yield the condition ℓ0-cΔt0=(n±¼)λ, where n=0, 1, 2, ..., and the ± sign depends on the beam transport property in the bypass. The test particle arrives at the second undulator with a time delay δ(Δt) = Δti- Δt0 and with a phase shift ΔΦi=k(ℓi-ℓ0)=k[xiI1+x'iI2+δiID] relative to the phase of the electric field at zero crossing. For simplicity, hereafter, we use (xi, x’i), and δi as the betatron phase-space coordinates and fractional off-momentum variable of the ith particle at the first undulator location. • In the second undulator, the particle interacts with the electric field of its own radiation. The fractional change of its momentum is: δPi/P=-G sinΔΦi, where ID >0 is assumed, G=gqE0NuλuK[JJ]/(2cγP) is the amplitude of the fractional momentum gain-factor, q is the magnitude of the particle charge, Nu is the number of undulator periods, g is the amplification factor of the optical amplifier, and δPi is the amount of the momentum change related to the coherent longitudinal kick Δδi=δPi/P. • Let D2 and D'2 be the dispersion function and its derivative at the second undulator. The changes of the particle betatron coordinates at the exit of the second undulator are Δxi2=-D2(δPi/P) and Δx'i2=-D'2(δPi/P), where xi2 and x’i2 are the phase space coordinates of the i-th particle at the second undulator location.
Each particle also interacts with the EM waves emitted by other particles in a sample within a distance less than Nuλ. Assume that a test particle interacts with Ns electromagnetic waves (including its own wave) in a sample. The change of the particle's momentum at the exit of the cooling insertion becomes δic=δi-Gsin(ΔΦi+ψij) where ψij=ΔΦj-ΔΦi, • Longitudinal effects We assume ID>0. A test particle interacts with the electromagnetic waves radiated from the sample of Ns particles. We have to evaluate the ensemble average of the quadratic change: Δ(δi2)=δic2-δi2= -2δiGsin(ΔΦi+ψij)+G2[sin(ΔΦi+ψij)]2. obtain the longitudinal damping decrement αδ=-(δic2-δi2)/σδ2=2GkID exp(-u) -G2Ns/(2σδ2) where u=½ k2[(β1I12-2α1I1I2+γ1I22)εx+ID2σδ2] is a measure of the total thermal energy of the beam. The optimal momentum gain-factor and the maximum damping decrement are Gδ=2kIDσδ2 exp(-u)/Nswithαδmax=(2k2ID2σδ2/Ns)exp(-2u).
SHR Orbit Control • Orbit control software to apply series of local corrections to trajectory • Based on BPM information
Movable horn GHz detectors Quartz view port (6 mm) transmission B16 Line M1 Top View M3 Quartz viewport 3.8” opening LHe cooled Si detector Side View FTIR spectrometer Nicolet Magna 860 M2 Source to M1 ~3.6m Second test: CSR Power, spectrum measurement & lattice study June 5-7, 2005 L. Carr CSR detector system
Instrumentation for Spectroscopic Analysis of Coherent SRL. Carr detector Interferometer electronics parabolicreflectors source
Final interferometer and bolometer assembly Microwave detector for CSR in time domain B. Podobedov Setup for THz run: second test • Remote RF frequency control: Electron path length adjustment for thermal closed orbit changes. • B16 line & instrumentation for CSR measurement.
Bunch length (Streak Camera) vs. bunch current & Spectrum comparison to Gaussian beam ( 3.5ps rms) Significant lengthening when Ib > 1.1A (I=2 mA) Notice: The bunch length is measured over 100 ms integration time. (over ~1.57x105 turns and 2.85x108 bunches) Distinguish of bunch “lengthening”caused by instabilities and other mechanisms is not possible. Low spectrum frequency, similar to Gaussian beam. Low bunch intensity & insignificant bunch distortion
Sub-THz signal in time domain (Microwave detector) Bolometer 75-110 GHz detector 50-75 GHz detector At low current, only transverse beam instability I=2 mA, transverse damping x=200 ms Longitudinal beam instability at higher current I= 10 mA, longitudinal damping s= 100 ms
Beam Profiles • Streak camera integrates over defined period • Fewer pictures but better statistics for large Dt • Histogram other 2-D correlations (centroids, c2, bgd) • N-tuples possible to generate cuts • Analyze large data sets together Dt = 1001 ms Dt = 111 ms
Plateau visible in pulse ht, vs. beam intensity • Achievement of high average intensity difficult for low alpha • Automating analysis for intensity scans
Timing schematic for the bunch-bunch control ~ ~ /2048 (1.4 MHz) /1024 (2.8 MHz) Fiber (10 fs) 2856 MHz /512 (5.6 MHz) …… /128 (22.4 MHz) 1.576 MHz GaAs Photo cathode /64 (44.8 MHz) 530 nm mode locked Laser EOM1 EOM2 Prescaler 635ns 1-10 Hz
The particle emits EM wave: The path length of a particle from location s1 to s2is The EM wave propagates to the optical amplifiers, and the charged Particle travels through the beam bypass. They would arrive at the Second (corrector) undulator with a time difference of Δti = ℓI /βc. The time difference between the test and the reference particles at the corrector undulator Is Δti – Δt0. The phase difference becomes ΔΦi= ω(Δti – Δt0 ) , or
Feedback • Phase stability requires control to fraction of undulator wavelength
SHR OSC Magnetic Bypass Design Particle travel length in bypass line • Cooling relies on precise difference in phase for electron and own undulator radiation • Precise control of path integrals depending on (x,x’,) • Accurate representation of SHR distribution at entrance • Chicane should permit versatile set of conditions for path integrals, incorporating into SHR MAD calculations • Develop method for chicane setting control