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DRAMA GCSE. KEY FEATURES. Teacher designed programme of activities Options in devised performance, performance support or scripted performance Contains an appropriate balance of practical and written work 60% teacher assessed coursework, 40% externally assessed practical examination
KEY FEATURES • Teacher designed programme of activities • Options in devised performance, performance support or scripted performance • Contains an appropriate balance of practical and written work • 60% teacher assessed coursework, 40% externally assessed practical examination • Centre-choice of plays and stimulus material to be explored through practicalwork
AIMS – TO DEVELOP… • Creative and imaginative powers, confidence and the practical skills for communicating and expressing ideas, feelings and meanings in drama • Investigative, analytical, experimental and critical skills • Group skills • Knowledge and understanding of drama within a social, cultural and historical context • Understanding of drama forms
SKILLSacting and/or design skills inter-personal and group working skills creative skills improvisation skills communication skills evaluative skills
Year 10 Term 1 First half – Symbolism, audition and interview techniques, expressionism, non-naturalistic theatre all explored using a variety of stimuli including fairytales and Shakespeare Second half – Comedy, Naturalistic theatre, scripted performance of the monologues of Alan Ayckbourne ‘A talk in the Park’ and ‘Talking Heads’. Term 2 First half – Improvisation and exploration of texts including, music, photography, poetry. Exploring themes using a performance of ‘Waiting for Godot’. Absurdist theatre, introduction to the technical equipment and considering design. Second half – Agit-prop theatre, comedy caricatures, political theatre, music hall, variety show, sketch shows, exploration of ‘Oh What a Lovely War’, group production of their own politically motivated piece of Agit-prop. Term 3 Coursework – this term will be spent getting to know their coursework text, completing their practical exam workshops and completing their written coursework Year 11 Term 1 First Half – Trestle Mask Work, developing comedy characterisation and physicality Second half - Coursework – this term will be spent focusing upon the theme of ‘state of mind’, they will complete practical exam workshops and complete their written coursework. Term 2 Preparation for practical exam. March – May Practical examination
UNIT 1 30% of the GCSE Internally assessed 6 hour workshop exploring a theme e.g. state of mind using different ‘texts’ (e.g. photos, newspaper articles, scripts, poetry). Experimenting with different drama explorative strategies and skills Written portfolio to accompany the workshop. 3 essays = 12 sides of A4 Essay 1 – The response phase Essay 2 – The development phase Essay 3 – The evaluative stage UNIT 2 30% of the GCSE Internally assessed 6 hour workshop exploring a substantial play text e.g. ‘Oh What a Lovely War’, ‘The Tempest’. Experimenting with different drama explorative strategies and skills Written portfolio to accompany the workshop. 3 essays = 12 sides of A4 Essay 1 – The response phase Essay 2 – The development phase Essay 3 – The evaluative stage Paper 1
Paper 2 • 40% of the GCSE • Externally assessed practical examination • a) Devised performance • b) Scripted performance • c) Third way (devising around a script) • D) performance support